The 4 types of yoga as explained in football terms by Trev. 🤣🤣🤣
Being called to hold vigil for the Collective.
#yoga #yogateachertraining #advanceyourpractice #advancedyogaisaccessibleyoga #accessibleyoga #postlineageyoga #thisiswhatayogilookslike #300hoursyogateachertraining #improveyourteaching #bristol #bristolyogateachertraining #transformandinspire #yogandspiritualdevelopment #bristolreflexologytraining #footreflexology #bristolreflexologists #yogaforcancer #yogaonyoutube
I made this yesterday and it is sooo easy and totally gorgeous. Yummm, happy eating. xx
#yogaretreat #vegetarianretreat #vegetarian #transformationalspace #sacredground #sacredspace #iorestoacasa #tuttoandrabene #lamontagnanonmolla #deeprest #nurturingpractices #abruzzoyoga #yogawomb #mantrameditation #ganeshmantra #yogaonyoutube #shanticentretrainingschool #Laksmi #ommanipadmehum #vegantreats #vegancooking #veganretreat
We have all the time in the world, right now. xx
Sending love to you all. 💜💜💜🕉🕉🕉🤩🤩🤩
#yogainitaly #italianyogaretreat #shanticentreyogaholidays #yogainabruzzo #yogaretreat #vegetarianretreat #vegetarian #transformationalspace #sacredground #sacredspace #iorestoacasa #tuttoandrabene #lamontagnanonmolla #deeprest #nurturingpractices #abruzzoyoga #yogawomb #mantrameditation #ganeshmantra #yogaonyoutube #shanticentretrainingschool #Laksmi #ommanipadmehum
Did you know..?
When Rupert and Steph first arrived in Italy they headed for Le Marchethe beautiful area of Italy with old properties that one 'might still be able to afford'. They had crossed off Abruzzo from their list because of the Lonely Planet 3 sentence write up stating that is was an earthquake region.(the whole of Italy is!!)
Anyway, they found nothing but overpriced run down wrecks and so after a few depressing days went down south to a camp site in Puglia to meditate on their next step and to do yoga.
While they were there, a very chirpy German guy kept trying to chat to them. They were very busy being serious and depressed so mostly managed to avoid him. Until they had to leave and he got to them!! He was an extremely friendly chap and told them they needed to try Abruzzo for their dream vision and to go straight to Atri to look in estate agents.
They thought, well, what is there to lose? They had to go through Abruzzo back to Le Marche anyway. So they stopped in Atri. (and found Shanticentre the same day) And the rest is history. And they will never get to thank that German guy they tried to avoid for changing their lives. Always indebted to a friendly chirpy German dude on a campsite in Puglia. xxxx
#yogainitaly #italianyogaretreat #shanticentreyogaholidays #yogainabruzzo #yogaretreat #vegetarianretreat #vegetarian #transformationalspace #sacredground #sacredspace #iorestoacasa #tuttoandrabene #lamontagnanonmolla #deeprest #nurturingpractices #abruzzoyoga #yogawomb #mantrameditation #ganeshmantra #yogaonyoutube #shanticentretrainingschool #Laksmi #ommanipadmehum
Missing you guys but enjoying a rest too. xx See you om the other side. 💜💜💜🕉🕉🕉
#yogainitaly #italianyogaretreat #shanticentreyogaholidays #yogainabruzzo #yogaretreat #vegetarianretreat #vegetarian #transformationalspace #sacredground #sacredspace #iorestoacasa #tuttoandrabene #lamontagnanonmolla #deeprest #nurturingpractices #abruzzoyoga #yogawomb #mantrameditation #ganeshmantra #yogaonyoutube #shanticentretrainingschool #Laksmi #ommanipadmehum
Some info about the Body Massage training coming up in November: 5-8th. xxx
One space left on each of my 2 Devon long weekends at Flear Farm.
Are you thinking of becoming a qualified Massage Therapist? This is a 4 day practical training of Body Massage. This course is partly online and partly practical training. You will need to complete the online Anatomy and Physiology Training and then we meet for 4 full days to complete practical body massage training. This course is led by Stephanie Shanti, who has been massaging for 20 years and is now dedicated to training up massage therapists, Reiki healers and yoga teachers. This is a certified course and you get a certificate on completion from the Guild of Holistic Therapists and opportunity to be insured with them to continue in your massage career. Spaces limited so please book your space with a deposit of £150 as soon as possible. Full price of the course £400. We meet every day from Tuesday 5th to Friday 8th NOVEMBER from 10-5 at St Werburgh's Community Centre, Bristol.
First Restorative Session of the winter season is on 1st Novemberyou can book in using the link below. Hope to see you there! xx
ONE SPACE has just become available for this retreat!!! Please book in on the link below and share if you feel to! xxx
Next Massage Training coming up November 5-8th !! Please enrol by end of August, spaces limited. xxxxx Please do share to those you know who might be interested! xxx many thanks.
ONE last minute space has literally just opened up for this retreat!! Who would like it? xxxx
Only 2 spaces left on this 2 day practical training!! Please let me know if you are booking in. xx
Full moon rising
Only about 5 weeks to go for this one and we have a couple of space left!! Jackie Cahill is an amazing teacher and holds space beautifully!! If you want a space, get in touch and we can easily arrange payment plans for you and can offer a few discounts too! PM me!! I will be there as well as Rupert Fox now there's a rare find. xxxx