International trading serviceAgent service for sales & purchasingSmall & Medium Business consultingMarket analysis"By Connecting Products and Services. [read more]
Official Contact Office for Notified Body (CE 2292)- 93/42/EEC Medical Devices Directive (Non-active, active, class Is, Im, IIa, IIb, III) 93/42 / EEC- 93/42/EEC 의료 기기 지침.. [read more]
UNIBOOKS is an Education & Publication company in Seoul, Korea. It is established in 1990. It's major brand TunTun is widely known and it occupies more than 80% of the comnpany's revenue. [read more]
Augmented Reality for CommunicationNow developing an AR based mobile Action MMORPG game named 'CodeMong'. [read more]
This is UBI Research located in South Korea, a market leading Research Company, providing Business Consulting, various OLED related Reports and Prime Membership Service and publishing Internet.. [read more]
UNICO Global Inc. is a company, located at Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 463-400. [read more]
UNI:ON supports Clients and Vendors by providing qualified personnel, right equipment / tools and various services to bring projects to a complete success. [read more]
VR Lab. was formed in Feb. 2001 at GIST to study and develop "Virtual Reality in Smart computing environments" that process multimodal input, perceive user's intention and emotion, and respond.. [read more]
UPIS group consist of four companies. UPIS, HQT, QNT & ENZONE. UPIS group is an ISO 9001:2015 (Lloyd) provider as 3rd party agency. Four companies concentrate in Korea and China and go one.. [read more]
1. Holding Company - UpdreamKorea (http://www. updreamkorea. com)2. Fashion Brand - D'LUV (http://www. dluv. co. kr/)• Fashion Brand that designs clothes based on the drawings by Cambodian children. [read more]
This page provides a common platform for networking between present students and alumni of UOU through providing information and opportunities. . [read more]
UNI Communications is an advertising agency that provides an integrated communication, marketing, media, brand strategy solution. . [read more]
Department of Cadastral Information. [read more]
어려운 문제를 끝까지 해결해 본 적이 있나요?소프트웨어가 세상을 바꾼다고 생각하나요?그렇다면, 정말 반갑습니다!더 창의적인 업무 환경을 위해 시간을 지켜주고(Keep) 기업과 개인의 성장(Grow)을 돕는 일. 유니드컴즈의 킵그로우(KeepGrow)와 워크봇(Work-Bot)을 통해 새로운 업무환경을 디자인하는 여정에 함께 해주세요!. [read more]
e-Business web site planning and Implementation, e-Biz Consulting, Technical Support,u-Commerce Field u-Commerce Consulting Establishment of commerce service based on u-Framework.. [read more]
Unique Biotech Co. ,Ltd is a bio-venture company that professionally researches, develops and produces propolis, a natural antibiotic. We have developed the world's first non-alcoholic.. [read more]
U&I developed and manufactured its own External Fixator, Pedicle Screw, Anterior Cervical Plate, Intramedullary Locking Nails, and Ankle Locking Nail Systems. [read more]
UNISTORE is a company, located at Ulsan. [read more]
유니온픽처스는 공연/엔터테인먼트 사업 그리고 해외투어를 진행하고 있습니다. 연간 정기적으로 스타트업 지분 투자 및 당사 Ent IP를 활용한 액셀러레이팅과 M&A 프로젝트를 함께 합니다. Union Pictures is a Korean Kpop production company. [read more]
Welcome to Pusan National University, the University Representing Korea to the WorldSpiritPusan National University is a university that represents Korea to the rest of the world. [read more]
UBCS Co. , Ltd. has contributed greatly to the construction of communication network by providing wireless communication solutions to domestic (Korean) mobile network operators in the.. [read more]
United States Forces Korea. [read more]
UNIWORLD CORP is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Urhyme is a visualized lifestyle tracker. Maximize your daily motivation with your friends using sharable data visualization. . [read more]
"Beautiful Finish UNION STEEL"Established in 1962 as a Dongkuk Steel Group, Union Steel has produced cold rolled steel plates, galvanized steel plates, galvalume steel plates, and colored.. [read more]
Urobo Inc. offers an AI-based ChatBot platform. Our service offers "BizBot" that businesses can apply to extend their customer services more efficiently. [read more]
The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to world peace, sustainable development, and security by promoting collaboration among nations. The International Centre of Martial Arts for.. [read more]
With over 27 years' experience in the Radio Frequency(RF) and MicroWave(MW) industry, Unitron aims to be the leading solution provider in the telecommunications industry. [read more]
a Korean consulting firm helping customers' innovation with professional consulting and training services for data-based creative innovation. Uni Innovation Lab provides Innovation Consulting.. [read more]
Unblocked Block is one of the leading Blockchain marketing companies in Korea. [Founding Purpose] * To solve asymmetric information problems in Blockchain market * To create sound.. [read more]
Unicom Corporation is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
Uniqmoment. com is a Korean-based online retail store focused on selling clothing and fashion accessories to its customers. The website features a wide collection of products under the men’s.. [read more]
Most welcome you all to visit UBE Motors. UBE Motors is specialized in exporting Korea used buses and used bus-parts worldwide. Nowdays, Korea used buses have been received high rates of quality.. [read more]
UUNIO is a SNS marketplace based on the blockchain technology with the actual reward system. UUNIO aims to create a friendly ecosystem for content creators/performers to demonstrate their talents.. [read more]
Ucanfunding launched in June 2012 is the leading crowdfunding platform in Korea. Ucanfunding is the reward-based crowdfunding platform and opens for all types of funding campaigns including.. [read more]
티맥스알지는 누구나 원하는 것을 배우고, 나눌 수 있는 미래 지식 나눔 세상을 위해 자신이 가진 정보와 지식을 한 공간에서 만들고, 나눌 수.. [read more]