Cambodia Information Technology Organization is a courthouse, located at National Highway 1 Mean Chey, Phnom Penh. [read more]
Court of Appeal Office of The Prosecitor General is a courthouse, located at National Highway 5 Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, 120208. [read more]
នេះជាគេហទំព័រផ្លូវការរបស់យើងខ្ញុំបង្កើតឡើងក្នុងគោលបំណងបម្រើផលប្រយោជន៍សាធារណៈជនទូទៅ។. [read more]
Internationella domstolen i Kambodja är en FN-stödd domstol, tribunal, med både nationella och internationella domare och åklagare. Dess officiella namn är Extraordinary Chambers in the.. [read more]
Nadzwyczajna Izba Sądu Kambodży dla Osądzenia Zbrodni Popełnionych w Czasach Demokratycznej Kampuczy (Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes.. [read more]
Kambodžan erityistuomioistuin tai punakhmer-tuomioistuin on Phnom Penhissä sijaitseva YK:n ja Kambodžan hallituksen perustama erityistuomioistuin. Sen tarkoituksena on syyttää punaisten.. [read more]
Les sont le nom officiel du tribunal qui traduit actuellement en justice les principaux dirigeants encore en vie du régime khmer rouge. HistoriqueUn premier procès, eu lieu dès le mois d’,.. [read more]
The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, commonly known as the Cambodia Tribunal or Khmer Rouge Tribunal, is a court established to try the most senior responsible members of the.. [read more]
Das Rote-Khmer-Tribunal ist ein hybrider Strafgerichtshof nach dem Vorbild des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien (ICTY) in Den Haag und des.. [read more]
Supreme Court and General Prosecution, Kingdom of Cambodia. [read more]
Het Cambodjatribunaal is een strafhof in Cambodja ter berechting van genocide, grove schendingen van de Geneefse Conventies en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, moord, marteling en.. [read more]
องค์ชุมนุมชำระวิสามัญแห่งตุลาการกัมพูชา.. [read more]
Чрезвыча́йные пала́ты в суда́х Камбо́джи — специализированный орган, созданный в результате.. [read more]
柬埔寨法院特別法庭(,;Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia,縮寫ECCC;Chambres extraordinaires au sein des.. [read more]
สนามกีฬาโอลิมปิกแห่งชาติ ตั้งอยู่ที่กรุงพนมเปญ, ประเทศกัมพูชา มีความจุ 50,000 ที่นั่งในปี ค. ศ. 2023 สนามกีฬาแห่งนี้จะเป็นสนามกีฬาหลักของกีฬาซีเกมส์ 2023 ที่กัมพูชาเป็นเจ้าภาพ. [read more]
Dewan Luar Biasa Pengadilan Kamboja, yang umumnya dikenal sebagai Pengadilan Kamboja atau Pengadilan Khmer Merah, adalah sebuah dewan yang didirikan untuk mengetahui para anggota Khmer Merah.. [read more]
Tribunal de Camboya o "Tribunal para el genocidio camboyano", es un tribunal especial de carácter mixto, constituido en el Reino de Camboya y con el apoyo de la comunidad internacional.. [read more]
First Court of Kampong Speu Provincial is a courthouse, located at 104, Krong Chbar Mon. [read more]
Khamer Rough the death of Nations. Porsenchey Khan, Phnom Penh Capital, Kingdom of Cambodia. ព្រោះខ្ញុំធ្វើការនៅទីនោះ. [read more]
Workshop on procedural of penal. [read more]
It is First Instance of Svay Rieng Province. The provincial Court of Svay Rieng. [read more]
សាលាដំបូងខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ. [read more]
សាលាដំបូងខេត្តកំពត is a courthouse, located at Krong Kampot. [read more]
តុលាការខេត្តប៉ៃលិន. [read more]
The municipal court of Phnom Penh. Located on the opposite side of Olympic stadium and City mall shopping center. Very easy to find the building. . Tòa án tối cao Phnom Penh, Cambodia. [read more]
តបតាមសំណើរបស់ Kouprey Digital ចំពោះ តុលាការកំពូល ត្រូវបានក្រុមហ៊ុន Google បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយលើផែនទីជាផ្លូវការហើយ។. [read more]
Parties of the cases who are not happy with the decisions of the lower courts (provincial/municipal and then Appellate Court) can pursue their cases here to be reviewed. [read more]
Siem Reap Provincial Court is a courthouse, located at Navutu Rd, Krong Siem Reap. [read more]
Police Post in Kompong thom , Cambodia. . [read more]