Nippon Seiro is a manufacturer of petroleum waxes, physically and chemically converted wax products and fuel oil. . [read more]
We are a lean knowledge sharing consultancy firm known as the "masters of execution" who specialize in Consulting & Optimization (implementation), Coaching the Lean Leader Mindset (behavior.. [read more]
MOT Research Institute creates new business innovation from Yamaguchi by developing new businesses through joint investment companies. . [read more]
Maco Trading is a company, located at Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi 757-0005. [read more]
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 12 is a company, located at Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture. [read more]
Marine Corps Community Services is a company, located at Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture. [read more]
Meiwa Plastic Industries, Ltd. is a company, located at Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture. [read more]
MK Bio Co. , Ltd. is a company that researches and develops microbial preparations for environmental purification. . [read more]
STrust is a real estate company. . [read more]
Samayu Co. , Ltd. ,is the ONLY and SOLO authorized repair agent of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Yoowon-Mitsubishi steering gear, and deck crane, deck machinery, fin stabilizer,.. [read more]
Sanyo Onoda City Government is a company, located at Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi 756-8601. [read more]
SACOM is providing computer selling, network construction, remote maintenance, website and software development services. . [read more]
Shimonoseki City University is a company, located at Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0831. [read more]
Robo Support Yamaguchi Co. , Ltd. (now reha square yamaguchi) is walking training facility providing firm that utilizes cutting-edge robots. . [read more]
RPG Plant is a company which processes & sales of agricultural products using plant cultivation equipment services. . [read more]
Japanese Interior design generator powered by AI. Whether you are building, remodeling, or decorating, Jife has you covered. Experience Japanese Living with Jife. [read more]
Office PcNet provides lecturers and assistants for computer training in various places. . [read more]
Orange House specializes in hardware sales and software development businesses. . [read more]
Japan Wanted is a company, located at Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi. [read more]
Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation is a company, located at Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +8181832462501 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kobe SPECIAL Tube CO. ,LTD. is a company, located at Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture. [read more]
Kogata specializes in the development, management and operation of inventory management systems. . [read more]
Kurakazu Communications offers PC sales, repair, support and website construction/web marketing services. . [read more]
Kameyama Kindergarten is a company, located at Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi Prefecture. [read more]
Just Right Customer Solution/JRCS株式会社公式アカウント。企業情報や海にまつわるあれこれを発信中。Support Crews with the power to sail the seas & the earth with tech to fight climate change. [read more]
Itecs engages in the development and sales of package software. . [read more]
昭和42年の創業後、旋盤加工とフライス加工による複合精密切削加工を専業として成長。人材育成では、図面の読み解き・加工方法立案・プログラミング作成・治工具製作・段取り・本加工・仕上げ・検査までを1人で完結させる、自立した職人を増やす取り組みを行っている。 現在、高精度・高品質を要する半導体製造装置真空部品加工を主力とし、航空宇宙・発電エネルギー・医療分野へも事業を展開している。航空機分野については2013年9月にJISQ9100を取得、QMS要求に基づいたシステム・組織体制を構築し、本格参入を目指している。 最先端の旋盤・マシニングセンタを導入し、高精度・高品質な複合精密切削加工を実施。主力である半導体分野のほか、航空宇宙分野では、エンジン部品や機体部品の製造を手がける。近年は国産初のジェット旅客機 MRJ(三菱リージョナルジェット)の開発・量産に携わる。 航空機分野の受注拡大に向けて2014年5月に新工場を建設し、大型複合加工機、同時 5軸制御マシニングセンタ、立体形状測定を可能とする三次元測定機、CATIA V5やVERICUT等のソフトウェアを導入。 同時5軸制御マシニングセンタではAPC機種(24パレットシステム)を導入し、ツール寿命管理や治工具の変更リスクを低減した生産環境を構築している。また、難削材・難形状の加工や、コストダウン・品質保証に対応するため、治工具は自社開発で対応。 技術面ではアルミニウムとステンレス加工を主体とし、インコネルやチタン合金等の難削材加工に対する技術対応力を蓄積している。研究開発では新素材の切削加工に取り組み、難燃性マグネシウム合金の新たな切削加工実績開拓に携わっている。≪難燃性マグネシウム合金 anti-flammable magnesium alloy≫マグネシウムは、アルミニウムよりも軽く(比重約3分の2)、比強度、比剛性に優れるといった特徴を持つ。加えて、実用金属中最大の振動吸収性(減衰性能)を持つため、輸送機器や機械の振動・騒音を抑えることが可能である。他方で、マグネシウムの持つ燃えやすい性質について、発火温度を200~300℃上昇させることで、改良したものが「難燃性マグネシウム合金」である。この難燃性マグネシウム合金とは、実用金属中最軽量であるマグネシウムの特徴を活かした画期的な材料として、航空宇宙産業をはじめ多様な産業分野への用途拡大が期待されている。※アメリカ連邦航空局(FAA:Federal Aviation Administration)策定のマグネシウム部材用燃焼試験の合格基準をクリア(独)産業技術総合研究所九州センターの開発シーズ・知財「カルシウム含有マグネシウム合金鋳造品の製造方法」特許-3318606 他2件(特許-3030338・特願2005-075473). [read more]
We publish the local newspaper, "Hofu Nippo" ("Daily Hofu") five days a week. It is tabloid size. Each issue is 4 pages. We cover the local government and business in Hofu city and Tokudi,.. [read more]
Hagimori Industries, Ltd. is a company, located at Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture. [read more]
(株)ジオパワーシステム is a company, located at Mine, Yamaguchi 754-0603. [read more]
Geo Power System is a company, located at Mine, Yamaguchi 754-0603. [read more]
Gather website and business information to determine potential sales of a product or service, or plan a marketing or advertising campaign. . [read more]
Hitech Systems provides contract development and sales of PC equipment and packaged software services. . [read more]
Finevege-Project is a Manufacture and sale of foods using agricultural products company. [read more]
GEKIDAN specializes in the field of recruitment and human resources development business. . [read more]
FKY-Soft officially began in 2010 by a group of talent Vietnamese engineers who, at the time, had over seven years of software outsourcing experience. [read more]