Today, we have many different ways to express ourselves in a virtual world. And to some people, a digital identity becomes their valuable asset. We thought How might we show our uniqueness in form.. [read more]
The industrial AI leader: Safety AI, Recipe AI, Quality AI and Maintenance AI for Renewable and conventional energy industries. . [read more]
The blockchain technology has enabled trustless systems , thanks to the inherent fundamentals of blockchains - such as openness and censorship-resistance - the Digital State will change how value.. [read more]
Make Value Flow like RiverVIVER는 Luxury Goods의 새로운 시장을 만듭니다. 온라인과 오프라인을 아우르는 명품 거래 플랫폼 VIVER는 실물자산의 잠재된 가치를 찾아 새로운 시장을 개척합니다. 우리는 가능성을 찾아냈고 이제 세상에 없던 가치를 만들어 냅니다. [read more]
브이원바이오는 '차세대 마이크로바이옴 신약 (LBP: Live Biotherapeutic Product)'을 연구하는 바이오 벤처기업입니다. 건강하고 가치있는 원헬스 생태계를 만들기 위해 2021년 5월 설립된 V1bio는 동물, 환경, 사람로부터 유용 미생물을 발굴하여 항암 및 면역분야의 혁신적 치료제 및 관련 제품을 연구개발하고 있습니다. [read more]
Hanwha Techwin SoC department that has accumulated the world's best optical design, manufacturing and video processing technologies in the video surveillance industry for the last three.. [read more]
In addition to importing and distributing bike apparel, Velo Lounge is a chain of premium riders' boutiques that sells top-quality cycling apparel and accessories. [read more]
Vinssen is a global leading developer of maritime Battery and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Propulsion System based on more than 20 years of maritime (shipbuilding & engineering) experience. [read more]
병원을 이용하는 습관을 바꾸다. 접수/예약 서비스를 필두로 병원을 이용하는 습관을 바꿉니다. . [read more]
브이디컴퍼니는 AI 로봇 기술을 활용하여 F&B와 리테일의 혁신을 만드는 미래지향 스타트업입니다. . [read more]
Do Right Design & ThinkingVERY JOON OH(VJO)는 여러 기업의 크리에이티브 디렉터로 활동해온 디자이너 오준식과 다양한 분야의 디자이너들이 ‘옳은 디자인 Right Design' 이라는 소명을 갖고 모인 서울을 베이스로 활동하는 크리에이티브 그룹입니다. [read more]
ViGenCell is a KOSDAQ-listed company specialized in immune cell therapy. Immune cell therapy technology of ViGenCell was confirmed to be clinically efficacious through leading basic research at.. [read more]
Look beyond the sales conversation with VODABI :>. [read more]
VCAT. AI automatically produces marketing videos in 1 minute only with product page URL. . [read more]
Vaim Global distributes products manufactured by Vaim, the parent company, domestically and internationally. Vaim is responsible for R&D and production of aesthetic medical devices and.. [read more]
vwstudio is an independent design studio that specializes in communication through UX/UI. We design digital products that optimize user experience by interpreting the core technology and.. [read more]
VSI is a provider of high-speed link solutions for the automotive industry. Our main product is automotive high-speed semiconductor products, SerDes and Ethernet. [read more]
VECTIS is a skill-based leadership communication organization addressing the needs of Korean professionals at multinational and Korean companies. We help them collaborate effectively and clearly.. [read more]
The World Technopolis Association (WTA) is a multilateral international organization created with the purpose to connect the advancement of science and technology with local development, to achieve.. [read more]
Woosuk University is a company, located at Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do. [read more]
WesleyQuest is the management consulting firm providing services in strategt formulation, strategy execution, and HR. We are also the Korean affiliate of Palladium Group which was founded by Prof. [read more]
world music center is a non-profit organization that contributes to the music culture of South Korea. . [read more]
"A Better way for Apparel Jobs!" Founded in Seoul in 2019, Vengine dedicates itself to being a leading technology company that benefits the apparel industry through data collection and analysis.. [read more]
Home to some of the most revolutionary artists in K-pop, Woollim Entertainment is a South Korean entertainment company created by CEO and Founder Joong-Yup Lee in 2005. [read more]
A world where everyone lives a healthy and happy life. [read more]
WeCrest provides software tools and services to intellectual property (IP) law firms around the world. Our tools and services allow law firms to maximize the cost-efficiency of their.. [read more]
VIVIDAD employs expertise from various advertisement fields according to your brand's needs to bring you whole and encompassing digital performance marketing services. [read more]
Dr. Chung's Food Co. , Ltd. that opened the first page of Korea's soymilk history was established in 1973, and it is the soymilk company that has led the soymilk industry of Korea and world for.. [read more]
VS PharmTech is committed to leveraging our deep understanding of life science to further advance developments in pharmaceutical technology and make a positive impact on human health. [read more]
VTOV is a South Korea-based logistics company that offers services such as same-day and on-demand delivery for individuals and businesses. . [read more]
Micro-retail entrepreneurs account for over 95% of businesses across every global economy. We honor their courage to take an idea and bring it to market. [read more]
국내 최대, 최고의 지식재산 서비스를 제공하는 글로벌 지식재산 전문기업 윕스입니다. . [read more]
WCG is a South Korea-based event management firm that hosts E-sports competition and events. . [read more]
WCG (World Cyber Games) Inc. officially announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Qujiang New District of Xi'an, China to hold the WCG 2019 finals from July 18 - 21, 2019. [read more]
WWF-Korea was established in March 2014, and has recruited a supporter base of 6,000 members in its first year. WWF-Korea has implemented many activities including Earth Hour, the Earth Hour.. [read more]
www. jfnb. co. kr is a company, located at Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do 413-860. [read more]