Kugenuma Mental Clinics is a hospital, located at Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. [read more]
Kanaibaraen Welfare Center is a company, located at Kawasaki, Kanagawa. [read more]
Our company is based in a former settlement in Yokohama, Japan. We engage in various business models including international trades, translation, IT outsourcing, photography, business.. [read more]
KM7Production-概要Next-generation.. [read more]
Since its founding in the international trading city of Yokohama in 1928, Kanagawa University has contributed to the development of society by producing many skilled graduates—around 230,000 in all. [read more]
Ktjapan is the licensed Japanese cars exporter from Japan. The company founded in Yokohama in 2000 with the name "Khan Trading Co. Ltd". Yes, you are right KT is the short form of Khan Trading. [read more]
You will work with research team in LQUOM to study and develop quantum repeater technology. . [read more]
お客様の創造したいイメージを教えてください。当社ではイメージ(ラフ絵)からお客様に必要な要求仕様をご提案するとともに、アナログ・デジタル・ファームウェアの各分野のスペシャリストが"ワン・ストップ・ソリューション"でお客様の課題を解決いたします。. [read more]
Restauro conservativo su pietra naturale. Riparazione, lucidatura, rimozione macchie e protezione su pietra naturale. 石材メンテナンス補修 研磨 清掃 コーティングNatural stone conservation-restoration. [read more]
We will support your setup of the new business in Japan and global market by linking oveseas companies and Japanese companies. Based on the global business experience and in cooperation with.. [read more]
Japan Remedy Corp is a company, located at Zama, Kanagawa. [read more]
Paving The Way For A United Partnership. . [read more]
Problem-Solving for Metal Parts. That's JKB's Metal Stamping Technology. . [read more]
Since its establishment in 1995, JL CORPORATION has contributed in the development of Asian countries by supplying good quality used heavy equipment mainly from Japan. [read more]
あらゆる資源(人材・自然資源・時間・財源)がより希少になる将来、社会は分散システムにおいてリアルタイム且つ信頼性の高いデータ転送を保証するネットワークを求めます。INTEXTRAは、ネットワークの信頼性に貢献するソリューションを提供します。. [read more]
インド料理レストランの経営. [read more]
Interaction is a manufacturer and distributor of CCD and C-MOS image sensors for the manufacturing industry. . [read more]
Inari Consulting is a HR consultancy firm specializing in Japanese philosophy. Our mission is to help organizations of all sizes and industries optimize their HR practices to create a positive.. [read more]
Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC) is a company, located at Yokohama, Kanagawa. [read more]
Haisai! That means "Hi!" in Okinawan. We're Haisai Apparel, a crew of English speaking expats that live in Yokohama, Japan. We're an online T-shirt shop that sells quality T-shirts. [read more]
Manufacturer of Sausage High Speed Linker, Sausage Peeler, Vacuum Stuffer, Meat Transfer Pump, Co-Extrusion Pump etc. . [read more]
We operate as the headquarter for our group companies, and help those to maintain, manage, and grow each businesses. We always prioritize our customers to have the best service. [read more]
The Hult Prize Foundation is a global learning platform that enables the new generation to deliver social change through education and entrepreneurship. [read more]
Guncys is a company, located at Kanagawa Prefecture. [read more]
戦略から実装までお客様のワンストップソリューションをお届けします. [read more]
Grasschild Consulting offers inbound and outbound consulting services to small and medium-sized businesses. Let us be that link between Japan and the rest of the world. [read more]
Dna Chip Research Inc (2397) is a company, located at Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81 357771700 for more detailed information. [read more]
元裁判所の民事調停委員・専門委員が、過去の紛争事例を基に、ITプロセスの品質改善、ユーザー/ベンダーとのトラブル解決をご支援します。要件定義、プロマネ、ベンダーコントロール等の講演・研修、品質改善コンサルティング、法的紛争のご相談、意見書・陳述書記述など行います。. [read more]
Welcome to Casablanca Resort at the Beach of Shichirigaham in Kamakura. Casablanca Pool houseA unique Guest House with a large heatable swimming pool surrounded by a beautiful Garden with.. [read more]
C'BON Co. ,Ltd is a company, located at Kawasaki, Kanagawa. [read more]
Chez Tasaka is a restaurant, located at Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture. [read more]
横浜市戸塚区にあるCane(ケイン)です。私たちは、アイディアとクリエイティブスキルをフル活用し、お客様から信頼される事業者のパートナーを目指しています。事業者の名刺、会社案内、パンフレットの制作からWebやITのコンサルティングまで幅広いサポートが可能です。お気軽にご相談ください。Caneという名称の由来「Cane」は英語で杖という意味を持ちます。私たちは事業者の最良の杖になるため日々努力しています。事業者に必要とされる杖「Cane」をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。Caneのミッション私たちは事業を通して社会や地域への貢献も実現させます。地域からも社会からも必要とされる企業を目指しています。求人Caneで一緒に働いてくれるメンバーを常に募集しております。■募集職種(2018年5月現在)Webサイト制作者グラフィックデザイナーCaneで働いてみたい方はお気軽にお問い合わせください。. [read more]
IT Support , Desktop Support ,Network Support. [read more]
Citizens' Climate Lobby Japan is a company, located at Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. [read more]
DePost-VW is a company, located at Yokohama, Kanagawa. They can be contacted via phone at +810120-697-687 for more detailed information. . [read more]
古河電池株式会社 (The Furukawa Battery Co. , Ltd. )本社:240-0006.. [read more]