Okumurashibushiten Coin Laundry is a company, located at Tarumizu, Kagoshima. [read more]
Odawara Dental Clinic is a company, located at Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(099) 244-3718 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nishinoomoteshi Chamber Of Commerce is a company, located at Nishinoomote, Kagoshima Prefecture. [read more]
Minamitane District Minamitane Junior High School is a company, located at Minamitane, Kagoshima. [read more]
地方創生事業に関するWEBサービスをサポート。楽天ふるさと納税や、ふるさとチョイスなどを使ったふるさと納税の運営を展開中。. [read more]
Ikeda Seicha co. , LTD offers high quality Matcha from Kagoshima, Japan where is the biggest Organic Matcha Tea field. We specialize in cultivating certified organic Matcha and Non-organic Matcha. [read more]
Hioki City Library is a company, located at Hioki, Kagoshima Prefecture. [read more]
Pyxos Corporation is a computer software company based out of Kagoshima Prefecture of Japan. #Message#PYXOS is making software for the medical and legal industry in the Japan and global market. [read more]
若潮酒造(株) is a spirits company based out of 志布志町安楽 215, 志布志市, 鹿児島県, Japan. . [read more]
(株)ユピテル鹿児島 is a company, located at Kirishima, Kagoshima. [read more]
Xiner Cloud is an international intelligent marketing service co. , business segments are overseas marketing & cross-border e-commerce. . [read more]
unimal is a Promotion and content planning and production business. . [read more]
We produce Japanese Tea, from our tea garden and factory. We control every process and are certificate FSCC22000 at every step of the production even for the packaging. [read more]
vayorela is a company, located at Amami, Kagoshima Prefecture. [read more]
Tsun(ツン)は ECストア構築やグロース支援、業務改善を行うコマースソリューションパトナーです。🐾🐾🐾提供サービス🐾🐾🐾1. ECストア構築売れやすい・使いやすいECストアを構築しますEC・ERP業界出身のメンバーが、マーケティング・業務効率の観点から"売れやすい" "使いやすい" ストアの構築をサポート致します※ Shopify & BASE の認定パートナーです2. [read more]
Onenet is a creative agency that provides illustration production and management services. . [read more]
"おいしい"を探す道はひとつじゃない常に、食の新しい可能性を求めて. [read more]
Nangoku System Services is a company which provide total support from planning proposals to design. . [read more]
New Japan Aviation was established in April 1965 and incorporated in July 1969. We are professionals in:Using Business Aircraft: 1. pilot training (fixed wings) 2. [read more]
(名)森美老園 is a company, located at Kagoshima. [read more]
Marumae is a manufacturer of vacuum parts, machining and portal machining. . [read more]
LUZ ORACLE LLC is a company, located at Aira, Kagoshima. [read more]
The mission of SNBL Group is to free patients from suffering by supporting drug development and improving medical technology. The nonclinical research division of SNBL is Japan's largest and.. [read more]
SCC engages in computer installation consulting and operational support. . [read more]
SYSTEC specializes in the development of electronic devices in the fields of industrial equipment, entertainment, and security. . [read more]
Company deliver to you all the special sencha and green teaproduced in theSatsuma Seto areausing green tea grown without organic chemicals. . [read more]
SUDx Biotech Taiwan is a company, located at Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81 998001892 for more detailed information. [read more]
Shimadzu Limited is a local company with a global vision. Our deep historical roots and expertise in tourism, leisure, and environmental development provide an ideal platform to introduce the.. [read more]
Ryoma is developing software products for sales management, lease management, and document management activities. . [read more]
RESTAURANT SANSAN is a company, located at Kagoshima. They can be contacted via phone at +81(010) 411-5681 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Pianpian (片片) is a Chinese application owned by Atom Interaction (Beijing) Technology Co. , Ltd. , an internet company focused on innovation. It enables users to watch and.. [read more]
Kagoshima University is a company, located at Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(099) 275-5111 for more detailed information. [read more]
KANO FOOD & HEALTH is a maintaining the health of many people through proposals for a healthy diet that leads to smiles. . [read more]
前結びとは?洋服のボタンを留めるように、帯を自分の目で見てカンタンに結べる。しかも、苦しくない!当学苑は、そんな魔法のようなきもの着付けを考案致しました。それが「前結び」着装法です。帯結びの歴史現在の着付け教室の多くが、身体の後ろで帯を結ぶ「後ろ結び」を採用しています。実はこの後ろ結び、江戸時代に入ってからできた着装法だとご存知でしたか?古い文献などを見て頂くと分かるのですが、それまでの帯は10cm程度の細いものや紐などを使っており、それを身体の前で結んでいました。江戸時代に入って平和な時代が続くと、お洒落を楽しむために帯が大きくなり、身体の後ろで結ぶようになります。しかし、それは一部の武士やお金持ちの商人たちの話で、庶民は相変わらず「前結び」をしていました。もしかしたら、お母様が細帯を身体の前で結ばれて後ろに回されていたのを覚えている方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。その光景こそ、まさしく「前結び」そのものなのです。温故知新どれだけ歴史があるものであったとしても、服が日常生活で使われる当たり前のものである以上、技術や道具も時代に則したものでなければなりません。古来から伝わる「前結び」の良いところはそのままに、現在の最新技術を取り入れて、現代の「前結び」は生まれました。その根底になるものは「誰でもきものを楽しめる」というシンプルな考え方です。便利な和装品当学苑は数多くの便利な和装品を考案してきました。その数、なんと70点以上!!その1点1点に「どうすれば、きものをもっとカンタンに手結びで着れるようになるか?」を突き詰めて考えた工夫があります。一般のお客様も学苑公認ネットショップ「楽楽着物ストア」で、当学苑のオリジナル和装品をご購入頂けます。ドラマ形式の動画で商品内容を説明する「きもの de SHOW店」や円純庵先生による和文化講演動画「純庵のわっ」といった面白い取り組みもしてますので、ぜひ一度ご覧下さい。. [read more]
Kaosuna develops and operates the industry-specific vertical C2C platform. . [read more]
Kagoshima Yomiuri Television is the broadcasting company of Nippon Television network in Kagoshima Pref. . [read more]