Name:Scoop Scoop Ice Cream ParlourShop:Ice CreamLevel:2Source:KG Ground Survey 2015Addr City:KingstonAddr Street:Spanish Town Road. [read more]
Man Made:Antenna. [read more]
Name:Hyline Label Jamaica LimitedShop:CopyshopEmail:Blopez@hylineja. comPhone:6227147Website:Http://www. hylineja. comAddr Street:Norman RoadOpening Hours:Mo-Th 08:30-16:30Opening Hours:.. [read more]
Name:The Pressure Cooker PlaceShop:ConveniencePhone:9224879Addr Street:Orange StOpening Hours:Mo-Tu, Th-Fr 09:00-16:00Opening Hours: We 09:00-13:00Opening Hours: Sa 09:00-15:00. [read more]
Name:CMA CGM BldgBuilding:Yes. [read more]
Name:LOL ConfectionaryShop:ConfectioneryPhone:9249213Name En:LOL ConfectionaryAddr Street:Heywood StreetAddr Housenumber:23 1/2. [read more]
Name:Wherry WharfWaterway:DockAn enclosed area of water for ships and other craft within which the height of the water can be managed. Description:Dock For Discharging Soya And Corn Which.. [read more]
Name:Scotiabank Group, JamaicaPhone:+18769221000Amenity:BankName En:Scotiabank Group, JamaicaWebsite:Http://www. scotiabankjamaica. comOperator:ScotiabankAddr Street:Duke StreetOpening.. [read more]
Name:T-TechShop:YesSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Addr City:KingstonAddr Street:Harbour Street. [read more]
Name:The Grand Port Royal Hotel MarinaSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Tourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodging. [read more]
Name:Genesis RestaurantSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Amenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Amenity:ClinicHealthcare:CentreAddr Street:Range CrescentAddr Housenumber:2. [read more]
Name:Dick Kenkead PharmacySource:KG Ground Survey 2015Amenity:Pharmacy. [read more]
Name:Downtown Medical CentreSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Amenity:Clinic. [read more]
Name:Mount Olive Basic SchoolSource:NLA Of JamaicaBuilding:School. [read more]
Name:Church Of God ProphecySource:NLA Of JamaicaAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:Christian. [read more]
Name:Phoenix PrinteryShop:CopyshopName En:Phoenix PrinteryAddr Street:East StreetAddr Housenumber:141. [read more]
Fax:8769488476Name:Czech Consulate In Kingston, JamaicaEmail:Kingston@honorary. mzv. czPhone:8769116192Office:DiplomaticSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Country:CZAddr.. [read more]
Name:All Purpose LocksmithShop:LocksmithCraft:Key CutterA place where keys can be duplicated from originals. Source:KG Ground Survey 2015Addr City:KingstonAddr Street:Spanish Town Road. [read more]
Name:Crazy Jim Wholesale DepotShop:HardwareOffice:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. . [read more]
Name:New Creation Church Of GodSource:NLA Of JamaicaAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:Christian. [read more]
Name:MCO Nursing InstitueSource:NLA Of JamaicaBuilding:School. [read more]
Name:Holy Rosary Catholic SchoolFixme:Location ApproximatedSource:NLA Of JamaicaAmenity:SchoolWebsite:Archdioceseofkingston. orgAlt Name:Holy Rosary Catholic Primary.. [read more]
Name:Calvary EvangelistSource:NLA Of JamaicaAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:Christian. [read more]
Name:Holy Ghost Church Of GodSource:NLA Of JamaicaAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:Christian. [read more]
Name:Christian Outreach MissionOffice:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. Source:NLA Of Jamaica. [read more]
Name:ERIF 1 FIRE BOATAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Staff EntranceAccess:PrivateSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Entrance:Gate. [read more]
Name:North Street PrimaryAmenity:SchoolAddr Street:North Street. [read more]
Name:Caribbean Cement LimitedAmenity:Office. [read more]
Name:83 Bus StopBench:YesCovered:YesHighway:Bus StopShelter:Yes. [read more]
Name:Public EntranceSource:KG Ground Survey 2015Entrance:Main. [read more]
Name:Holy Name Catholic ChurchFixme:Location ApproximatedAmenity:Place Of WorshipWebsite:Archdioceseofkingston. orgReligion:ChristianAddr City:KingstonAddr State:Kingston 1Addr Street:East.. [read more]
Name:Camperdown PrimaryAmenity:SchoolAddr Street:Camperdown RoadEvacuation Center:Yes. [read more]
Name:Holy Trinity Comp. High SchAmenity:SchoolEvacuation Center:YesSource Evacuation Center:Jamaica Government Shelter List 2016 Hurricane Season. [read more]
Name:Chuck's Photo StudioShop:PhotoSource:KG Ground Survey 2015. [read more]