F-money is a student organization responsible for the operation of the children's dream shopping street. . [read more]
Yamagiwa Corporation is an electrical/electronic manufacturing company based out of Chuo, Tokyo, Japan. . [read more]
Yasuda Real Estate Co. ,Ltd. is a real estate agency, located at Chiyoda, Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +810332572081 for more detailed information. [read more]
Well known names in industry research in Japan with 50 years of expertise pioneering research business in Japan. A one stop solution for your decision making. [read more]
We aim to provide services that serve as a bridge for customer communication and make the entire family of customers smile. [read more]
Yasuda Enterprise Development Co. Ltd is the one of the most experienced venture capital firm with long operational history and high reputation among Japanese VC firms, under insurance.. [read more]
Yoshimura Food Holdings manufactures and sells food products that include dried noodles, buckwheat flour and frozen foods. . [read more]
Education, Research, Technology company in Tokyo. . [read more]
concierge service. [read more]
YPC is a consultant company located in Japan to assist licensing cutting-edge technologies and new drugs to and from Japanese companies. . [read more]
Yamazaki Construction Co. Ltd. is a company, located at Chuo City, Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +81 3 3661 1361 for more detailed information. [read more]
YOUR SANCTUARY is a planning, manufacturing and wholesale of the luxury brand “CYCLAS” and development of the specialty store “The SECRETCLOSET”. . [read more]
YEAAH is a factory brand proposed from the field of manufacturing. [read more]
Specialist Japan Direct Marketing company. [read more]
Yumeta is a Japanese animation studio. . [read more]
ヤクルトは、代田イズムを礎に「生命科学の追究を基盤として、世界の人々の健康で楽しい生活づくりに貢献します。」という企業理念を基軸に事業展開を行っています。食品事業近年、人の腸でよい働きをする乳酸菌やビフィズス菌のパワーを健康維持・増進に役立てようとする「プロバイオティクス」という考えが世界中に広まっています。これは、ヤクルトの創始者である代田 稔が唱えた「予防医学」「健腸長寿」そのものと言えます。「ヤクルト」をはじめとする乳製品乳酸菌飲料、はっ酵乳はすべて「予防医学」「健腸長寿」の考え方に基づいています。長年の研究から数々の乳製品が生まれ、多くの方々に愛飲されています。また、現代病や生活習慣病予防の見地から、様々な健康効果が期待できる機能性に優れた飲料も開発・発売しています。今後も、ヤクルトはプロバイオティクスのリーディングカンパニーとして、これからも「人々の健康に貢献する」ことを目的に、予防医学に基づいた乳酸菌の可能性をさらに追究するとともに、機能性飲料の研究開発も積極的に進めていきます。化粧品事業ヤクルトの化粧品は、「乳酸菌のチカラを、素肌のチカラに。」のスローガンに基づいて開発しています。体に良い乳酸菌は肌にも良い。この発想をもとに研究を重ね、1955年スキンケアのための乳酸菌培養液「乳酸菌はっ酵エキス(保湿成分)」を開発しました。その後も、乳酸菌由来の「高分子ヒアルロン酸(保湿成分)」などのオリジナル成分の開発や肌の研究を重ねています。化粧品事業のブランド名称は、Yakult Beautiens(ヤクルトビューティエンス)。「お客さま一人ひとりの肌の状態にあった化粧品をご提案したい」という想いから、ヤクルトビューティやヤクルトレディを通して全国のお客さまにお届けしています。医薬品事業ヤクルト医薬品事業は、1961年、食品や医薬品の原料となる酵素を用いた製品の開発からスタートしました。1967年医療用医薬品の販売を開始。現在では一般用医薬品(医薬部外品)、医療機器、試薬などにも事業の分野を広げています。また、主力の抗がん剤に関しては、化学療法抗がん剤「カンプト点滴静注」を開発しました。現在は、「エルプラット」を加えた2つの抗がん剤を中心に、世界に評価されるオンコロジーカンパニーとして医療・医薬への取り組みを進めています。. [read more]
Y's Cは、フォトグラファー・ヘアメイク・スタイリストを中心としたマネージメント業務、及び、カタログ撮影・広告・イベント・ショーなどの出演モデルのキャスティングも行っています。国内外で活躍するクリエイターを中心に、カタログ撮影などもトータルサポートさせていただきます。Y's C is an representation agency in Tokyo. [read more]
yuka&alpha is a company, located at Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0002. [read more]
About Yaraku: "For Enjoyable Global Communication"Yaraku is a startup developing an translation management platform called "YarakuZen", base in Shibuya, Tokyo. [read more]
Yume No Machi Souzou Iinkai Co Ltd is an information technology and services company based out of Japan. . [read more]
YUKAI Engineering specializes in the development of robots that bring joy to life. While robots are playing increasingly bigger roles in manufacturing, disaster responses and other areas, YUKAI.. [read more]
Yamato Global Logistics Japan Co. , Ltd. is a transportation trucking and railroad company based out of Calle Laguna del Marquesado Nª 19, Nave 16 Edificio Adriana 1ª Planta, Polígono.. [read more]
Yuko Yuko Corporation is a company, located at Koto, Tokyo. [read more]
Yamano Music co. ,LTD is a music company based out of Chuo, Tokyo, Japan. . [read more]
Creating and maintaining systems for Yamato Transport. [read more]
Yolo is a Operation of information media for foreign residents and residents of Japan. Operation ofOperation of YOLO BASE, a working inbound facility for foreign residents and residents.. [read more]
Yamada Corporation is a Japanese pump manufacturing company founded in 1905. The main products are air-driven pumps, especially Air-Operated Double Diaphragm pumps (hereafter AODD pumps)!!Yamada.. [read more]
Finance & Accounting Consulting- We support your finance and accounting as a ‘right-hand' of your managementInterim CFO, Temporary controller- We fill a vacancy of a position in finance.. [read more]
YEVO is the biggest launch in MLM history. What other company has invested hundreds of millions before they open the door? What I am finding is that there are 2 kinds of people: those who have.. [read more]
Yagi Card was an initiative started in 2011 by Mt. Gox and a Canadian startup to create the first Bitcoin debit card. The company was shut down in April 2014 at the same time as Mt. [read more]
yourJAM provides an intelligent custom video builder with a joint SNS platform allowing multiple sharing on major SNS accounts. In 3 steps, select video content to auto-edit to a professional.. [read more]
Yuzu Kyodai is a strategy consultancy that is grounded in culture. We believe that strong brands stand in dialogue with their cultural context. As a creative partner, our expertise is unvarying,.. [read more]
By cooperating with tech communities and companies, such as Rails Tutorial with Softcover Inc. ( https://www. crunchbase. com/organization/softcover ) , delivering their contents to Japanese market. [read more]
Fashion. [read more]
Yamazaki Baking Co. , Ltd. , was established in 1948. Over time, the company introduced the latest baking equipment and technologies developed in Europe and North America, and expanded its lineup.. [read more]
YOCTO INTERNATIONAL is a leading online service provider specializing in targeted financial sector in South East Asia. We provide the largest social media for investors in Japan with over 3.. [read more]