Travel Agency


Phnom Penh 855


Ptm travel and tours is Cambodia travel agency that have many travel partner such as Asia pacific, USA, Europe and middle east.

Location :
Phnom Penh 855
Contacts :


PTM Travel & Tours Co.,Ltd. is established to maximize joint strengths in meeting the changing dynamics of the travel industry providing corporate travel management services to multinational clients and local companies. PTM Travel & Tours Co., Ltd brings to the recognized corporate travel management expertise and the international support of a global network.

All our ticketing offices are fully equipped with the latest ABACUS Reservation System. Backed by a strong team of dedicated and experienced counselors who are able to offer constructive and seamless ticketing services, it is our policy to always offer the lowest logical/usable fares and most convenient flights to meet travelers' requirements.

We will assist corporate companies to save more on their travel spend by providing end-to-end corporate travel solutions that cover policy compliance, suppliers leverage, improved booking process, efficient management of travel spend, flexible payment platforms, MIS reports and assistance in corporate deal negotiations with the service providers for special rates.

In addition to our core business of corporate ticketing, PTM Travel & Tours Co., Ltd is further strengthened with the provision of such travel-related services as car rental, coach transportation, inbound and outbound tours.