TWOTONE(株式会社ツートン)は、インタラクションデザイン出身のアートディレクター、茂出木龍太と岩城洋平の2名で始めたデザインスタジオです。2010年4月に設立、現在は創設メンバーのAD2名に加え、6名のデザイナーで、恵比寿(東京)を拠点として活動しています。アートディレクションとデザインを軸とした、マーケティング活動のサポート、コミュニケーションデザイン、製作が特長で、ウェブサービス/ウェブサイト構築、スマートフォン向けアプリの企画・UXUIデザイン、映像の企画演出、コンテンツの企画編集、 CI/VIデザイン、グラフィックデザインをはじめ、舞台演出、イベント演出など、活動メディアは多様です。TWOTONEという場を作るにあたり、僕らは大きく2つの目標を掲げました。1つ目は、アートディレクション・デザインを通して最大限、社会に貢献をしていくこと。クライアントをはじめ、クライアントのパートナーの社会活動を、サービスやツールの利用者の活動を、デザイン的思考で支えます。2つ目は、社会活動の一端を担う責任・自負を持ったデザイナーがひとりでも多く育つ場になること。自分たちの持てる力を発揮し続けるだけではなく、僕らを育ててくれた師や先輩、そして家族に敬意を持ちながら、次世代へパスしていくことにも力を入れたいと考えています。社名であるTWOTONE(ツートン)は、2名(TWO)ではじめたことと、視覚デザインにとって欠かせない色合い、色調、濃淡(TONE)をモチーフとしていますが、もっとも重要視したのは、発音の心地良さです。社名を発声してくれる方々が、身体的にブランドを記憶し、親しみを感じてもらえればと名付けました。2色で彩色した同心円のシンボルマークは、僕らが手がけるデザインのエネルギー、強いてはクライアントの社会活動のエネルギーが、世の中に波及していく様子をイメージし、デザインされています。また、多様なエネルギーがあるべきと考え、構成色は規定されていないシンボルマークであることも特徴です。. [read more]
TRENDS AND FRIENDSEvent Organisation, Promotional event, concept design, Artists bookings service, Video Section. . . . . and more!A new Community in Tokyo. [read more]
The orchestra of 19. . . The Tokyo Sinfonia has won much praise for its imaginative programming and inviting presentation, distinguished by warm sound, lively expression and friendly rapport with.. [read more]
Tetsugen Corporation is a company, located at Chiyoda, Tokyo. [read more]
Technically, it's possible. . [read more]
2008 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Okura Hotels & Resorts. Founded on the principle that our hotels must consistently offer the best accommodation, the best cuisine, and.. [read more]
"Intellectual Property in Tokyo, the Key to Success in Asia"The Takaoka IP Law Office is a central-Tokyo Intellectual Property firm that provides advice and legal services in a broad range.. [read more]
Toppan is a leading and diversified global provider committed to delivering sustainable, integrated solutions in fields including printing, communications, security, packaging, décor.. [read more]
Tokyu Agency is a company, located at Minato City, Tokyo 105-0003. They can be contacted via phone at +81-03-6811-2400 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We are a 30-year established OEM/ODM providing advanced electronics combined with state-of-the-art bone conduction technology and transducers used for two-way communication solutions. [read more]
Taisei Rotec Corporation is a company, located at Chuo, Tokyo. [read more]
Topcon operates in three segments, the Positioning Business, which uses high-precision GNSS positing technology to achieve the automation of civil engineering construction and farming, the.. [read more]
Tokyosharehouse is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
Telcoin is a financial technology platform leveraging the blockchain to facilitate high-speed, low-cost international remittances. Telcoin partners with telecoms and mobile money platforms.. [read more]
Taihei is a total plant construction company that provides nuclear power plants & environmental equipment. . [read more]
TOKITA Inc. is a Tokyo based company specializing in the import and export of premium quality traditional Japanese chef's knives, kitchenware, tableware, and food products. [read more]
Tabletop Pixel is a small indie studio based in Tokyo whose ambition is to create video games with a strong boardgames & big pixels flavor, and also "artistically playful experimental".. [read more]
TECHNIQUE CONSULTING is a Machinery and Equipment company. . [read more]
Taktopia & Co. is an educational company that combines the expertise of Habataku, a 'creative group for new learning', and Native Mind LLC, a 'global educational company for students.. [read more]
Tottori Tours is a regional acty-vitious reservation site, and a promotion concept movie of tourism, food and beverage and wedding projects. . [read more]
Make It Simple. "Uncomplicate your information system" Working together with you to envisage a better information management system for future growth and success. [read more]
TOHO Cinemas Ltd. is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
We are a 24/7 provider of high-quality English Japanese translation in the financial, legal, pharma, and creative sectors. We are the creator of Leveraged AI, a bespoke, next-generation.. [read more]
Torchlight Inc. is a social media advertising agency and the developer of Sherpa, an advertising platform with focus on brand oriented and direct response ads that has helped more than 1000.. [read more]
TOIN Corporation is a full-service localization provider with services encompassing authoring, localization, content management and workflow / process consulting. [read more]
基幹システム開発携帯サイト開発運用サポート開発ツール作成マニュアル作成WEBサイト制作コンサルティングITドキュメント英日翻訳--------------------------------ソフトウエア開発を通じて、生産性の向上、セキュリティの向上、豊かさの向上を目指し社会に貢献することを目的とする。短期的に 状況対応型の経営を行い10年後の上場を目指し、開発実績と売上と利益を追求する。現在の情報革命はまだ、始まったばかりと時代認識をし 20年後に起こりうる さらなるコンピュータ社会 デジタル社会に対応できる少数精鋭の高い技術力を駆使してシステムを操りコンピュータやネットワークに精通した技術者集団を目指します複雑化社会の中での効率化される行政システムや ロボットAI技術など将来起こりうる産業に向けて社会貢献をしていきたいと考えております. [read more]
transcosmos research and development Inc. , (formerly: DECTech Tokyo Inc. ,) is a software development company, focusing on integrating applications and third-party technologies to commonly.. [read more]
truestar is Japan's only independent media and marketing consulting company. We are an unique professional consulting group that our mission is to leverage company value with an implementation.. [read more]
TREE OF LIFE CO. ,LTD. is a company, located at Shibuya, Tokyo. [read more]
The Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank is a company, located at Sumida, Tokyo. [read more]
THINK OUT OF THE CASE K. K. [TOOTC] re-designs corporate images and products to accomplish the entry to the global market. TOOTC becomes the bridges for global corporations to introduce.. [read more]
The Sankei Building Co. , Ltd. is a real estate agency, located at 1, Chiyoda, Tokyo. [read more]
TDK is a manufacturer and supplier of electronic materials and components. . [read more]
*Our events are sponsored by principle-c. com. This is a bilingual (English/Japanese) meetup for Digital Marketers of all types to get together, listen to presentations, swap ideas, and.. [read more]
The Asahi Gakusei Shimbun Company is a company, located at Chuo, Tokyo. [read more]