I am disappointed and hurt by the behaviour of the guidance counselor/ Psychologist, Mrs. Nicole Foster. Mrs. Foster completed an assessment with my son in 2016 and gave me a report. However, I moved from Jamaica and I am unable to locate the copy she gave me because I left most of my stuff in Jamaica so I reached out to her. She informed me that her hard drive and whatever she had the report backed up on was damaged so she no longer has the report, but was going to check her thumb drives to see if she had it on any of them. She did not get back to me so I reached out to my son's now school psychologist and asked if a brief report would be helpful and they said yes. I then reached out and informed Mrs. Foster and sent her the information that I had stored. This is how it played out. Smh
Any jobs for English people with experience in Autism, Down syndrome and learning disabilities
An amazing team of highly trained, experienced professionals, whose quality of work is evident in the progress made by their students. Keep up the good work.
Is my school I'm Special kid I'm well 6 or 19 year old now withing for 21 good my school special people can help Disability people some people love Respect Honestly Manner Blessed me God Bless you Everyone bless from school
Great place for special kids