Higashitanakatakagi Dental Clinic is a company, located at Aichi Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +810568410007 for more detailed information. [read more]
Operator of Genki Japanese Language and Culture and I. C. Nagoya schools. . [read more]
テスト作成です。. [read more]
Chunichi Biyou Special School is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi. They can be contacted via phone at +81(052) 565-1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
Chubudaigakuharuhigaoka Junior High School is a company, located at Kasugai, Aichi Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +810568511131 for more detailed information. [read more]
Girl's cafe Mac is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi. They can be contacted via phone at +81052-838-9780 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Chuubu Automotive Maintenance Co. , Ltd is a company, located at Kasugai, Aichi. [read more]
Cloud Fast is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
CKD Corporation is the leading company of the automation machinery of PTP packaging as well the components of Factory automation. The HQ is in Japan and delivering the Japanese quality to the.. [read more]
English and Japanese below ⬇️•Nous sommes une petite école belge située dans un joli quartier historique de Nagoya, à quelques minutes à pied de la station Kokusai center. [read more]
Ban Photo Gallery is a company, located at Kasugai, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
Bottle aquarium is a company, located at Komaki, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
-Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services-Engineering Calculations and Analysis Services-Test and Related Technical Services-Operational Support Services-General Aviations.. [read more]
A privately-held corporation with enterprises in web design and digital marketing, sports management, and Japanese/American related development. . [read more]
Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Events with over 600+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums. [read more]
Anjo Chamber of Commerce is a company, located at Anjo, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
建学の精神として「世界文化と平和への貢献」、「国際的教養と視野をもった人材の育成」、「地域社会への貢献」を掲げ、設立当初より国際文化大学をめざしてきた愛知大学。平成24年度には文部科学省の「グローバル人材育成推進事業(特色型)」に中部地方の私立大学として唯一採択、21世紀にはばたく真の国際人の育成を担っています。「東亜同文書院(後に大学)」 は、1901年中国上海に設置され、日本の海外高等教育機関として最も古い歴史をもちます。当時貴族院議長であった近衞篤麿公が、東亜同文会を設立。東亜 同文会の理念は教育文化事業によって日中友好提携を成し遂げることにあり、そのための人材育成が東亜同文書院大学の設立目的でした。後に首相となった近衞 文麿公も1926年から5年あまり院長に就任しています。アジア随一の国際都市であり、当時の文化や流行の発信地でもあった上海で、学問の自由を尊ぶ校風のもと、中国・アジア重視の国際人を養成。しかし、日本 の敗戦によって東亜同文書院大学は中国に接収、半世紀にわたる歴史の幕を閉じたのです。その折、同大学最後の学長を務めた本間喜一(後に最高裁判所事務総長)は、新たな大学の設立を決意。1946年5月、本間学長の呼びかけに東亜同文書院大学等の教職員、学生の多くが集い、同年11月15日に愛知大学は中 部地区唯一の旧制 法文系大学として誕生しました。2012年には名古屋市ささしまライブ24地区に新キャンパスを開校。開学以来続く現地・現場での学びを重視した実体験型の教育を通じ、日本で、世界で活躍するグローバル人材を育成します。. [read more]
BIKE SHOP ZAPPER (ザッパー) is a company, located at Toyokawa, Aichi 442-0807. [read more]
Aichi Kenritsu Hiiragitokubetsushien School is a company, located at Handa, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
愛知学院大学短期大学部 is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi. [read more]
Power Stroke is here to create a world with zero deaths caused by water - by spreading our own unique aquatic disaster training, the Kunren Program. Having Okazaki Tatsuki Swimming Club, a.. [read more]
営業支援事業(営業代行/営業コンサルティング)\t中国・ASEAN販路開拓支援事業 ※製造業専門サービス(ファクトリーネットワークアジア様との業務提携). [read more]
EIBIC Co. , Ltd. is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi. [read more]
Real estate general consulting, ordering / construction housing, design / construction of stores / offices / public buildings, etc. . [read more]
YMkin. com is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
TOMEI TOSMEC CO. LTD is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(052) 733-2588 for more detailed information. [read more]
tomoaki uno architects is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
tms tps certificate institution is a company, located at Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. They can be contacted via phone at +81(052) 842-2082 for more detailed information. [read more]
We're revolutionizing the way you interact with people and retailers, making it more accessible and acceptable to use crypto in everyday life. Use the Life App to connect with people and friends.. [read more]
Aeromart Nagoya is an effective business platform that connects large OEMs, Tier 1 & 2 suppliers, MRO professionals, airlines, government agencies and trade associations. [read more]
Aisso is a brand-new Japanese company but has a long-standing and extensive experience in the automotive aftermarket industry. We are proud of being a Japanese company and the quality of our products. [read more]
We are delighted to announce that we are globally accepted used cars exporter with best quality vehicles since 2009. We deal in All type of Cars, Trucks, Heavy Machinery, etc. [read more]
at-1 universal driving school is a company, located at Kariya, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
amy gould ballet school is a company, located at Tokai, Aichi Prefecture 476-0001. [read more]
AICELLO Clean Products is a company, located at Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture. [read more]
We help restaurant owners with their marketing strategies. By utilizing our expertise in the digital world, we make sure your business is in front of the eyes of the people you want to attract. [read more]