
Heritage Foods Kenya Limited is a Kenyan based company that specializes in manufacturing dog food. Heritage Foods represents foods that mirror the high quality and inclusion of various grains and whole meats that dogs are naturally evolved to eat.

With three unique products [Top Dog, Krunshi Economy, and Krunshi Plus] formulated according to veterinarian set standards, Heritage Foods is guaranteed to provide high quality dog food that meets the diverse nutritional needs of today’s dogs. Made from Kenya’s best and fresh ingredients, Heritage Foods keeps your pet healthy, happy and strong.

Tags : #FoodBeverageCompany, #Food&BeverageCompany

Location :
Msafi Millers Godown, Athi River, Mombasa Road, P.O.Box 3256 Nairobi, Athi River, P.O.Box 3256 Nairobi
Contacts :