MAVR (Mixed, Augmented, Virtual Realities) is a special interest group (SIG) within the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT). The extended official name is The Mixed, Augmented, and.. [read more]
J-CAT is a technology company that helps to connect people who want to learn Japanese culture, the masters of each art, and traditional settings. . [read more]
人材派遣・業務委託(BPO)・人材紹介サービスなどを提供する総合人材サービス会社です。. [read more]
リアルタイムコミュニケーション機能を簡単にアプリに追加できるクラウド向けAPIプラットフォーム『pluscomm』を中心に、コールセンター向け通話録音システムやWeb開発など、広くワンストップで手掛けるイノベーションカンパニーです。. [read more]
JAPAN-INDIA Consultant with specialization in Publishing, Trading AND Recruitment. . [read more]
・Advertising agency business specializing in the overseas promotion and inbound promotion to Japan・Operation of inbound promotion support portal site [Inbound ONE] https://www. [read more]
弊社の事業としましては、スカウト型のヘッドハンティング事業、応募型の人材紹介事業、加えて業務委託プロジェクトのご紹介を行っており、領域は会計、税務、経営戦略などのコンサルタント職、専門職が中心となります。具体的には、大手グローバルファーム様、コンサルティング会社様、ベンチャーキャピタル様、PEファンド様等へのプロフェッショナ人材、および事業会社の管理部門責任者やスタートアップ企業のCxO職等もご紹介させていただいております。業務委託のプロジェクトとしては、連結・開示等を中心とした業務請負、決算業務支援、内部統制支援、IPO支援などの案件を多くご紹介しております。個人の皆様の働き方の多様性につながるようなご提案と、クライアント企業様へ専門性の高いソリューションを提供することを目指し、日々活動しております。. [read more]
Japan Pakistan Economic & Cultural Association an initiative to bring both countries closer. . [read more]
We are an assciation of companies that provide services, meetins,. [read more]
Just seeded writes about early-stage startupsI firmly believe early-stage startups are the real change-makers. By looking at the world through the lenses of these startups and their founders, we.. [read more]
JACK ROAD is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
Our MissionBringing you unique, delicious, and ethical Japanese artisanal cheese. Why? Because we know you have an infinite amount of cheese choices and want to choose something of value. [read more]
Jobs Near Me: Remote Positions is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
J Trade K. K. is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
Japanese Cinema Archives (JCA) is a film review website. We publish articles, analyses, and lists of Japanese films and anime. It started with visions of blogging grandeur but soon turned into.. [read more]
We run Japan Specialty Foods Project marketing Japanese unique ingredients to corporate chefs of tech companies in Silicon Valley & high-end catering companies in San Francisco Bay Area. [read more]
A former Mac-centric independent software vendor that developed titles for Apple Japan and NTT (Japan's largest telco) as well as under its own brand. [read more]
Startup incubation & investment focuses on Japanese startups going global business and foreign startups entering the Japanese market. . [read more]
Japan SMC. [read more]
日本赤十字社 is a hospital, located at Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 105-0022. [read more]
We have strong track record of reliability. We have exported used printing machinery to over 30 countries. We are proud to make a positive difference to the global ecology by effective using.. [read more]
Jimoto provides shared activities for travelers in Tokyo. You can book a local activity at the last minute, and join the it along with other travelers. [read more]
Jeremy D. Thomson is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
Company Name :Joy every time Inc. Established:June 15, 2012Business Detail:International trading business, planning and wholesale related to accessories, eyewear and sunglasses. [read more]
JXPRESS is a company, located at Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0033. [read more]
Jamm is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
We provide solutions utilizing AI, robotics, and mathematical algorithms toWe realize manpower and labor saving in factories and warehouses through solutions utilizing AI, robotics, and.. [read more]
ietty is a real estate portal site that provides information for home seekers and property agents. . [read more]
We are a Passive Renewable Cold Chain Logistics product solution manufacturing company. Our product comprises all modes of cold chain solutions such as Air, Sea, Train, Land, and last miles delivery. [read more]
iHub Base is the first FIWARE iHub in Japan. We focus on smart cities in Japan, particularly in creating use cases and businesses powered by FIWARE and fostering a community of FIWARE users in Japan. [read more]
IMPACTLAKE provides Impact Management Tool "impactllake"(https://impactlake. jp/en) and consulting services related to impacts for enterpirses, investors and other impact creators as the.. [read more]
製品ライフサイクル管理(PLM)や統合ワークプレイス管理(IWMS)など、ライフサイクルに関わるソリューションを提供するソリューションベンダーです。. [read more]
its communications Inc is a company, located at Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +81 4 4820 7549 for more detailed information. . [read more]
「iKala」は台湾発のAIスタートアップ!企業のデータ統合管理の加速や、データ解析及びマーケティングサポートなど、独自のAI技術を活用したトータルDXソリューションを提供しています。現在日本人スタッフも在籍しており、主に日本企業の台湾を中心とするアジア各国への越境ビジネスサポートを行っています!アフターコロナの時代に突入した今、回復の兆しを見せるインバウンド事業への施策など、インフルエンサーを活用したマーケティング支援が可能です。. [read more]
innov. は世界に新しい価値を提案するモノゴトづくりを行っています。人々の感性に着目する人間中心デザインで、社会の「なんか、いいな」「面白いね」「心地いいな」の総量を増やします。innov. はまだ世界にない新たなイノベーションやビジネスアイデアの提案を行います。クリエイティブとビジネスロジックが調和した新たなビジネスアイデアのコンサルティングを行います。. [read more]
私たちは、スマホアプリ・WEBアプリにおける様々な課題を「ワンストップ」で解決するテック・コンサルティング・カンパニーです。. [read more]