Nishida's Gymnastics now serve in 4 locations, 2 in Kingston, 1 in Montegobay and 1 in Mandeville! We do our best to make gymnastics more accessible for all in Jamaica!
Gymnastics is one of the best extra activity for child's development. Let your child experience and learn a lot before age 10 to bring out 100% of your child potential! We do educational summer camp, Christmas camp etc as well as regular classes through out the year!
Learn how to flip for cheer leading, Karate &other martial arts, swimming, dance and all other sports! Start with gymnastics, you are good to go anywhere!
If you are interested in our Summer camp feel free to inbox us or call our office at 883-4640. Hurry! Limited space available.If you are interested in our Summer camp feel free to inbox us or call our office at 883-4640. Hurry! Limited space available.
Working this summer and you have no idea what to do with your child/ children? Well lucky for you we are having Ninja Kids Summer Camp.😬
Interview from Ninja Kids Coaches will follow soon!
Our Ninja Kids coach's interview will follow soon!
Our Coach McCalla's interview will follow soon!
Summer is around the cornerAre you ready for GYM&LEARN Summer Camp!? It's a camp loved and supported by people in Jamaica. Try and proof its excitment!
We invite you all to our Fun-Fundraising Gymnastics event next week Sunday (May 6,2018 )between the hours of 1pm-4pm at our Blvd gym! Contribution will be used towards our new gym, currently under construction! See the flyer attached for the details. Parking is at the gym&road side. Hope to see you there!
Practice, practice, practice. Back tuck👍. Good job Keturah.
Never give up and keep on trying.Aerial in slow-mo.
Goodnight Everyone, Ninja Kids will be hosting our Tumble -Ninja Gymnastics’s Camp this Summer.Limited space!!!! Call the number below or Email us to secure your spot at our camp. Hurry and Register!!! See you soon.👍 Ninja Style..
Our Ninja kids gymnasts are now in the USAG team! Proud of you guys little Ninjas!!
Good morning from us here at Ninja Kids gymnastics. One of our ninja babies doing her routine on bars😁 Happy Saturday👏👏👏👏