WaterWallSystems is DLP solution provider for internal critical data protection from insider threat by employees. WaterWallSystems has 1,350 customers in various industrial field and LG.. [read more]
At Wisekids, we seek power differently. We aim to uncover and spread new values that result from the mixing of everything digital and analogue through creative experimentation. [read more]
동물용의약품 전문 제조기업 우진비앤지입니다. . [read more]
- 청년창업사관학교 9기 (서울)- (주)와이즈업은 실시간 가상 화면 전환을 통해 몰입감 높은 강연 촬영 서비스를 제공합니다. - 1 장비 + 1 인 = 저비용 고효율 강연 완성!. [read more]
5th Generation Messenger Integration Platform. . [read more]
Aesthetic device Manufacturer in R. O. Korea. We are looking for distributors for all countries. Please feel free to contact us :). [read more]
WE Ventures, founded in 2019, is a venture capital firm in Korea that has made significant strides in a short period of time. With an AUM of KRW 5 trillion+, we are the fastest-growing VC in.. [read more]
WON TECH Co. , Ltd. established in 1999, grows up steadily and leads a medical laser equipment & Ultrasound (HIFU) market. Particularly, WONTECH realized a limitation of domestic techniques,.. [read more]
Woojung Air Consolidation Inc. is a professional consolidator of air cargo which established in Korea in 1999, and we work with internationally accredited air carriers, agent and inland.. [read more]
Wonkang Tungsten manufactures a full line of tools and accessories for the trenching, road planning, reclaiming, tunneling, longwall mining and continuous mining industries. [read more]
Supporting the testing solutions/instruments for the semiconductor and PCB. . [read more]
WeMakePrice is a South Korea-based E-commerce platform that retails products such as clothing, shoes and accessories for men, women and kids. . [read more]
WOLFMENT was a social network startup for artists and designers to share their work with each otherand to the public. The service was provided on an interactive iOS Mobile App and Website.. [read more]
Manufacturer of fabrics, components, and finished shades. . [read more]
Where's Ashley is a Korean luxury brand based in Sweden. Our passion lays in imperfect perfections. Making sure that every design is unique to ensure that our customers get a sensation of joy.. [read more]
Wallet. [read more]
Westworld, we combine creativity with technology to create inspirational visual effects for Films. . [read more]
Since our founding in 2012, WILUS has developed advanced standards technologies that enable next-generation mobile communications and multi-media services. [read more]
we perform various security consulting , security solutions / SI business, developing countries and international information security business , providing a range of services to customers in.. [read more]
"Investment Gateway to Digital Asset"Established in November 2018, Wavebridge is a top-tier institutional digital asset company with expertise in both traditional and crypto finance. [read more]
WONCOMM sets new NORMALs for autonomous wireless charging function in in-car and smart furniture infrastructures. . [read more]
Established in 1977, WOOSHIN Company is one of the leading Pigment concentrated colorant producer in Korea. We have been manufacturing Water-Based colorants over 20 years. [read more]
World Markets Korea is a Consulting, Online Marketing and Event Management company based in Seoul, Korea. Our vision is to provide every client with the most effective solution that best fits.. [read more]
와이어트는 카카오가 만든 회원 수 500만의 헤어샵 예약 플랫폼 ‘카카오헤어샵'과 탈모 샴푸 분야 1위 브랜드 ‘닥터포헤어'를 운영합니다. 카카오의 공동체로서 IT 기술을 기반으로 한 국내 유일의 멀티 뷰티 플랫폼으로 자리 잡았으며 더 나아가 유니콘 기업으로의 성장을 목표로 하고 있습니다. [read more]
Wodi Labs (Work Design Labs) helps you to enhance your 'vocational creativity'. We research and develop the training programs and tools can support you to design your own works. [read more]
"세상이 일하는 방식을 더 행복하게!"IT 기술의 발달로 일하는 방식이 변화하고 있습니다. 우리가 맞이할 미래의 일하는 방식은 과거와 같지 않을 것입니다. 위시켓은 계속해서 변화하는 사회와 시장의 문제를 앞장서서 해결하며,세상이 일하는 방식을 더 행복하게 변화시키고자 합니다. [read more]
Hello, we are WRIGHT BROTHERS, a service design company for bicycle-friendly ecosystems. We believe anyone can help save our planet just by riding a bike. [read more]
위코드는 비전공자들을 위해 대학 전문과정을 밀도있게 압축시켰습니다. 비전공자가 밀도 있게 학습하려면 오프라인 교육 환경이 중요합니다. 대학도 오프라인인데, 코딩 부트캠프도 당연히 오프라인이어야 하죠!무료 투어와 원데이 클래스를 통해서 직접 확인하세요!. [read more]
Wise is a real estate firm that provides property development and facility management services. . [read more]
Online & Mobile Game Start-up, Seoul, Korea. 원더스쿼드는 2016년 창업한 온라인&모바일 게임 개발 스타트업 입니다. - 전 세계 사람들에게 오래 사랑 받을 수 있는 게임을 만듭니다. - 전 세계 사람들을 이어주는 온라인/멀티플레이/크로스플랫폼 게임을 만듭니다. [read more]
UNISON was founded in 2003 as a Data Analytics Solution and business intelligence consulting specialized company. We have been supplying our global products from Oracle, Microsoft, and Longview.. [read more]
Executive HR Consulting Group (주)유비소시어스UBSOCIUS, a representative HR Consulting Firm in Korea implementing customers' satisfaction with competitive HR Consulting Service. [read more]
Uniquest is a recognized and respected leader and innovator in the distribution of electronic components. We provide an exemplary standard of products, services, and solutions to best suit.. [read more]
Unick Corporation is a company, located at Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. [read more]
Urban Architecture is a landscape and urban research institute that offers urban and space development services. . [read more]
U. lab provides retail & commercial, food & beverage, space identity design, and consulting services. . [read more]