We are Travel Agent located in Kyoto Japan, specializing in Japan Travel, Tailor-made Travel for Solo Travel and Small Group Travel with Local & Luxury Experience. [read more]
We offer the following services:- Introductions to Japanese businesses and distributors- Japan market entry and business consulting- Translation (Japanese to English, and English to Japanese). [read more]
Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences is a company, located at Tobe, Ehime 791-2101. [read more]
Evisu Japan Limited is a company, located at Kashihara, Nara Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(077) 594-2040 for more detailed information. [read more]
Helping foreign residents of Kobe find cheap, clean and safe accommodation without the huge fees associated with Japanese landlords. Elliott Ventures began with 1 apartment in 2003 and now has 10. [read more]
Diba offer strategic management consulting to help your company grow faster. . [read more]
eラーニング専門のテクノロジーカンパニー「ITを活用した"学びの架け橋"でより良い学習環境を創造する」デジタル・ナレッジの事業コンセプトは、教育機関や研修部門にある「知識(ナレッジ)」をより効率的・効果的に流通させて受講者に届けること、そしてこれによってより良い知識社会の実現に貢献することです。1995年の設立以来、『日本で初めてのeラーニング専門ソリューション企業』として、数多くの企業内研修部門、教育ベンダー、高等教育機関に対し1000を超える組織のeラーニングシステムを立ち上げ、成功に導いて参りました。お客様と教育に関する夢と想いを共有しながら、私たちが教育機関様や研修部門など学習を提供する人と受講者をつなぐ"学びの架け橋"となり、より良い教育を実現する。 ー これが私たちの責任です。. [read more]
Dimitri Bouw is a company, located at Nanjō-shi, Okinawa-ken. They can be contacted via phone at +810031643454567 for more detailed information. . [read more]
DEAR 高松店 is a restaurant, located at Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +810877-62-4911 for more detailed information. . [read more]
A reliable hybrid learning space on your journey to grow as a dental professional. We are an inclusive platform for cross-disciplinary, young, and global dental community. [read more]
🚀 Ready to conquer Japan? Let's unlock your business potential together! 🌐💼At Driven Global Consulting, we specialize in helping global companies achieve unparalleled growth in.. [read more]
Doigami Dental Clinic is a company, located at Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido. [read more]
Daystar Golf Club is a company, located at Mutsuzawa, Chiba. [read more]
Dai 3 Akatonbo Adult Day Care is a company, located at Nogata, Fukuoka Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(092) 282-1431 for more detailed information. [read more]
DESWARE-DESENHO E CRIAÇÃO SOFTWARE LDA is a company, located at Ota, Tokyo. [read more]
リンクトインを活用したアナライズツールの開発と研究を行います。. [read more]
Axel Kion Baugrunduntersuchung is a company, located at Naha, Okinawa Prefecture. [read more]
Akita Kenritsu Kuritashien School is a company, located at Akita, Akita Prefecture. [read more]
-Help Japanese students to study abroad-Teach Japanese language to IT Engineers living in Japan-Website Development and Management-Public Relation (News release, Media Communication,.. [read more]
We will solve your heat treatment problem. . [read more]
◆WEBプロモーション15年の実績大手広告代理店とは違い、当社は [プロモーション企画] - [広告枠の買付・運用] -.. [read more]
&Bizは『小規模M&A』に特化した中堅中小企業向けのマッチングプラットフォームです。 母体となった日本M&Aセンターは、各地の公認会計士や税理士が中心となって設立されました。現在までに累計3,500社以上の企業のご成約を支援させていただいており、年間成約数は勿論、累計でも日本一の実績を持ち、世界でもトップクラスです。実は、国内約380万社ある企業の半数強が後継者不在と言われておりますが、ほとんどの場合経営者の方は誰にも相談せずに廃業を決断されます。その数およそ3万事業者/年に上ります。(中小企業庁発表「2017年版 中小企業・小規模企業白書」より)2017年の日本企業が絡むM&A件数は初めて3000件を超え、過去最高を更新致しました。上場企業が成長戦略の一環として海外企業を買収する事例が注目されることが多い中、数の上で圧倒的に占めているのは中小企業の事業承継案件なのです。&Bizは【誰でも、どこでも、簡単に、自由に安全なM&Aができる社会】を目指し、会社を譲渡したい経営者や、会社を買収したい経営者向けのマッチングサービスを運営。また提携している全国750以上のM&Aアドバイザー(地域金融機関や会計事務所)向けのM&Aツールを提供し、サポートしています。カフェ1店舗や個人事業など『小規模M&A』を更に拡げるべく、全国、そしてアジアを見据えてインフラ構築を行っています。. [read more]
ANDOROS is a company, located at Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011. They can be contacted via phone at +810364507068 for more detailed information. . [read more]
artisocは、アイデアをすぐにモデルへ反映できる、直感的な操作性を兼ね備えたマルチエージェント・シミュレーションのためのプラットフォームです。ダイナミックに変化する社会などを、自律的に行動する人間(エージェント)の行動ルールおよび相互作用を定義し、コンピュータの中に人工的な社会を構築することで分析します。. [read more]
Culture BrandALIENS WORLD WIDE | WE WALK AMONG YOUAliens World Wide exists to identify with those who are uniquely different. Those who choose a different path. [read more]
An organization founded by Indonesians who studied and worked in Japan, in 2006. ACIKITA Founded by Jumiarti Agus, Mr. Prihardi Kahar, Rahmiwati Agus. [read more]
Ajisai Nursery is a company, located at Kunitachi, Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +81(042) 576-1300 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We expand our ability to live in a virtual world. To clarify more about what the real is, who you are, and why you are going to do, we provide some tools by using Blockchain and web technologies. [read more]
Ayanokaze Orthopedic Clinic is a company, located at Warabi, Saitama Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +810484338888 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bridging Flanders' and Japan's Cultural scenes. [read more]
Across Plaza Dentistry is a company, located at Kuroishi, Aomori Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +810172-55-8188 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ayase Coin Laundry is a company, located at Adachi City, Tokyo. [read more]
Akasaka NEPS Shinkyu Acupuncture is a company, located at Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +8103-3568-4636 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Abegg Hair Salon is a company, located at Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +810120−24−7839 for more detailed information. [read more]
AGEPRO SERVICES (AGENCEMENT EQUIPEMENT PROFESSIONNEL SERVICES) is a company, located at Osaka, Osaka Prefecture. [read more]
D P TRAVAUX PUBLICS is a company, located at Rishiri District, Hokkaido Prefecture 097-0101. [read more]