WithM Korea as a HR BPO(Business Process Outsourcing) service provider assists customers enhance the competitive edge and accelerate the business development in Korea. [read more]
We Bridge Media is a video production, branding agency pursuing retail media, and international cultural exchange event company based in Korea (Seoul) and USA (New York). [read more]
Won International Inc. Located in Korea, we cooperate with our network company In Japan / Korea / Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Turkey, etc. [read more]
We run a corner shop called WHATAWATCHES in South Korea. Our shop introduces many quality watches and accessories. Since 2015, our shop has attracted almost 30,000 dedicated watch enthusiasts. [read more]
Wine Connection is the leading chain of wine shops and wine-themed restaurants in South-East Asia. . [read more]
We are committed to delivering selected real estate investments for our investors, and devoted to building sustainable relationships with strategic partners worldwide. [read more]
Since 2003, Our challenge is to continue our mission until all the women in the world become more beautiful and healthier using our excellent feminine care products. [read more]
NI/SI, 보안, 통합유지보수, 아웃소싱, 디지털 인프라 서비스, 전산소모품 등의 다양한 IT 사업을 통해 빠르게 성장하고 있는 IT 전문기업 (주)원츠넷입니다. -다년간의 풍부한 IT 사업 경험을 바탕으로, 고객이 만족/신뢰할 수 있는 전문기술 인력과 솔루션을 제안하겠습니다. [read more]
위딩은 누구와도 함께할 수 있는 어플리케이션 서비스를 만드는 팀이에요. . [read more]
#위펀은 대한민국의 복지를 만듭니다. 주식회사 위펀은 일할 맛나는 기업을 만들기 위해 태어난 "B2B 라이프스타일 플랫폼입니다. 우리는 더 나은 기업형 B2B. 서비스를 제공할 수 없을지, 지속적으로 우리의 서비스를 이용하게 할 방법은 무엇인지에 대해 고민하며 보다 가치 있는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. [read more]
WEFLO specializes in automated AAM maintenance systems – contributing to the seamless, automized experience for future mobilities. Our automated maintenance system allows for operators to.. [read more]
We are a global wine franchise company aiming to popularize wine in the world. * Homepage : https://www. winechacha. com* E-mail : info@winechacha. com * Brand Instagram 탭샵바(@tap. [read more]
워터베이션은 기존 필터를 대체하는, 물로 유해 물질부터 탄소까지 포집하는 공기 청정 장치를 만들어 개인들도 탄소 저감 시장에 참여 할 수 있는 하드웨어와 소프트웨어를 만들어갑니다. 워터베이션은 규모화가 가능하여 개인-산업-정부에 워터베이션의 솔루션을 적용하여 넷제로를 향한 진정한 탄소 생태계를 구축합니다. [read more]
Wooshin Labottach USA Inc. based in USA, subsidary of Wooshin Labottach Korean manufacturer of Dermacosmetics, Food Supplements, Medical Devices. . [read more]
Webgate is a South Korea-based manufacturer and supplier of recorders, CCTV cameras, accessories and monitoring software for businesses. . [read more]
건설 현장 일자리 구할 때는건설인력 일용직 비대면 중개 플랫폼, 가다일당을 못받을까 걱정이세요?믿을 수 있는 은행에서 먼저 일당을 당일 입금해드리는 가다!임금체불 NO~ 안전하고 믿을 수 있는 ‘가다'로 출역하세요. ‘가다' 플랫폼이 작동하는 방식은 이렇습니다. 1. 건설사가 일자리의 장소/시간/내용을 플랫폼에 등재2. [read more]
a Shorts Media & Meta Media Marketing Firm. [read more]
WCP provides the best quality Korean products to our global partners, using our extensive logistics network to deliver orders in record time. WCP has developed strong relationships with.. [read more]
The Würth Elektronik Group of companies has about 8,200 employees worldwide and generated global sales of € 1. 33 billion in 2022. With 25 production locations worldwide, Würth Elektronik is.. [read more]
Watcha. Inc is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
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Windwish provides WCP(Weather Cube-model Platform) which uses AI weather model and digital twin. It collects real-time wind data of golf courses with IoT sensors. [read more]
Wishmedia is the only Korean strategic corporation of MediaMath, and all of our employees are experts in the field of programmatic advertising. We are a trading group that specializes in.. [read more]
We11done is a company, located at Seoul 06015. They can be contacted via phone at +82-2-6253-5013 for more detailed information. . [read more]
"WIRED WITH UNIVERSE"연결해요,e-commerce 생태계를. 🚀✨와이어드는 100만 건의 소셜커머스를 통해 누구나 판매자가 되고,브랜드의 주인이 될 수도 있다는 것을 확인했어요. 👑Brand New-commerce 생태계 와이어드에서 만들어 갑니다. . [read more]
2007 년 Walvoil Spa 의 자회사로 설립되었고 이탈리아 밀라노 증권 거래소 상위 40 개 우수 종목으로 상장 된 Interpump Group,의 계열사입니다. Walvoil Korea 는 한국에서 생산, 엔지니어링 및 마케팅을 전담하는 현지 조직을 통해 모바일 기계용 유압 및 전자 제품 통합 시스템을 제공하고 있습니다. [read more]
Korean startup Ward Games corporation is coming up with an exciting game called Zooports – the Football for all online American football game lovers. Zooports is an online multiplayer.. [read more]
We can help scale up your business with unlimited videos. 💸 Money-back Guarantee🚀 Fast turnaround📝 Unlimited Revisions. [read more]
서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 웹/앱 개발 동아리. [read more]
Will the Translator is a company, located at Seoul. [read more]
The desire to make high-quality car spare parts that combine advanced technologies from Asia and Europe available to users around the world has led us to the creation of WINKOD. [read more]
WINTEX provides novelty through in-house planning, design, and weaving. We promise that we will continue to work with new technologies and designs that other textile companies have never thought of. [read more]
The company that makes content for esports competitions. Through A to Z include planning, operation, and broadcasting production of esports competitions. [read more]
Weebut is on a mission to build a world where every opportunity is easily connected. . [read more]
WeDoShip offers automated first-mile delivery solutions to online shopping malls, 3PL, fulfillment service providers, logistics companies, and large scale commercial buildings with our.. [read more]
[Vision] Everyday Analytics for a Better Life!세상에 존재하는 모든 데이터를 정제하고 분석하여 모두가 데이터의 가치를 체감하고 더 나은 삶을 누릴 수.. [read more]