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Sts. Peter and Paul Preparatory School

120 Old Hope Rd, 6 Kingston


Sts. Peter and Paul Preparatory School is located at 120 Old Hope Rd, 6 Kingston, Jamaica. They can be contacted via phone at 18769279900, visit their website www.stspeterandpaulprepja.com for more detailed information.

The Official Facebook Page for Saints Peter and Paul Preparatory School

Tags : #LocalBusiness

Location :
120 Old Hope Rd, 6 Kingston
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

Opening Hours

  • Monday 07:30 - 14:00
  • Tuesday 07:30 - 14:00
  • Wednesday 07:30 - 14:00
  • Thursday 07:30 - 14:00
  • Friday 07:30 - 14:00
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


Saints Peter & Paul Preparatory School started on February 23, 1963. His Lordship, the Rt. Reverend John J. McEleney, S.J., D.D., Archbishop of Kingston, blessed and officially opened the School, which consisted of 12 classrooms, built by Reema Jamaica Limited.

The school started with168 children in its Kindergarten and Preparatory classes at 120 Old Hope Road. Kingston 6. It was built entirely by funds raised through a pledge campaign among the parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul Church. In June 1963, 32 children received their first Holy Communion, followed by a special breakfast in the hall, a practice which is still maintained. The Kindergarten classes were accommodated in the building at the entrance of the school grounds and Grades 1 to 6 classes in the original building.

In 1977 the Kindergarten (known as the Lower School) was extended to include the Nursery section. This section was again expanded in 1983 as a result of increased applications. This led inevitably to the formation of a third class for each Grade, and in February 1985, ground was broken behind the original Servite building, for a new 6-classroom block. Funds were raised by the parishioners and by the Home School Association. In March 1986, this building was blessed by His Grace, Archbishop Carter and opened by Mrs. Irons, the longest serving member of staff. Today, 50 years later, we are known as the largest Preparatory school in Jamaica and at one point, the Caribbean.

We now boast a beautiful campus which houses 11 classrooms in the Kindergarten Department - affectionately called "Baby School", which is home to two (2) Pre-Kindergarten classes, four (4) Lower Kindergarten and five (5) Upper Kindergarten classrooms, Administration Office, Information Technology Lab, Music Room, Staff Room as well as a beautiful playground equipped with swings, slides and jungle gyms. Thirty (30) classrooms at the "Top School" - Grades 1-6, Resource Room, Library, Staff Room, Records Room, Information Technology Lab, Music Room, Visual Arts Dep't, P.E, Dance and Drama Dep't, Canteen and Tuck Shop and a beautiful field which services the Prep. School as well as the Liguanea Community for various activities.

Sts. Peter and Paul Preparatory is a true example of "Out of Many, One People" as our student population is "multi-ethnic" and "multi-national". We are proud of our contribution to Jamaica, the Caribbean and the World at large. The contribution from our multi-cultured student population can be seen amongst other things, in sports, academics, politics, religion and the arts. We continue to grow from strength to strength as the "Mighty Saints" we are, and continue to facilitate excellence in student learning through the provision of quality teaching as we continue to implement and incorporate cutting-edge strategies and best practices in Education for the 21st century.

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