Make the love with flavor. [read more]
ស៊ុបសរសៃ៧កម្រិត 7-level noodle soup is a restaurant, located at ភូមិវត្តតាមិម ឃុំអូរដំបង១.. [read more]
Food and drink. [read more]
ខ្ជាយ មានលក់អាហារឆ្ងាញ់ៗ ដែលជាស្នាដៃអ្នកបាត់ដំបង. [read more]
Tuol Sleng ou S-21 est la plus connue des quelque 190 prisons que la police politique de la dictature khmère rouge avait disséminées à travers le Cambodge durant les années 1970. [read more]
Our Shop sell many different kind of cake with good taste, not too sweet and also have delivery. Hey, what are you waiting for?. [read more]
លក់មាន់អាំង. [read more]
Reservations number 099300079. [read more]
ប្រហិត ស្រួយ is a restaurant, located at ទល់មុខ ភោជនីដ្ឋាន ឡុក យីង ផ្លូវជាតិ6A, Siem Reap. They can be contacted via phone at +85512890953 for more detailed information. [read more]
Best crispy Fast Food which all people can enjoy it from morning time to night time. . [read more]
White Lounge Restaurant and Bar is the hotel sky lounge on the 22nd floor. It offers a high-quality service along with the opportunity to enjoy a magnificent view. [read more]
រីករាយជាមួយឆ្នេរខ្សាច់ និងខ្យល់បរិយាកាសត្រជាក់ស្រួល. [read more]
Restaurant & Pub Generation 21 serve the best quality of Khmer food. . [read more]
អ្វីដែលថ្មី! អ្វីដែលប្លែក! អ្វីដែលមិនធ្លាប់មាន! មាននៅ The Warm Coffee ខេត្តបាត់ដំបង។. [read more]
យើងខ្ញុំមានលក់Pizza មាន់បំពង ប្រហិតគ្រប់មុខ និងភេសជ្ជៈ មានសេវាដឹកជញ្ជូនដោយឥតគិតថ្លៃ. [read more]
មានលក់បង្កងធម្មជាតិពិតៗពីខេត្តតាកែវ. [read more]
ឡាហ្វាមី ជំនាញផលិតអាហារគ្មានជាតិគីមី រូបមន្តគ្រួសារ មានរសជាតិឆ្ងាញ់ប្លែក. [read more]
The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum is a museum in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, chronicling the Cambodian genocide. The site is a former high school which was used as the notorious Security.. [read more]
El Museo de los Crímenes Genocidas "Tuol Sleng" es el museo fundado en 1980 en la célebre prisión de alta seguridad del régimen de la Kampuchea Democrática S-21 con el fin de conservar.. [read more]
គុណភាព តំលៃសមរម្យ ស្រស់ស្រាយ ជំនឿចិត្ត ។. [read more]
អាហារដ្ឋាន សុីរៀម ថ្មពួក. [read more]
La Santé Restaurant located in Phnom Penh Thmey, we served Asian & European cuisine & wine, also coffee & all kind of natural juice from our farm at Kompong Cham province. [read more]
More than just a café you expected We're here to deserved the best cafe and drink wtih passion and new teast in town. [read more]
Restaurant. [read more]
សូមស្វាគមន៏មកកាន់ហាង បាញ់កាញ់ 5 រសជាតិ. [read more]
Felix អ្នកឯកទេសថែរក្សាសក់. [read more]
មានលក់គ្រឿងសមុទ្រស្រស់ៗ ធម្មជាតិពិតៗ បោះដុំ លក់រាយ. [read more]
ស៊ុបអន្ទង់ / កង្កែប ទឹកកកក. [read more]
ប្រហិតសាច់គោសុទ្ធ មានទឹកជ្រលក់៣រសជាតិ គ្មានសារធាតុគីមី. [read more]
we received all comment from our customers! to become a great service �. [read more]
តារានីសាច់អាំងទឹកកាពិ សាខាសន្ធរម៉ុក រសជាតិដេីមពីទឹកដីអង្គរ សៀមរាប. [read more]
Western bakery � �. [read more]
Lunch - Seafood and Dinner. Coffee - Drink - Beer - Cocktail - Wine - Whiskey. [read more]
Welcome to PTT Gas Station Kraing Thnoung, We are warmly welcome to any customers to our Gas Station, Amazon, and the Last Restaurant. . [read more]
ក្តៅហុយហុយ - Kdao Hoy Hoy Eating good and healthy food is the foundation for better life. Kdao Hoy Hoy will serve you good and healthy Cambodian street foods with hygiene.. [read more]
The Burger Brothers serve simply good, juicy and affordable burgers in Phnom Penh. Our burgers are 100% meat, no extenders w/ cheddar cheese and soft buns. [read more]