Light Transport Entertainment is a group of professionals in light transport simulation. . [read more]
Lewis Personnel Japan was founded on 2019. Consisting of professionals who have broad knowledge and understanding in their respective specialized fields, Lewis Personnel Japan is able to.. [read more]
LoveYourLifeでは【人材マネジメントの支援】を通して『人を活かす組織づくり』を実現。クライアント企業の継続的な成長に貢献します。▶ マネジャー育成トレーニング・伴走式のマンツーマン育成プログラム・理論×実践×ふりかえりを集中的に行い、短期間で現場のマネジャーを育てます。▶ エンジニア採用支援・採用計画&要件定義〜母集団形成・採用広報支援・カジュアル面談代行・採用面接の型化・受け入れ体制の構築支援(オンボーディングの設計)▶ 人材戦略コンサルティング・1on1導入設計支援・コンサルティング・人材戦略の設計・コンサルティング・メンバー育成・評価制度設計////// ITベンチャー企業の成長に『人』のマネジメントで貢献代表自身が大手SIer出身のエンジニア。さらにその後はベンチャー企業のエンジニア組織をマネジメントすることで、事業成長に貢献してきました。ベンチャー企業が成長する過程で生じる厄介な『人』に関する問題を、体系的なマネジメント理論と実践的なノウハウで解決し、事業成長を支援します。////// 一般的な管理職研修とは全く違う実践的なマンツーマントレーニング現場のマネジャーに伴走し『人を活かして事を成す』ためのスキルをトレーニング致します。採用、目標設定、1on1、ふりかえり、評価、キャリア支援、退職まで。メンバーを支えて活かすためのスキルをインプット。現場で実践した結果を毎週ふりかえることで、実践的なマネジャーを短期間で育てることができます。////// 採用から退職までをワンストップで伴走ここ数年。人材領域の仕事が細分化され、アウトソージングされるようになってきました。しかし採用代行は内定数だけにコミットし、研修会社は単発の研修満足度を目標としているのが、現状です。企業にとって一番大切なのは目的です。『人を活かす組織』を作るには、採用・育成・評価、そして退職に至るまでの一連のライフサイクルを、現場のマネジャーと経営者が密接にコミュニケーションを取りながら支えていく必要があります。採用支援や研修だけで終わらない、人材戦略を一括で考えるパートナーとして組織に伴走します。. [read more]
At Luko Luko, we want it to be easier to lead a plastic free lifestyle. . . with a smile. And we want to share a collection of useful products that look good, do good and make for a brighter future. [read more]
Liberius Technology designs a creative and innovative future beyond conventional models. We are not only a bilingual DX consulting firm based in Japan but also a SaaS delivery that empowers hotels.. [read more]
OTTやYouTube領域でのソリューションを提供する事業会社です。. [read more]
Bringing valuable solutions from around the world to your lab. " is our motto. We strive to seek unique and innovative products in the world's market, which provide superior solutions to our.. [read more]
LeadingTech can help you harness the power of emerging technologies while getting the most of out of your legacy IT. We combine business and industry insights with technology know-how. [read more]
Leimac Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of LED machine vision lights. Founded in 1993 and headquartered in Japan, Leimac has 144 employees. We are ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified. [read more]
ITストラテジストの学習ができる. [read more]
LeveColle, Inc plans and develops products that add color to everyday life. . [read more]
Engage your community and communicate efficiently to build a good relationship with those who are important to you through Lorehubs, an online community and e-learning platform!We believe.. [read more]
LiB operates job search portal for women. . [read more]
LiNew provides Consulting, system development, contract development, in-house product sales, employment placement services. . [read more]
Leoworks is a collaborative effort that makes use of technology and encourages all to explore new possibilities. . [read more]
Levetty is a SaaS platform that automates the testing of iOS apps just by operating the browser. . [read more]
Cyber Security, Energy Business, Oriental medicineWe help people to enjoy safe internet service, cheaper and better energy, and better medical care using Japan-Quality technology. [read more]
Lotus Materials Research invented the world's first continuous casting method for mass production of lotus metal at low cost. . [read more]
LiLz is an IT technology network for businesses looking to use AI and IoT to offer new services and value. . [read more]
Spring Professional is a company, located at Chiyoda, Tokyo. [read more]
Lawin specializes in the IT service industry , Food planning and consulting industry , and the Graphic design industry. . [read more]
Logistics Planning Support is an advertising agency specializing in the logistics, transportation, and logistics industries. . [read more]
LUMINOVA JAPAN was established in Japan in 2004. With world-leading CG technology, we support our customer's technical needsand facilitate access to new and sophisticated CG technology in areas.. [read more]
Lacicu offers a variety of options and solid paths to nurture each person's potential and future. . [read more]
LOCKER Games Co. , Ltd. offers Planning, development, sales, maintenance, advertising for smartphone applications & game development. . [read more]
Linear Japan will promptly deliver high-quality systems that can contribute to business growth. . [read more]
Lang contributes to society in the fields of archeology and geo-informatics with the background of information processing technology. . [read more]
LiveDeli and Musicalu, which are on-site performances, in order to provide daily life where you can easily enjoy live music. . [read more]
Luck Japan is an important element for completing an attractive facility in the planning, design, and construction of the location. . [read more]
Loohcs College of Higher Education is a modern high school that challenges the status quo of education at all levels. . [read more]
Logic Factory is developing various services such as firestorage, a large-capacity online storage service, digital light etc. . [read more]
LaTo is a rare company that consistently handles agriculture, processing, design, & sales logo design, business card, web design, etc. . [read more]
Leerenfueller's business is the development of web services centered on ARS and consulting for corporations. . [read more]
Lil World makes it possible for foreign travelers to enjoy eating anytime, anywhere during their stay in Japan. . [read more]
Linix operate business with the vision of realizing an exciting world where each and every one of the world is ahead of new possibilities. . [read more]
Live Search provides the real estate industry with beautiful property photos and floor plans. . [read more]