Specialty Frestly Roasted 100% Arabica Coffee is brewing here!. [read more]
Almost 20 years of awesome food and drinks on the legendary "pubstreet". Come in for a meal and try Angelina Jolie's tomb raider cocktail and maby win 100 USD CASH !! Only in The Red Piano. [read more]
Homemade Craft beer with two taste and enjoy with Thai food. . [read more]
Chef's Creations - Restaurant & Bar TRY IT TO LOVE IT, Get your fats on!. [read more]
Healthy Beauty. [read more]
Is the fast food restaurant, selling the product on the street with hygiene, good service, and delicious. Hot, fresh, Bake. . [read more]
Please Find our location by link below:. https://www. google. com. kh/maps/place/11°34'25. 4%22N+104°52'49. 3%22E/@11. 5737103,104. 8798138,182m/data=!3m2!1e3!4. [read more]
Angkor Thmey Restaurant is a restaurant, located at ផ្លូវជាតិលេខ៥ ភូមិស្រែព្រីង.. [read more]
Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Some claim it is the most widely consumed liquid in the world aside from water. . [read more]
POLO Restaurant is one of top restaurant in Phnom Penh as providing a best foods, warming service and the perfect after working and busy day. . [read more]
Buy Pizza 1 Get 1 Free មានទិញភីហ្សា១ថែម១ នៅថ្ងៃអង្គារ/សុក្រ Call 093/092 410004 $13. 95 បានភីហ្សាពីរធំ ផ្លូវ ១៦៣កែង៣៩០ ។. [read more]
We offer special recipe coffee, drinks and asian cuisine dishes. [read more]
This is a more experience, good service, suitable price, delicious foods, comfortable place and big space for packing. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee. [read more]
Really nice bar with many beautiful hostesses. They also a have quite good pool table where you can play a friendly game with any of the girls. . [read more]
វីហ្រ្វេនសាខា កោះពេជ្រ is a restaurant, located at Koh Pich, Phnom Penh 24000. They can be contacted via phone at +85581812222 for more detailed information. [read more]
V-Friend Restaurant offers delicious food, beautiful places, good service. . [read more]
บริการอาหาร และเครื่องดื่ม. [read more]
PCFC ផ្តល់សិទ្ធិលក់បន្ត មាន់បំពង ភីហ្សា បឺហ្គឺ ហតដក. . . . [read more]
*មានលក់អ៊ីណុក *មានតម្លើងអ៊ីណុក *តម្លើងតំបូលដែករោងចក្រ នឹងដំបូលផ្ទះគ្រប់ប្រភេទ. [read more]
មានលក់ឈុតកំរាលគេង និងខ្នើយគ្រប់ប្រភេទ តម្លៃសមរម្យ គុណភាពខ្ពស់ free delivery �011290980�016337168�0979991753. [read more]
ktvមហាគ្រួសារ ជាktvលក្ខណ:គ្រួសារ. [read more]
រស់ជាតិ នឹង គុណភាព ជាទីទុកចិត្ត. [read more]
we have BBQ and seafood for you. [read more]
អាហារដ្ឋានគ្រួសាររីករាយ & ស៊ុបម្ទេសក្រហម is a restaurant, located at 17A St. 432, Phnom Penh. They can be contacted via phone at 85581777711 for more detailed information. [read more]
ខ្ញុំចង់រស់ជាមួយគ្រួសារ ក្នុងជីវភាពធម្មតា. [read more]
ផលិតផលនាំចូលពីអាមេរិច� ធានាគ្មានផលប៉ះដល់សុខភាព �. [read more]
សូមចុចLike Pageផ្លូវការរបស់ហាងមី គ្រួសាររីករាយដើម្បីចំណេះដឹងវិជ្ជាមេផ្ទះ និងរបៀបធ្វើមី. [read more]
គុយទាវគ្រួសារ Family Noodle is a restaurant, located at st 193 corner st 402, Phnom Penh 12200. They can be contacted via phone at 855070888338 for more detailed information. [read more]
សាច់អាំងបែបកូរ៉េដែលមានរស់ជាតិឈ្ងុយឆ្ងាញ់. [read more]
ភោជនីយដ្ឋាន គ្រួសារខ្មែរ Khmer Family Restaurant is a restaurant, located at ផ្ទះលេខ 194 ផ្លូវលេខ 156 សង្កាត់ទឹកល្អក់ទី 2 រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ, Phnom Penh 20878. [read more]
Seafood Restaurant. [read more]
Kami menyediakan catering kemboja asli yg halal Kami gunakan daging tempatan Dan sayur segar Dari ladang Masakan ini diwarisi Dari turun temurun. . Lazat. [read more]
Experience the taste and fun of a Khmer BBQ in the heart of town. We are located in Le Passage a popular restaurant alley, parallel with Pub Street. . [read more]
Muslim Family Kitchen restaurant. [read more]
HUNGRY BEAR was born for HUNGRY's. STAY HUGRY!!!! We have speciality food with BEEF,PORK,CHICKEN!!! And Amazing PUMPKIM PUDDING!. [read more]
Welcome to Champeisor BBQ Russey Keo. [read more]