
Trans Nzoia Socio Economic Network-TSN


TSN is a grassroots organisation that envisions communities that are socially and economically developed within an environmentally sustainable framework.


  • Community Organization


TSN is a thousands-strong duly registered grassroots organisation of small-holders united to pursue agricultural production and marketing activities for posterity. We practice intensive horticulture in Trans-Nzoia County, between Mt. Elgon and Cherengany Hills water towers, in rural Kenya. TSN members work with state and non-state stakeholders to establish local agricultural support infrastructure and secure farming input, education and produce markets. We integrate climate change adaptation through water-economic irrigation, greenhouse technology and cultivation of indigenous vegetables and outdoor flowers for local and export markets. Farmer capacity building is done through field days in demonstration plots, ICT, exchange visits and on-farm extension. Climate change mitigation efforts are encouraged through restoration of wetlands and water catchments, agro-forestry, revegetation of farmlands by planting indigenous vegetation, education and sustainable agriculture. TSN members are further re-organised into numerous smaller Self-Help Groups of mostly women and the youth. Individually and in groups, members create self-employment through labour-intensive horticulture, localise modern agronomic methods and environmental conservation into viable eco-friendly economic activities that serve to uplift their socio-economic status.


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