Tsukuruba Inc. is a company, located at Tokyo. [read more]
オリジナル商品 ・販売・積算・顧客管理システム「S3Win」 ・もう手書きからオサラバ!! のし印刷ソフト「のし職人」 ・宅配便の宛名書きに「送り状職人」 ・消防設備等点検結果処理システム「点検プロ8」システム開発実績 ・IBM Lotus Notes/Dominoを使った各種システム ・電力会社向け「鉄塔賃借管理システム」 ・「資格管理システム」 ・「購買申請ワークフローシステム」 ・「簡易ワークフローエンジン」 ・「SAP/R3やMS SQL Serverから吸い上げたデータを元にNotes上でワークフローに流す」こと ・製造業向け生産管理システム(MS SQL Server / SAP R/3連動)ほか多数。. [read more]
Sea Vegetable Company is a company, located at Aki, Kochi. [read more]
Studyplus Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Japan. [read more]
Our company started our journey in 1968 from Kyoto, Japan, as the Ishida Kyokuzan Printing Works. In the 1970s, we entered the semiconductor manufacturing equipment market and have continued to.. [read more]
主要事業は、基板実装、製品組立、メカ・エレキ・ソフト設計です。 医療機器の基板・ユニット・完成品の設計、部品収集、試作、量産、改廃部品代替設計に対応致します。 医療機器メーカーの企業様に安全に安心して製造を委託いただけるようISO13485・医療機器製造業を取得しています。(愛知工場・中国工場) 医療機器のODM・EMSはセキアオイテクノにお任せ下さい。. [read more]
(株)青幻舎 is a publishing company based out of 三条通烏丸東入 梅忠町 9-1 大同生命ビル5F, 京都市 中京区, 京都府, Japan. . [read more]
Sugoi Mart is a company, located at Ota City, Tokyo 143-0006. They can be contacted via phone at +1 424-209-9746 for more detailed information. . [read more]
当社は「世界中の睡眠に悩む人々にとっての希望の光となる」をビジョンに掲げ、高精度かつ簡便に睡眠時脳波が測定できるウェアラブルデバイスとAI技術を活かした睡眠計測サービスの開発を行っているスタートアップ企業です。. [read more]
(株)スタージョイナス is a retail company based out of 七間町 1-5 2F-B, 静岡市 葵区, 静岡県, Japan. . [read more]
Sobokuya is a small architecture and construction company with international ambitions. Based in Yatsugatake, Japan, we recently opened an office in Hanoi, Vietnam and are working towards.. [read more]
・宅配型トランクルームサービス「サマリーポケット」の企画〜運営・SNS「Sumally」の企画〜運営. [read more]
Setolabo has mainly two project. Our first business is a service that aims to make preventative health checkups more accessible and help detect diseases early. [read more]
近い将来、多くの人が宇宙に滞在する時代が訪れると期待されています。その時、軌道上における空間というインフラの不足が課題になると考えています。我々はこの課題を宇宙空間でパネルを繋ぎ合わせ大きな空間作る技術を実現することで解決します。これにより、軌道における活動のインフラを整え、宇宙開発全体を加速させます。. [read more]
Sustainable Food Asia aims to build the foundation for a sustainable food industry that will lead to the next generation by combining the new materials created by these ventures with the.. [read more]
Shinhokoku Material Corp is a leading manufacturer of high value added alloys and solution provider of high performance alloy products. We mainly manufacture the low thermal expansion alloys and.. [read more]
Powered by AI, SeekHYPE personalizes the experience and leverages social intelligence to recommend the best NFT collection that fits your taste, for both NFT newbies and pro-collectors. [read more]
We are global car exporters. If you are interested in importing a vehicle, please feel free to contact us. . [read more]
Au sein de l'Ambassade de France au Japon, le Service Economique Régional de Tokyo est la représentation officielle de la Direction Générale du Trésor au Japon, en charge du suivi des.. [read more]
A public university established in the heart of the Sanjo city at Niigata Prefecture, Japan. . [read more]
Sansan, Inc. is a company, located at Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001. [read more]
有限会社スワニーは3Dデータを駆使してアイデアを迅速にカタチにする製品設計会社です。最新の3Dデジタルツールを積極的に取り入れて製品企画段階から大量生産まで現場経験豊富なスタッフが対応しています。. [read more]
■事業内容■・メタバースアプリ事業・NFTコンサルティング事業・Webサイト制作/Web広告運用事業・コンテンツプロデュース事業■エンターテインメント型メタバースアプリ「Massive World」■「Massive World」はリアルとバーチャルを繋ぐメタバースアプリです。現実世界で人が移動し、モノ・コトを消費するように仮想世界でも同様の消費モデルを創り出せるようなアプリとなっています。当アプリケーションでは、ユーザーは移動距離に応じてアプリ内で利用可能なポイントを獲得することが可能です。獲得したポイントはアプリ内のゲームで使用することができます。アプリを楽しむユーザーが増えることで、現実世界と連動した移動×決済を促進し、地方創生などにも繋げていくことが可能なアプリとなっております。. [read more]
By forging links with institutions, organizations and communities across Japan and around the world, the Island Sustainability Institute will create opportunities for new and exciting.. [read more]
Skai is a direct-to-consumer (D2C) lifestyle brand that focuses on clean and sustainable beauty. Our mission is to provide high-quality beauty products that are not only good for you, but also.. [read more]
Smaregi is a technology-driven company dedicated to making the future even better as a source of outstanding designs and technologies for today's internet-dependent society. [read more]
SIGN aims to create a professional GameFi aggregation platform with one-stop service experience, namely GameFi version of Steam. It is the world's first game platform that integrates.. [read more]
With realization of its immense power in defining society, SftG aims to build a culture of dialogue among tomorrow's leaders. Through our monthly dialogues about SDGs, we keep youth in tune.. [read more]
The Senshu Ikeda Bank, Ltd. is a financial services company based out of Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. . [read more]
Tokyo Electron Device (TED) is a technical trading firm with a "trading business" function that provides semiconductor products and business solutions as well as a "development.. [read more]
Two Idea is a business analysis, software development and network construction service company. . [read more]
Tateno Dennou has been introducing many solutions with three key technologies : DSP, FPGA and Bus interfaces since 1989 in Tokyo. We deal various tools/fixtures, boards/systems and softwares.. [read more]
Active since 2009, The Tokyo Pub Crawl (TPC) is a Japan-based company, credited for producing Tokyo's original and most successful bar crawling event. [read more]
Takaokaya is a family-owned business, establishing itself as crafters of handmade zabuton cushions and futon beddings based in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. [read more]
Terilogy was founded in 1989 by Takao Tsubuki (President) and Akihiko Abe (Senior Executive Vice President). The company's business model and technical focus are concentrated on best of breed.. [read more]
The Tokyo Shimbun is a company, located at Japan. [read more]