Full scale dental office and orthodontics office
Cheers to the weekend !! #peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #flossing #healthymouthhealthybody #friday #friyay #weekend #instagood #instashare #instalike #instafollow
Are you graduating this year?? Visit Peak Dental, Gwest building, unit 14 for 20% off your cleaning! #peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #healthymouthhealthybody #promo #20%off #classof2018 #graduation # #instashare #instalike #instagood #instafollow #ipreview @preview.app
Your your babies teeth. #peakdentalja #toothsday #dentist #dentistry #babyteeth #newgrowth #tuesdayeducation #tuesdaynight #instashare #instagood #instalike #instafollow
New week. New ventures. New goals. New information. #peakdentalja #dentistry #dentist #jamaica #toothhealth #healthymouthhealthybody #toothfact #monday #mondaymorning #instashare #instagood #instalike #instafollow
Visit us at PeakDentalja today. Fairview, Gwest, Unit 14.
#peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #teeth #periodontaldisease #healthymouthhealthybody #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdaymorning #instashare #instagood #instalike #instafollow
Its the start of a new week. Approach it with a positive attitude and a smile. #peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #jamaica #mondaymorning #smile #newweek #positivevibes #instashare #instagood #instalike #instafollow
At PeakDental we appreciate all our mothers. Happy Mother's Day, your doing an amazing job ! Keep pushing. #peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #jamaica #mothersday #mothersdaygift #appreciationpost #cherish #mum #sunday #sundayspecial #instagood #instalike #instafollw #instashare
Brushing your teeth properly helps prevent so many problems. Learn the correct way. #peakdentalja #brushingproperly #toothcare #healthymouthhealthybody #dentist #dentistry #instalike #instagood #instashare #instafollow
To start off the day right, we have to make sure that the remnants of night are completely removed. And we gotta pay special attention to our mouths. #propertoothbrushingtechnique #peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #healthymouthhealthybody #instalike #instashare #instafollow
Be prepared to handle whatever the week has planned for you. Be your own motivation. #mondaymotivations #inspiration #peakdentalja #like #follow #share #dentistry #dentist #jamaica
Root canal treatment is a procedure that relieves dental pain and saves your teeth. #peaakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #rootcanaltreatment #jamaica #healthyteethhealthybody #instagood #instalike #instacomnent #instafollow
Get your cleaning done with Peakdentalja. Make your smile maybe as bright as your day. #peaakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #brightsmile #bright #smile #teeth #jamaica #instagood #instacomment #instalike #instafollow
Today marks the first of May which is recognized as Child's Month. In Jamaica our theme this year is A.F.F.I.R.M ME A- acknowledge F- friend F- favour I- influence R- respect M -motivate
#childsmonth #childmonthja #future #precious #ourchildrenja #appreciate #love #like #follow #share #comment #dentist #dentistry #peakdentalja
It's Monday morning and we might all need that extra push to help us through the day. But be careful of the amount of coffee you drink as this can stain your teeth. #mondays #coffee #cartoon #caffeine #extrapush #dentist #dentistry #teeth #orallyhealth #healthyyouhealthybody
Oral health is important. Double tap if you agree! #peakdentalja #teeth #dentist #dentistry #jamaica #instalike #instagood #instashare #follow
Cheers to the weekend !! #peakdentalja #friyay #smile #tgif #friday #teeth #weekend #instagood #instafollow #instacomment #instashare #instalike
Be careful what you eat. Certain foods have damaging effect on our teeth. Take oral health seriously. Credit: @physics
#peakdentalja #dentist #dentistry #oralhealth #food #soda #informative #physics #chemistry #toothdecay #jamaica