Community Leagues of Championship(CLoC) - Events is a company, located at Regent St, Kingston, St. Andrew Parish 14, Jamaica. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
The Community Leagues of Championship (CLoC) - Events is established as a self-supportive, community/Member – support Base, by, A group of young and Aspiring; Entrepreneurs, Proposal writers, Project – Managers, promoters, Students and Under-graduates, including, under/unemployed and threatened -Youths to serve the purpose of fostering a healthy community economy that Builds the productive capacity of the community through Play –Care development and branding that responds to the demands of Youths, Residents and members of the groupVision Statement: To be a Catalyst amongst Community Based Operatives (CBO's) that foster a holistic work and (on the job) Training – ‘Experience' Based environment conducive to building the capacity of a ‘Healthy' community Recreational/"Play – Care" Brands, including, local management/Leadership Skills-Set, whilst embracing Lawful and Orderly Preservation and Development of cultural ‘Brands' – as a Pillar of the Future Community Tourism Product… that will actively attract Investments/opportunities for; Youths, Communities, and, MembersMission Statement:To Facilitate building the capacity of youths and community Recreational/Play Care- Brands and Management – Skill sets, through organized and supervised Work / Training-‘Experiences' in Sports Production and professional development in entrepreneurial practices and use of technology based –Tools, and, equipment for increasing the competitiveness of local community, and, youthful – Brands.
Tags : #Health, #WellnessFitness, #Wellness&Fitness
Location :
Regent St, Kingston, St. Andrew Parish 14
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020