The Circle Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives to create a donation culture and a better society. . [read more]
THE DOCENT is an IoT convergence operation management system development company. . [read more]
The Korea Healthy Aging Society is educating scientific guidelines for health management of the people to prevent diseases in advance. . [read more]
Tbroad owns and operates a cable TV network that broadcasts entertainment programs. . [read more]
Takara Korea Biomedical Inc. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
We make games for mobile devices. . [read more]
Seoul Design Foundation is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Located in Yongsan, the center of Seoul, Seoul Dragon City is the largest hotel in Asia with over 1,700 rooms. With a variety of restaurants and bars, meeting and convention facilities.. [read more]
EV Battery manufacturer. [read more]
Samyang Abrasives Co. is pioneering the market in the field of grinding wheels and grinding based on business capabilities and unique technology accumulated over half a century. [read more]
Because digital world is the world. ORZO. . [read more]
TheAppWhisperer is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Tium is an online seller of stationery and other accessories products. . [read more]
SKB PACIFIC has provided piping materials and plant equipment in compliance with various client's needs. Our scope of activity ranges from supplying full piping packages to added value services. [read more]
Artist Management (Drama & Film score composer, Actor&Actress, Performer, Singer)Music Streaming Service for Business Music Distribution & Copyright Administration Services. [read more]
The Military Mutual Aid Association Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Our research interests cover 1. Soft and Stretchable Electronics : Elastomers in electronic applications2. Polymeric coatings : Toward functional Surfaces3. [read more]
StarRoy is a manufacturer of dental products in Korea. We first start business in 2008. And since then, our aim has been providing the best quality product to our customer at reasonable price.. [read more]
Super Kitchen. [read more]
SK그룹 보안전문기업. [read more]
Based on the mission of "Shaping the advancement of healthcare" set forth in the "Sysmex Way," our corporate philosophy, we are contributing to the development of healthcare and a healthy life.. [read more]
S. Pin Technology는 글로벌 클라우드를 선도하는 Microsoft의 Cloud Solution Provider(CSP)로서, 고객의 클라우드 전환(Digital Transformation)에 필요한.. [read more]
We develop the best and the most innovative healthcare solutions. Smartsound corporation has been working to secure key technologies to diagnose diseases based on bio sound in the 12 years since.. [read more]
Netflix Sonata is a South Korea-based community engagement platform that connects people watching content on OTT media. . [read more]
금융과 생활의 새로운 연결을 통해 더 쉽고 편안한, 새로운 금융을 만드는 신한EZ손해보험. [read more]
TAES is an online marketplace for toys and children's products. . [read more]
The Yonsei Annals is the official English press of Yonsei University. Found in 1962 as a newspaper, The Yonsei Annals became the first ever all-English university magazine of Korea in 1992. [read more]
지난 10여 년간 쌓아온 노하우와 혁신을 바탕으로 창조적 서비스를 제공하여 고객가치를 극대화시키고 있는 토마토시스템은 현재 대학사업분야에서 독보적인 위치를 차지하고 있으며 공공, 금융, 교육, 제조사업분야에서도 고객에게 부합하는 새로운 가치를 창출, 기술혁신을 통해 최고의 가치를 제공하는 전문 IT기업으로 성장해 나아가고 있습니다. [read more]
A specialized information security company that introduces products suitable for customer's business environment, such as enterprise companies, financial, manufacturing, network.. [read more]
TORAN is a Korea based startup manufacturing and exporting self-developed innovative products. Our motto is to try our best to think of valuable ideas and turn them into real products so that we.. [read more]
Surgident, since it's founding in 2006, has steadily expanded the business range manufacturing dental instruments and Implant surgical kits applicable to various surgery cases and the way to.. [read more]
A South Korean blockchain research company Shihtzu Universe Technology is going to launch a first NFT minting along with metaverse gaming platform using the meme token. [read more]
삼화왕관은 품질 최우선 경영을 통한 고도화된 기술력으로 50여년 동안 병마개를 제조해온 세계적인 병마개 제조업체입니다. . [read more]
Shinsung J&T is a company, located at Seoul 138-240. [read more]
SAMJUNG PULP Co. , Ltd. engages in the manufacture and sale of sanitary paper products. Its products include household products, baby products and adult products such toilet paper, facial.. [read more]
(주) 세컨핸즈는 지금까지 오프라인에서 전문 인력을 중심으로 운영되고 있는 중고 리세일 시장을 AI와 데이터를 기반으로 온라인화/자동화 함으로써 기존 리세일 시장을 완전히 혁신하려는 스타트업입니다. 세컨핸즈의 비전은 판매자와 구매자에게 가장 이상적인 중고 거래 서비스를 제공하는 것입니다. [read more]