Soralist. [read more]
Startup Grind Fukuoka is a company, located at Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture. [read more]
Drive your innovation with us. [read more]
当社CEOの金は、慶應義塾大学の福澤諭吉記念文明塾のOB/OG会で1000名の修了生が所属する福澤文明塾会の運営を3年間経験しました。その経験をもとに、コミュニティを負担なく継続させることで多くの人の帰属意識が持てる場所がなくならないように、コミュニティが盛り上がるようにしたいという想いからつくったアプリがTiTiです。https://titi-shakr. [read more]
A blog by young women around the world dedicated to sharing stories and events on feminism. . [read more]
For more than 60 years, the SFA group has been designing sanitary solutions making it easy to install bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, lifting stations, air conditioners,. [read more]
A comprehensive advertising agency headquartered in Nagoya, Japan, with networks in Tokyo, Shizuoka, Osaka, and Hiroshima. As a leading company in the Chubu region of Japan, we are.. [read more]
SIPA Partners is a Tokyo-based strategic intelligence and public affairs advisory firm. We help our clients mitigate risks, enhance their reputation, and engage with stakeholders. [read more]
Cross-game reputation system with SBT. Assist gaminh projects to provide a loyalty program with special offers and marketing to real gamers. . [read more]
名古屋大学 工学研究科 機械システム工学専攻 モビリティシステム研究室(鈴木達也研究室)です. [read more]
We are a small English school located in Japan. We want to do the best we can for the students to make sure they can always get the best education. . [read more]
Sharp Corporation is a company, located at Sakai, Osaka 590-8522. [read more]
Established in 1962, SECOM is recognized as Japan's first security services provider. Since then, the Company has strived to create services and systems that deliver safety and peace of mind, as.. [read more]
Sarutahiko Coffee is a manufacturer and retailer of roasted coffee beans and related products. . [read more]
Import and Export Company based in Tokyo, Japan. Importer and distributor for Scanpan products in Japan since 2008. Exporter of Japanese products. [read more]
We provide products such as sealants for buildings, electronic, automobiles uses, synthetic rubber adhesive, natural rubber, water-based acrylic coating water repellents, synthetic rubber.. [read more]
Shukoh is a prestigious and academically rigorous 7-12 school located in Sendai, Japan, with an emphasis on Language, Music and Science. Shukoh became a candidate school for the.. [read more]
Shorai Consulting Japan is a company, located at Minato, Tokyo. They can be contacted via phone at +81 3 6339 5211 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Satiworks is a consulting firm to help individual and organization, leadership/organization development, team coaching, building business-IT strategy, and driving execution. [read more]
Since 1999, Sherpa is Japanese Leader Company specialized in CG Contents, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Chat System. Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and the mix.. [read more]
Developer of Desyncedhttps://desyncedgame. com. [read more]
Since its establishment in 1967, SHIBAKAWA MFG CO. ,LTD. , has worked hard to make smart products by applying the vapor-deposition techniques, as well as the manufacturing and assembly.. [read more]
Socialis Inc. is a start-up tech company in Osaka, merging intuitive design and creative UI/UX with web and mobile apps. We provide outsourced consulting through our Solution Division and.. [read more]
With our corporate philosophy of "Make Japan Energize through Stock Farming," our company, "Shikishima Farm" establishes the integrated structure from the farm to fork as one of the leading.. [read more]
■Mission稼ぐ力をこの国のすみずみまで。■Vision日本中、どこでも、だれでも、カンタンに、その情熱を稼ぐ力に変えるデジタル集客プラットフォームを創る。経済成長を最優先させた結果、この国は大切なものを失ったようにさえ見える。 一旗揚げたい人たちは全国から上京し、そこは挑戦で溢れかえり、世界2位の経済大国にまでなった。 それも束の間、下降と停滞が繰り返された平成が終わった今なお、再浮上の糸口はつかみきれていない。 一方で、地方は仕事が減り若者が消え活気を失い、シャッター街となる商店街もめずらしくない。 新しい命が生まれない1年が地方の市町村では現れ始めている。都市では、「どう幸せに生きるか」ではなく「どう効率的に働くか」という話題に溢れている。 朝晩の人込みで疲れ、周囲からの視線に縛られ、やられていく。 暮らしの中の楽しさや幸せが尊いものになっている。 「こんな暮らしで本当に幸せなのか?」と疑問視されながらも都心部に人は増え続ける。明治維新後もたくさんの城下町があり、それぞれの賑やかさや趣きが芽吹き、活気の中で幸せに働き暮らす人たちがいた。 街中から祝福されながら生まれ、見守られながら育ち、何かに挑戦することも、恋をすることもできた。 自分が生まれ育った場所で人生の喜怒哀楽に最後まで臨むことができた。2019年から始まる令和の時代。 「見事に咲き誇る梅の花のように、一人一人の日本人が、明日への希望とともに、 それぞれの花を大きく咲かすことができる。そうした日本でありたい。」という願いが込められた時代。 この想いにふさわしい日本はどうなっていくべきか? 私たちは事業を通じてその問いに応えていきたいと考えています。かつて日本各地にあった賑わいと幸せな暮らしを、テクノロジーの力で再現することができると本気で考えています。 チャンスはいくらでも創れる。 心躍る仕事や機会はいくらでも生み出せる。 テクノロジーの術(チカラ)によって、地方企業や地方で商売を営む人の稼ぐ力を何十倍・何百倍にしていくことができる。どこで生き何を営むかとは無関係に、手のひらの中で操れるテクノロジーを活用することで、その大小に変わらず デジタル産業革命の波に乗れることで、この国に暮らす人すべてに夢と希望と幸せが満ち溢れる時代を切り開いていきます。 令和元年に生まれた会社として。 それが私たちの約束です。. [read more]
Studio Ponoc is an animation studio founded by former Studio Ghibli producer Yoshiaki Nishimura. "Ponoc" comes from the Croatian word ponoć meaning "midnight" or the beginning of a new day. [read more]
SPALO is a service that allows to load Excel into the management screen, set questions for input items, and then enter in chat format. . [read more]
Seventh Sense Group provides tax and accounting services, for companies and foreign company owners in Japan. Since its establishment, the accounting firm's main clientele has been startup companies. [read more]
Sculpture Japan is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
Smile Kids International is a company, located at Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0832. They can be contacted via phone at +8104-7162-1960 for more detailed information. [read more]
Robotics StartUP. [read more]
Setagaya Racing is a company, located at Japan. [read more]
Summit Developments are currently completing our third development project in the ski resort Hirafu, Niseko of in the northern island of Japan. Terrazze Niseko - 6 apartments in Middle.. [read more]
Socionext is a global, innovative enterprise that designs, develops and delivers System-on-Chip based solutions to customers worldwide. The company is focused on technologies that drive.. [read more]
Smart Energy Laboratory provides consulting, system development, and business development support services. . [read more]
Sun Bit System is the provider of business content-computer software development, dispatch and contract development. . [read more]