Christian Empowerment Church, we follow the great commission of Jesus Christ to preach and convert as we await His second coming. [read more]
We are one of the friends churches in Kenya under Kongowea monthly meeting, Nairobi Yearly meeting. We are located in the North-Coast of Mombasa County. [read more]
This is the Official Facebook Page for Outreach Hope Huruma. [read more]
It is a christian based group founded on the belief in the saving power of the cross and the holy trinity. . [read more]
Better a good name than wealth. . [read more]
ZOE: Greek, God Kind Of life. . [read more]
As you go to Kasufini shopping centre from malindi high School, about 80m from the school amin gate, to the right, there we meet and worship. [read more]
Act's: 2: 38, Preaching the revelation of one God, and the plan of salvation, We love to stay in the presence of the LORD in prayer and fasting. . [read more]
SOZO is the Greek word translated “saved, healed, and delivered. ” #Where Life is Always Happening#. [read more]
We are a College ministry, passionate about JESUS!!!Our goal is to see students filled up with Jesus during their time at school!! JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY!!. [read more]
St. Francis Community Hospital is a Level 5 Faith Based Teaching and referall Hospital offering Quality and affordable health care services. . [read more]
We are located along the northen by pass Kahawa west. On your way to Ruiru,200 mtrs from the round about. Next to classic petrol station next full gospel. [read more]
The New Testament was written in Greek. The Greek word Sozo is used 110 times in the New Testament to mean you are saved, you are made whole, you are healed and you are delivered. [read more]
Expounding the importance of Evangelism. [read more]
Chosen Christian commissioned to go deliver,heal and gather God's people Nahum. 3:18,19. PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL TO ALL NATIONS. . [read more]
Official : What God can do no man can do' "The mega church kitengela. @nenokitengela on twitter. . [read more]
Seventh Day Adventist Church With an aim of uplifting people spiritually. . [read more]
A church that worships God in Truth and Spirit. [read more]
Raising a generation of power and purpose. . �. [read more]
If you have been looking for a place to worship in spirit and truth, this is the place. where God is Exalted, Satan is defeated and Jesus is Lord. . [read more]
Dear Members, It is a pleasure to work together in the service of Lord. This year’s theme 2020 'HOPE IN TRANSITION' PHILIPPIANS 2:16. [read more]
Bible Study Fellowship is an interdenominational , in-depth Bible study that helps people know God and equips them to serve the Church effectively. . [read more]
Brethren Fellowship Ministries is a christian based Registered Organization Preaching and Reaching out to the world by the Gospel of Jesus. . [read more]
Welcome to the Official Website of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Ziwani, Mombasa. This is a Christian Faith church preparing the world for the return of Jesus Christ. [read more]
House of Dominion. A Place where Greatness is realized and destinies fulfilled. . [read more]
Building Destinies Through GOD's Word. . [read more]
We are a Bible believing Church. We believe in the Holy trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. . [read more]
To teach to Train and to Equip the body of Christ with the word of faith so that the believer can live a victorious life. [read more]
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. . [read more]
A home for orphaned and most vulnerable teenage girls, under 15 years , who were forced into the street due to pregnancy. [read more]
This is a Religious Youth Group based in Kakamega Town Church-P. E. F. A. . [read more]
Sunday service | 10am |. [read more]
Serving God The Best Way By Establishing And Strengthening His Kingdom. Mat 28:18-20,By global Agape Love;Unity in the Body of Christ Jesus. Phil 2:2. [read more]
Located in East side of Nairobi CBD-Umoja Estate next to Mama Lucy Hospital along Spine Road off Kangundo Road. . [read more]
Breakthrough Victory Church, Utawala Road, Off Eastern Bypass, Nairobi. [read more]
We’re Bible-based, Christ-centered Church. Our Vision||Winning souls||Making Disciples ||Sending to Nations. Join us Every Sunday 10:30am to 12:30pm at RealPark,3rd Floor, Bandari Road, off.. [read more]