Most people in the world, when they see the word "deaf," immediately think "deaf means you can't hear, can't talk, can't do this or that." Deaf children who grow up in this negative environment eventually believe what everyone says and accept the lie that they can't do something. This causes very real issues in their intellectual, psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical identity and development. At Deaf Can! Coffee we emphasize to our trainees and staff that "Deaf can do anything." We may not hear with our ears, but we listen with our eyes. We may not speak with our voice (although many can), but we do talk with our hands. We experience life in a different way. Not a lesser way, not a worse way, simply different. At DC!C our hope is that by engaging Deaf youth in their heart language (Sign Language) and equipping them to run their own micro-business, they will become empowered and pursue their own dreams in life, fully living out the reality of Deaf can! If we are successful in this, then we hope that society around us will also begin to shift their paradigm of thought and start seeing the beauty of Deaf world, to appreciate the differences in others and embrace the thought that yes, Deaf people can do anything.
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