Edging machine Manufacturer founded in 1932. Our product include Lens Edger, Frame Tracer, Blocker, and Hand edger for eyewear business, We provide machines for semiconductor industry as well.. [read more]
ZONER L. L. C. Japan is a Japanese branch of software developer company ZONER software, a. s. from Czech, Europe. ZONER L. L. C. is focusing on marketing activities, software sales and.. [read more]
Yanmar is a portable generator manufacture since 1960 with its first footprint in Middle East and Asian Market. Since then Yanmar is well known for its quality & durability in the generator segment. [read more]
Founded in Japan in 1961, Yamanaka Eng. is a manufacturing company that specializes in forging tools. As a leading manufacturer in Japan, we have designed and manufactured advanced cold and.. [read more]
zeroichi is a company which gathered members who love creating things (01) from ideas more than anything else and started our company. . [read more]
The place where serendipitous encounters lead to unexpected acquaintances and where inspiring experiences reveal a new perspective. . [read more]
Zeami Art is a company, located at Suita, Osaka Prefecture. [read more]
Zojirushi is a manufacturer and supplier of bread machines, electric kettles, electric water boilers, refrigerators and rice cookers. . [read more]
#エグゼクティブプレゼンス「エグゼクティブプレゼンス」をご存知ですか?英語圏ビジネス先進国では「上に立つ人の資質」「リーダーシップの重要な一部」と認識されるビジネススキルです。アテインメンツ合同会社は日本で初めて「エグゼクティブプレゼンス」の研修や指導プログラムを提供しはじめた会社です。私たちは、独自のメソッドを開発し、「エグゼクティブプレゼンス」を効果的に高めるための個人向けトレーニング、企業向けの導入プログラムや研修を提供しています。. [read more]
akagane thailand co is a company, located at Sakai, Osaka Prefecture. [read more]
TTQ's objective is to improve and develop tufting technology and tufted carpet quality in particular. [read more]
Cactustudio. co is a company, located at Osaka, Osaka Prefecture. [read more]
Blue Comet Labs is a software development company based in Osaka, Japan. We specialize in developing iOS & macOS applications that deliver unique value, experiences, and delight to people around.. [read more]
Bhutta Japan Motors Co. , Ltd. primary business is exporting quality Japanese vehicles and spare parts worldwide. Our valued customers can buy from our Company's Stock and from Live Car.. [read more]
Alfactory Works Gallery(アルファクトリー制作事例) is a company, located at Osaka Prefecture. [read more]
The ATC Building is a 370,000 square meter office complex located along the scenic shores of Osaka Bay. It features a diverse range of retailers, F&B establishments, parks, and event.. [read more]
2006年創立からの多くの経験を積んだソフトハウスであり、あらゆるアプリケーション開発を提供しています。. [read more]
ZenMarket is a fast-growing e-commerce service undergoing rapid growth with roughly 800,000 registered users around the globe. ZenMarket was founded in April 2014 in Japan with the primary.. [read more]
Zealz is a company, located at Osaka, Osaka Prefecture. [read more]
吉川国際特許事務所は、1988年に所長弁理士、吉川俊雄によって、大阪・京橋に設立されました。設立以来、国内有数の大手企業から中小・零細企業、主要大学、または個人のお客様まで、それぞれのお客様のニーズにあったきめ細かいサービスを提供して参りました。所長の国際化に対する意識は事務所設立当初から強く、早くから国際色豊かなスタッフの育成に尽力して参りました。世界中の特許事務所と広く強固なネットワークを形成し、国内はもちろん、海外での知的財産権の取得もサポートさせて頂いております。特許・実用新案・商標・意匠などの知的財産権の出願登録、権利化後の管理、及びその権利をお客様に最大限にご活用頂くためのあらゆる助言やサービスを提供させて頂いており、質の高さ、安心の価格に、多くのお客様よりご満足を頂いております。技術分野に関しては、所長、吉川の専門分野である化学、及び弁理士、市川 寛奈の専門分野であるバイオテクノロジーを中心に案件を取扱い、近年注目されるiPS細胞に関わるバイオ分野を強みとしております。技術部の充実にも取り組み、化学、バイオはもちろんのこと、機械、電気、通信、医薬品、生物、半導体、物理、情報処理、建築、自動車、金属材料、食品など、あらゆる分野のエキスパートがお客様の案件を承ります。国内のお客様の海外出願、及び在外のクライアント様からの国内出願のニーズの増加に伴い、翻訳部の拡大にも尽力し、技術者、翻訳者、チェッカーが三位一体となって行う質の高い翻訳を低価格でご提供できることも吉川国際特許事務所の大きな強みとなっております。当事務所では、手数料をサービスごとに固定で設定しておりますので、ご満足頂けるサービスを安心の価格にてご利用頂けます。ご要望であれば、無料でお見積りさせて頂きます。Yoshikawa International Patent Office has been providing a comprehensive variety of services related to patent law in Japan based on our wealth of experiences and expert knowledge. [read more]
YuiMedic is a pharmaceutical company that conducts drug discovery research and develops pharmaceuticals. The company was founded in 2009 and is based in Osaka, Japan. [read more]
Yogibo is a company, located at Osaka, Osaka Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81 6-6563-9186 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Yamaguchi Sangyo partners with its customers and suppliers, to deliver world class equipment solutions for compounding, extrusion, textiles and alignment. [read more]
YAMAMOTO PRINTING is printing UV screen and processing for medical products & semiconductor manufacturers. . [read more]
Yes-fm 78. 1mhz is a company, located at Osaka. [read more]
Yodogawa Christian Hospital is a hospital, located at Osaka 533-0024. They can be contacted via phone at +81 6 6322 2250 for more detailed information. [read more]
Yzhome. co. ,Ltd is a company, located at Osaka. [read more]
Yoshikawa Kasei is a leading plastic manufacturer specialized in injection molding. With over 65 years in business, we provide innovative solutions to our customers' needs. [read more]
Yume Photo is a Production and sales of graduation and graduation school albums nationwide Hard work a. [read more]
To the World from DoneRobot School Franchise - Robo DoneOver 50 schools in JapanInternational FC in Hong Kong (5 - 2017)After School - 学童のDoneEnglish School - 英会の話. [read more]
Software technologies enable you to achieve more. We are software professionals making it happen. . [read more]
Strengths accumulated in 20 years of production with top digital camera manufacturersAs the world's leading digital device ODM/OEM company, Xacti offers development, manufacturing and.. [read more]
X Server is a Hosting Services. [read more]
Your Style engages in planning, design, development, sales and maintenance of computer-related software. . [read more]
Yamauchi Corporation is a company, located at Hirakata, Osaka Prefecture 573-1132. They can be contacted via phone at +818478072880 for more detailed information. [read more]
Yoshino Spirits Co. with head office in Osaka, Japan is considered to be one of the most diversified import and export companies, specialized in handling premium alcoholic beverages. [read more]