This is the official page for the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ). Used to test. . [read more]
Nakajimakeieizeirishi Services is an accounting, located at Minato City, Tokyo. [read more]
AXESS Accounting Office is an accounting, located at Chiyoda, Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +810364529191 for more detailed information. . [read more]
英国勅許公認会計士協会(ACCA:Association of Chartered.. [read more]
We provide accounting tax and management consulting services to foreign companies, mainly. . [read more]
Yamada Corp (6392) is an accounting, located at Ota, Tokyo. [read more]
■概要 税理士法人平成会計社は、20年以上にわたり会計・税務に関わる業務の実績を積み重ねてきました。現在、200名を越える国内最大規模のアカウンティングファームへと成長し、さらなる組織の拡大を目指しています。また、近年のグローバル化という環境変化に対しては、ベトナムのハノイ、ホーチミンに現地法人を開設しました。 ■事業内容〇ヘルスケアに関わるコンサルティング業務 法人設立支援、M&A、病院の業務改善指導、事業承継 等〇J-REIT会計受託業務 スキームの立案、公開支援業務、税務申告業務、合併に関わるコンサルティング 等〇M&A・事業再生・事業再編業務 M&A・MBO・TOB他のスキームの構築、仲介、デュー・デリジェンス、プランニング 等〇事業承継対策業務 スキームの検討から事前対策、その他資産税・相続税対策 等〇アウトソーシング業務 中小企業から上場企業の決算対策帳簿・試算表・決算書・財務分析表の作成、税務申告書の作成 等〇国際会計・税務業務 海外進出支援、対日進出支援、クロスボーダー税務、移転価格税制、国際財務報告基準(IFRS)への転換、 英文財務諸表の作成、海外子会社等の税指導 等〇IPO支援業務 組織整備、規定関係資料の作成、登録申請書の作成 等〇内部統制構築業務 J-SOX対応 等〇各種コンサルティング業務 株価算定、経理システム(ERP)導入立案、法人の設立、連結納税導入 等. [read more]
東京共同会計事務所は1993年に設立され、以降、ファイナンス分野を中心に、会計・税務、財務に関する専門性の高いコンサルティング・サービスを提供してきました。現在では、国内有数の総合型会計事務所のひとつとして、M&Aや組織再編、ストラクチャード・ファイナンス、企業再生、事業承継、資産税や国際税務などクライアントの皆様のあらゆるニーズにお応えするサービスを提供しております。その結果、当事務所の活動は、日本だけに限らず、アジアにおける有力な事務所として国際的にも高い評価を頂いております。. [read more]
Tokyo Consulting Group's mission is to help foreign companies to set-up business in Japan, and to help Japanese companies establishing themselves abroad. [read more]
Telwel East Japan Corporation is an accounting, located at Shibuya, Tokyo. [read more]
SprAut Accounting provides financial and accounting services to all entrepreneurs striving for a better future. The firm and its partners have outstanding experience of auditing clients.. [read more]
Tokyo Zeikei Group companies (TZC) are relentless when it comes to supporting the growth and development of the client's business. Since its establishment, TZC has put the client's profit first. [read more]
OC & Associates K. K. along with OC & Associates Tax Co. , specializes in providing accounting outsourcing, tax compliance, payroll and audit/attest services to foreign companies in Japan. [read more]
Hello. I am a certified tax accountant, formerly from an international ad agency. In addition to being a certified tax accountant, I have two decades of experience working in the account division.. [read more]
Nippo Corporation is an Accounting company located in 1-19-11, Kyobashi, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. . [read more]
Since 1989, Nagamine & Mishima ("N&M") has helped foreign-affiliated firms expand their business operations in Japan by assigning bilingual staff with expertise in tax, accounting, payroll and.. [read more]
Mazars is an internationally integrated partnership, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services*. Operating in more than 95 countries and territories, with more than.. [read more]
Simply Tax is focused on tax return advisory and prep for US (and Japanese, other international) citizens comply with IRS, US state income tax requirements. [read more]
Seventh Sense Group provides tax and accounting services, for companies and foreign company owners in Japan. Since its establishment, the accounting firm's main clientele has been startup companies. [read more]
Our mission is to provide foreign-affiliated companies in Japan with back-office solutions to ease the hassles almost all the startups from abroad would have to enter and succeed their business.. [read more]
MerryBiz Inc. is an outsourced accounting company which is founded by Hiroki Kudo on July 4th, 2011 in Japan. We are the first company which developed a system to make receipts visible online.. [read more]
Sumida Brokers & Consulting, part of the SBC Group, is licensed by the Japan Ministry of Finance as a Japanese Life Insurance Brokerage. This enables SBC to advise and establish Retirement.. [read more]
Solid Japan K. K. , which was established in 2008, is part of leading international professional services provider Equiom Group following an acquisition in February 2017, working closely with.. [read more]
We at Quantum Accounting provide advanced solutions for new, complex, and global challenges that only the accounting firms traditionally called the Big Four could handle. [read more]
H. I. S. Management Services Sdn Bhd is a Japanese based company incorporated in Malaysia which is the regional office for South East Asia, South Asia and Oceania regions based in Malaysia under H. [read more]
Based in central Tokyo, RSM Shiodome Partners is a group of professional service firms who decided it was best to partner and work together so that clients don't need to constantly schedule.. [read more]
From a single office established in 1983, we have grown into one of the leading accounting firms in Japan, which supports foreign businesses. Having provided our services to over 3600 clients.. [read more]
Engaged in advisory and consulting service in Japan for:Audit / M&A / IPO / Equity finance / MBO / Business Succession / Inheritance TaxTax compliance / IT consulting for Consolidation Reporting.. [read more]
Certified Public Tax Accountant Office Immigration Lawyer Office. [read more]
Welcome to Kleta Associates!We are accounting/tax professionals for engineers and creators!1. We focus on engineer and creators, and support our customers to focus on their core business. [read more]
We are an international market entry, accounting & business support firm operating in Japan as a member of Kreston Global. With over 750+ member offices and experts in 110 countries, Japan.. [read more]
JBAグループは、会計コンサルティング・税務コンサルティング・人材サービス・リーガルサービス・グローバルサービスを提供するプロフェッショナルファームです。【JBAグループ】- 株式会社JBAホールディングス- ジャパン・ビジネス・アシュアランス株式会社- JBA関西株式会社- JBAプロセス・イノベーション・コンサルティング株式会社- JBAファイナンシャルアドバイザリー株式会社- JBAキャピタル合同会社- JBA税理士法人- JBAアセットマネジメント&コンサルティング株式会社- 株式会社JBA不動産鑑定事務所- JBA HR ソリューション株式会社- JBA社会保険労務士法人- JBA司法書士法人- JBA行政書士事務所- JBA土地家屋調査士事務所- JBAアジア株式会社- 上海捷比愛投資管理諮詢有限公司. [read more]
Hongo Tsuji Tax & Consulting is a group of professional Public Tax Accountants and Certified Public Accountants. Our services for corporate clients include tax advisory, outsourcing of accounting.. [read more]
Since our establishment in 2005, we have been providing mainly accounting and tax-related services categorized into real estate, investment, finance and foreign companies, as well as IR.. [read more]
Marunouchi Trust Tower North 8F (Reception: 9F),1-8-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0005, Japan. [read more]
Growin Partners Inc. is an accounting, located at 1, Chiyoda, Tokyo. [read more]