Helical Works is an independent, creatively led Internet Service Team that creates something new and good for consumers. We are not a Web Developer. Nor are we a consultant who do not commit.. [read more]
ホスティングサーバーやクラウドサーバー、Webサイトなどインターネットでビジネスを展開する際に必要なソリューションを、ワンストップで提供しています。. [read more]
Provider of sophisticated welfare services based in Kyoto, Japan. Besides it, we will launch our new project, hatt la hatt which literally means "hand and hand" in Nepali. [read more]
Impress your customers with our premium Madagascar vanilla products. Our vanilla adds a touch of luxury and takes your food preparation to the next level. [read more]
The Jesmonite Japan Distributor in Japnan. [read more]
Choanji Temple is a company, located at Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture. [read more]
:不動産開発・管理・運営→バイオラボやシェアFab、シェアハウスの開発・管理・運営をおこなっています。もし、不動産開発や管理運営を任せたいなどの相談等がございましたら、お声がけください。:起業・開業支援→シェアオフィス&ハウスEVERを通して、起業経験が浅く何をすべきか迷っている起業家や起業未経験者、既に事業を始めている起業家を受け入れ、職住一体かつ、互いに切磋琢磨できる環境を提供しています。起業家や開業者が自分の事業に集中できるように、55,000円(初期費用なし,Wi-Fi,電気など共益費込み)から家具等を揃えて提供をしています。もし興味がある方や下宿をしてて事業にチャレンジされたい方は、自分の持つ諸々の家具を売って自己資金に充ててください。必要なモノはここにあります。また、EVERでは、今紹介したオフライン入居とオンライン入居(無料)がございます。オンラインの入居希望者では、投資家との横流会や交流の場の提供もさせていただきます。:投資事業→シェアハウスEVERの中で目覚ましく成長している企業、事業者に対しては株式投資を検討しています。私生活含め、間近でみるからこそ投資すべきかどうかが判断しやすくなります。また、VC,エンジェル投資家や法人で投資を検討されてる方々に対し、弊社会員(EVER入居者、オンライン入居者)の起業家との仲介や相談等も受け付けております。気になる方はぜひ、弊社まで、ご相談ください。:M&A支援事業→後継者不足で悩まれている事業者の皆様、是非弊社にご相談ください。ご希望に応じた提案をさせていただきます。また、弊社独自のM&Aサービスの提供も行なっておりますので、ぜひ、ご検討ください。→事業を売却されたい方も是非、ご相談ください。弁護士、公認会計士、税理士を通してサポートを行います。:各自イベント・勉強会の開催経営・エンジェル投資・プログラミング・法律に関するイベントを開催したり、合同で開催しております。イベントを行いたい法人様、Whatever SHIMOGAMO,シェアオフィス&ハウスEVERでイベントをしてみたい法人様は、是非ご相談ください。. [read more]
Cattery OLIVE CROWN is a company, located at Uji, Kyoto Prefecture. [read more]
Kyoto Central Region was launched in 2010 by Takahiro Kogiso. Since then, it has continued to grow, and now there are about 650 members in 13 chapters. [read more]
We are a full service travel agency and destination management company that is part of the Big Holiday Co. , Ltd. , founded in 1964 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. [read more]
BESS久御山 is a company, located at Kumiyama, Kyoto. [read more]
Bushi,inc. is a company, located at Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture. [read more]
Bridge to Kyoto is a residence for urbanists as well as an event, workshop, and gallery space. Anyone who considers themselves part of the phenomenon of "the city" is welcome to stay with us.. [read more]
Business and Human Development Japan KK manages two licensed hotels in Kyoto, Yadoya Mibu Hakuou and Yadoya Tou In Gen Ei, and is planning to expand its activity to include a language school as.. [read more]
The AAERE is an academic organization which is dedicated to encourage the exchanges of ideas, researches, and other professional activities that are of an interdisciplinary nature relating to.. [read more]
The APPIL project is based at Doshisha University in Kyoto(Japan). . [read more]
We are Travel Agent located in Kyoto Japan, specializing in Japan Travel, Tailor-made Travel for Solo Travel and Small Group Travel with Local & Luxury Experience. [read more]
I Am Siddharth Gurung from Nepal. Since my childhood, I always wanted to share my experiences with others through my personal website. Following my dreams, I studied IT courses and finally.. [read more]
Coin Flipping Capital, also known as CFC, is a hedge fund, which specialises in systematic trading using quantitative models and informative systems derived from mathematical and statistical analysis. [read more]
株式会社ASIRA。シンセサイザー製造・販売、アプリ制作、ウェブデザイン、ロゴデザイン、映像制作など。京都を拠点として世界に展開しています。. [read more]
葵KYOTO STAYは、京都の鴨川・高瀬川沿い・東山の町家を中心に、各町家一棟を一日一組様限定でお泊り頂ける宿となっております。窓からは、春の桜並木、夏の新緑や東山の紅葉などが楽しめる絶好のロケーションで、非日常の世界に浸り、ゆっくりと日頃の疲れを癒す贅沢な時間と空間をご提供致します。現在、鴨川沿いに「鴨川邸」、高瀬川沿いに「万寿寺橋」、「高瀬川」、「綾小路橋」、そして四条烏丸にほど近い新町通りに「新町」がございます。また2012年11月には6棟目の町家「八坂高台寺」がオープン致しました。どの施設にもこだわりの骨董と高級家具をしつらえております。_________________________________________________________Aoi Hotel& Resorts provides its guests with a wide range of accommodations, be it a top-notch, spacious room at our hotel or one of our affectionately designed traditional Japanese townhouses. [read more]
winter japanese art is a company, located at Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture. [read more]
the kano chronicles is a company, located at Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture. [read more]
Swizzlabs is a dynamic team of top-notch NFT creators who have been revolutionizing the blockchain space since 2018. With their innovative ideas and unparalleled creativity, Swizzlabs has been at.. [read more]
Suigenkyo Online Store is an e-commerce site specializing in traditional crafts and artifacts. We sell our products all over the world. We offer a wide range of products such as tableware,.. [read more]
ZenVita offers the first online home design platform where homeowners the world over can interact with top Japanese architects to design and customize their homes. [read more]
Yukisaki offers various design and consulting services like graphic and web designing, brand management, advertising, event planning, etc. . [read more]
We are a worldwide Exporter and Handler of a wide range of Vehicles, Old and New Cars, Medium & Heavy-Duty Trucks, Motorcycles, Body-Parts & Engines. . [read more]
Our Mission: Increase English Fluency in Japan. Daily Conversation and Business English lessons updated each week; Native English teachers from the UK, U. [read more]
We are YAMASAN Co. , Ltd. in Uji, Kyoto, Japan. Uji, where the hub of Japanese traditional tea culture is. We are always selective about "Taste", "Quality" and "Safety" and provide the.. [read more]
Yamada Architecture is a California-trained architectural design practice in Kyoto. We aspire to foster people's creativity by highlighting the beauty of ordinary natural phenomena, for instance,.. [read more]
Yamanaka Ceradyne, Inc. is a company, located at Kyoto. They can be contacted via phone at +81(075) 724-1560 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Yumemi is the best thought leader of gamification in Japan, providing its gamified CRM and e-commerce technology to lots of large brick-and-mortar enterprises in Japan such as Mcdonalds',.. [read more]
Yukawa Institute is a research institution in the field of theoretical physics. Since its foundation in 1953 by Hideki Yukawa, our institute has been playing a major role in leading the research.. [read more]
Yamamoto Corporation is a company, located at Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture. [read more]
Yoshichu Mannequin Co. Ltd. is a company, located at Kyoto. They can be contacted via phone at +81 752417551 for more detailed information. . [read more]