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Hi Everyone recently our outreach group bought a juicer as this therapy is very necessary in reversing disease and also can be used as means of prevention. We want to help every and anyone who needs the help. Anyone out there that would like to donate so the juices can be free or at a low expense please let us know or call Total Health at :354-4401. or email us at Persons in need of help give them our number. Blessings
To place your order call 354-4401
The video is a must see
Your body is the house in which you live. By analogy, it is just like the building in which you make your home. Your home needs, at the very least periodic attention. The roof may leak, the plumbing may get out of order and clog up, termites may drill through the floors and the walls and other innumerable cases of deterioration may make their appearance. Such is the case with your physical body. Every function and activity of your system, day and night, physical, mental and spiritual, is dependent on the attention you give to it.
Health benefits With very few calories and tons of flavor it is a great green to help maintain a healthy weight without sacrificing great tasting foods!
Arugula is a rich source of certain phytochemicals that have been shown to combat cancer-causing elements in the body. Arugula is also a great source of folic acid and Vitamins A, C and K. As one of the best vegetable sources of Vitamin K, arugula provides a boost for bone and brain health.
Arugula has an array of minerals and high levels of Iron and Copper, making it a good substitute for spinach if you’re paying attention to getting more vegetable based iron in your diet. Its peppery flavor provides a natural cooling effect on the body – a good food for hot weather picnics!
Like other leafy greens, arugula is also a hydrating food, helping keep your body hydrated in the heat of summer.
For Sale Carob Cookies, Kale chips, three nut milk, Cashew bars, Graham crackers, Roti, Sprouts and much more To place your orders Call:354-4401 or email
Swiss chard, like spinach, is the store-house of many phytonutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention properties.
Chard is very low in calories (19 kcal per 100 g fresh, raw leaves) and fats, recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs.
Chard leaves are an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin, vitamin-C. Its fresh leaves provide about 33% of recommended levels per 100 g. As a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, vitamin C helps to quench free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) through its reduction potential properties. Research studies suggest that regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C help maintain normal connective tissue, prevent iron deficiency, and also help the human body develop resistance against infectious agents by boosting immunity.
Kale is really a dark green leafy nutritional powerhouse! It includes vitamin A, C, E, K in addition to calcium, magnesium, B6, potassium, iron, omega 3 fatty acids and much more. It is actually one of many healthiest veggies in the world! You possibly can make kale juice, kale chips, steam kale, sauté kale or even consume it raw in salads. Kale is now being known as “the new beef”, “the queen of greens” and also “a nutritional powerhouse.” Listed below are some wonderful benefits of including more kale in your diet regime:
1. Anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary fatty acids. Essential fatty acids usually are not manufactured in the body and that means you have to get them through your diet. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease swelling and minimize the potential risk of long-term illnesses just like cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and also autoimmune problems.
2. Cancer Prevention Kale consists of anti-oxidants which includes carotenoids as well as flavonoids. Anti-oxidants safeguard our cells through unpredictable molecules known as free-radicals. Anti-oxidants are related to most of the anti-cancer health advantages. Kale is shown to avert breast, colon, ovarian, prostate and also bladder cancer.
3. Lowers Cholesterol Kale consists of soluble fiber that has been proven to help in reducing cholesterol levels. Fiber decreases the assimilation of the bad “LDL” cholesterol in your blood stream.
4. Prevents Bone Loss A single serving of kale consists of a lot more than 90 mg of calcium. Research has shown that calcium helps in avoiding weak bones, osteomalacia, and also rickets. Vitamin D is needed to soak up calcium so consume a scrumptious kale salad along with salmon.
5. Reduces Macular Degeneration Kale is abundant with lutein that is a carotenoid which defends against macular deterioration. Macular weakening is definitely the major reason for loss in people over 60.
6. Great For eyes Kale has elevated levels of lutein and also zeaxanthin, phytochemicals perfectly found on the retina, that could help in reducing the chance of macular deterioration, the top reason for loss of sight in more mature people. The American Macular Degeneration Foundation states studies have revealed that consuming red, orange, yellow as well as dark green vegetables and fruit, that are loaded with phytochemicals, appears to have a protecting effect towards vision loss.
Vegetable Garden progress
Many erroneously believe that inherited traits (genetic factors) are the primary factors determining their quality of life and how long they will live. For the vast majority of us, our health is primarily dependent on two other factors:
1. What we put into our bodies 2. What we do with our bodies
A simple word that encapsulates both of these concepts is "lifestyle". The good news is that even though we cannot change our genetics, we can change our lifestyle.
Attention All Ladies and all concerned sons, boyfriends, husbands, grandfathers.
As women we are cautioned on the do's and don'ts in caring for our genital area. No anti-bacteria soap, only light colour cotton underwear, no powder between the legs etc.
What about your pads, tampons and liners etc.?
I did a research on youtube on the safety of sanitary napkins and I found out some very interesting info so I decided to give these products a try. They can be purchased at a health food store and it might be a little expensive. But for such a sensitive area it is worth it.
Hi Everyone line up and place your orders
Air is so important and necessary that we cannot even commit suicide by just stopping our breath. If we hold our breath to the point of blacking out, our brain stem automatically takes over and causes us to start breathing again.