Saint Andrew's Scots Kirk United Church is a church, located at Duke Street Kingston. [read more]
Bethel United is a church, located at South Camp Road Kingston. [read more]
Saint Augustine Chapel is a church, located at Glenmore Road Kingston. [read more]
St. George's Anglican Church was consecrated on January 18, 1911. Services start at 7:30am on Sundays & Holy communion and sermon on Wednesdays at 7:30am. [read more]
The Covenant of God Youth Ministry consists of young people with a passion for the things of God & seek to declare the mind of God to kingdoms and nation. [read more]
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are church raising Christian Sabbath Keepers who love the Lord and love the fellowship of the brethren and we want save souls! We recognize that man has fallen.. [read more]
Living Pages of Blessings is a Ministry committed to the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelist Shandel Lawrence; Colporteur, Lay Preacher and a Student Northern Caribbean University.. [read more]
St. Luke's is a church within the Anglican Diocese of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands located in Cross Roads, St. Andrew, Jamaica. . [read more]
The Portmore Missionary Youth fellowship, seeks to bring young people together to engage in wholesome activities, centered on the Word & reaching the lost. [read more]
This page is geared towards gaining information on skin care and also to access services for the care of your skin. . [read more]
La Escuela Secundaria de la Inmaculada Concepción es una escuela secundaria católica para niñas en St Andrew, en la isla caribeña de Jamaica. Posee alrededor de 1. [read more]
The Ebenezer SDA Church is committed in preaching the three angels message in REvelation 14: 6-12. [read more]
SAINT ANDREW'S SCOTS KIRK UNITED CHURCH Founded 1813 A Congregation within The United Church in Jamica & the Cayman Islands (Congregational, Disciples of Christ,.. [read more]
For the spreading of the gospel, the sharing of the believers, and dissemination of information. [read more]
About us? We are an international Christian church, made up of men and women of all social levels, united by their faith in Jesus Christ, as the stronge. [read more]
'TRUTH' is a priceless commodity which is under-appreciated, under assault and becoming all but extinct. This page stands up for and defends TRUTH. . [read more]
The Office of the Island Bishop is the Head Office for the Bethel United Apostolic Churches in Jamaica. The Organization is lead by our Island Bishop, Devon C. [read more]
A Church in the city reaching out to the nations. To reach every available person, at every available time, by every available means with the gospel of Jesus Christ. [read more]
Our church is a place where everybody is a somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord. [read more]
Therefore go and make disciples of all nation. . . Mathew 28:16-20. [read more]
An informative and effective ministry that aims to Encourage, Enlighten and Empower individuals as we strive to live a healthy and successful single life. [read more]
A Catholic community in Kingston, Jamaica that has remained strong for 200 years. . [read more]
Vision : Men aligned to the perfect will of God. [read more]
Vision:- Every Believer Living In Readiness For Christ's Second Advent. http://johnsontownsda. com/. [read more]
The Christians who meet at Duke Street United Church aim to be the sign, symbol and substance of hope to the wider community as they serve Jesus Christ. [read more]
La Catedral de la Santísima Trinidad es un edificio religioso que pertenece a la Iglesia católica localizado en el centro de ciudad de Kingston la capital y ciudad más poblada del país.. [read more]
Agape is a Christian Church that is ancient apostolic in theology and dedicated to raising up a Christian community that models Jesus Christ in the love of God and others, thus perfecting.. [read more]
An Anglican/Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. . [read more]
Situated at 111 Windward Road, Kingston 2, Jamaica and pastored by Pastor Robert Stewart, JP. [read more]
Church of God of Prophecy Central Village is a church, located at 1st ave,central village,st. catherine, 1876 Spanish Town. They can be contacted via phone at +18764732226 for more.. [read more]
Our aim is to bring the three angels' message of Revelation 14:6–12 to the world. . [read more]
The Blue Mountain District is the group of twelve churches in the eastern half of the Jamaica Conference of Sixteenth Episcopal District of the AME Church. [read more]
regular service. [read more]
this page is design to reach the lost at any cost. and to bring soul to repentance, and for the spreading of the good news of christ Jesus. And the trinity of the God head. [read more]
Bible Teachers East Kingston. Where Truth is Sufficient. Join us: Sunday 9:00AM, Wednesday 7:00PM. [read more]
Jubilee Christian Church Int'L, Kingston, Jamaica. [read more]