Have you had it with the clutter? The mess? The stuff?
Do you struggle to find the time and energy to sort through it all?
Do you want to feel happy when you walk into your home (Not stressed, annoyed or frustrated)?
If you’ve had it and need help getting organised, I’m your girl!
Messy spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognised as a significant source of stress in our lives! I understand that not everyone has the time nor the energy to declutter, organise and systemise. I work with you to help declutter and simplify to a level with which you feel comfortable & create bespoke organisational systems that you can easily maintain long term.
Simplified Living offers a wide range of affordable services tailored specifically to your needs:
Home Decluttering, Organisation, Simplification and Styling.
-Living Areas
-Kitchen | Pantry
-Wardrobe Editing
-Kids Areas
-Bathroom | Laundry
-Home Office | Filing
-Garage | Storage Areas
Home Staging (prior to sale or rent of property)
I de-clutter, simplify and style your home prior to sale or rent. The objective is to make your home appeal to the largest possible segment of the market and increase the buyer interest and sale price by emphasising the best features of your home.
Ask for Gift Vouchers for any of the Services above!
Professional de-cluttering and organising is my passion and what may seem overwhelming to you, just fills me with excitement. My job is to help, not judge. My goal is to inspire, motivate and simplify as many lives as possible.
I truly believe that de-cluttering, organising & simplifying your space will build your confidence and set you on the path to a lighter, freer, and better living.
For more information drop me an email on simplifiedliving.ke@gmail.com
Hope to meet you soon!
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