We aim to digest current news and information on SDGs into easily-absorbed information for anyone to understand. . [read more]
TV NIPPON is a company, located at Beppu, Oita 874-0000. [read more]
Become a TEST Trainer in JapanFree TESOL worksheets: https://www. reddit. com/r/TESOLJapan/Do you want to be an Australian Government accredited TESOL trainer using one of the latest test.. [read more]
The Centralis creates awesome projects "bridging Japan and the world. " We focus on the following services:* Coworking Spaces: aim to open up the connection between Japanese and foreigners. [read more]
STEAH Inc. is an application development company specializing in solving social issues. We are also going to offer an in-house application service called "My Earth", an application where users.. [read more]
Support for Sisters (SFS) is a student-led initiative by Ritsumeikan APU students to provide free and easy access to menstrual products on campus. . [read more]
SHINKYUSYU is a company, located at Usuki, Oita. [read more]
SHIMIZU LAW OFFICE. ALL RIGHT is a company, located at Oita, Oita Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(097) 533-9788 for more detailed information. [read more]
Our vision is to create a community for APU students to grow and inspire each others creativity through Filipino culture. . [read more]
Organization for the Realization of Co-curricular Activities (ORCA) is a company, located at Oita, Oita Prefecture. [read more]
Oita Canon Materials Inc. is a company, located at Kitsuki, Oita 873-0033. [read more]
Oita National College of Technology is a company, located at Oita 870-0152. They can be contacted via phone at +81(097) 552-6075 for more detailed information. [read more]
・Medical English・メディカルイングリッシュ・医療・ナース・医者・英語・OET・NEAS Accredited OET Training ProgrammeNEASに認定されているOETトレーニングプログラムOETとは?OET has been developed specifically for 12 healthcare professions. [read more]
Nata de Kukki. [read more]
Nakatsubunka Hall is a company, located at Nakatsu, Oita. [read more]
Established in 2015 and successfully operating in the digital media industry, Mochiron. Ltd is a digital media agency employing a vast network of skilled developers and designers in many countries. [read more]
Masterssc is a company, located at Oita. [read more]
LAYLA is a marketplace-style e-commerce website specializing in semiconductor manufacturing parts. People from worldwide can become buyers and/or sellers and trade directly through this website. [read more]
At Kyushu Experience Japan, we want to provide foreigners and international students with a better guide on travelling and exploring Japan. Besides, to share on what it's like to live in Japan. [read more]
Kouei-Sangyou Co. ,Ltd was establish since 1962. One of the oldest local distributors in Oita, Japan. When it comes to Maintenance, repair and Operation products or MRO, we provide best services.. [read more]
KAYANONOSAN is a company, located at Kitsuki, Oita 879-1313. [read more]
Connecting people, companies, communities, and the world. At Global Town, Inc. we are experts in software development, design, language translation, and education. [read more]
Minasan Konnichiwa. Hope you all are having a wonderful day. This company is for ordering from Japan to Bangladesh. We take orders from the following websites/stores:-DAISO.. [read more]
Connext ASEAN is a non-profit organization, newly formed by a group of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University students in 2014. With the focus on education inequity issue among Southeast.. [read more]
舞「楽」is a Japanese traditional dance circle at APU. With the goal to preserve Japanese tradition&culture as well as spread the Japanese traditions not only to international friends but.. [read more]
経営学領域の大学発シンクタンクとして、学術研究から得られた知見と成果を、社会実装します。近年、経営学と実務との連携は世界的なトレンドとして増加傾向にあります。これは、テクノロジーの発展と経営の高度化によって、以前に比べて企業や行政などの組織とアカデミアの研究者が共同プロジェクトを実施する環境が整ったためであり、それらの共同研究で得ることができた実践的な研究成果が高く評価されています。地方企業や地方創生への貢献、産学連携の取り組みの活性化、研究成果の社会実装を通じて独自開発したコンテンツを具現化し、広く提供します。ATDI (Anchorage Talent Develop Institute) は、働く人々の可能性を最大限解放できるように、能力開発のために集う場(停泊地: Anchorage)となりたいという思いを込めています。航海中の船の様に、働いている間は経験を積むことができますが、立ち止まって客観的に自分を見直したり、新しい知識やスキルを学ぶことは難しいです。ATDIが提供するサービスを通して、ビジネススキルのアップグレードをする場として活用いただけれると幸いです。【ビジョン】「次の世代が未来を創れる未来」を創る私たちは、社会と企業の持続可能な未来を実現することを目指し、そのために企業や行政をはじめとした組織との共同研究や課題解決、人材育成事業を行っていきます。特に、現代社会ではイノベーションや尖った人材を阻害する要因が課題となっています。これらの阻害要因を「4屈」として定義し、これら阻害要因の打開をミッションとします。【ミッション】日本に蔓延る「4屈」(窮屈、偏屈、卑屈、退屈)を破壊する. [read more]
We are a students organization that thrives to foster critical minds for sustainable future by creating a platform for students who are interested in environmental issues and sustainable development. [read more]
#AWorldOfGirls is a community/platform/project, dedicated to inspire and empower girls in all parts of the world. It started out as a photo project created by Bella Utami in 2016, but seeing.. [read more]
Ak Electronics is a company, located at Hiji, Oita. [read more]
Music Production services. [read more]
YAKUKEN is a matching service that connects freelance pharmacists and pharmacies. . [read more]
Yufuin Foundation offers public awareness, practical activities, and research related information services. . [read more]
Vietnamese Youth and Students Association in APU is a company, located at Beppu, Oita 874-8577. [read more]
We are exporting Japanese used cars, truck and others vehicles. We are constantly through with new innovation to fulfil our customers demand. Every members are working with a great commitment.. [read more]
Tomishiro Products Co. ,Ltd. is a company, located at Oita. [read more]
Sanwa Shurui is a Japan-based brewing company that produces and markets wine, brandy and liqueur. . [read more]