Glurns Art Point GAP, founded in July 2012, is the first Open Atelier House in South Tyrol, with possibilities of residency for local and international emerging artists of different fields and working spaces and curators. GAP organizes non commercial and low- or rather no-budget events and interventions in contemporary contexts of culture and art. On demand the atelier and exhibition spaces are as well open for everybody with intentions to organize exhibitions, readings, concerts, performances, installations etc. The charming Atelier House in the centre of the small town Glurns/Glorenza in Vinschgau/Val Venosta in the north of Italy offers spaces for exhibitions, a studio as well as sleeping, cooking and eating areas [total 200 sqm] and is open from June to September.
Active members: Julia Frank, Simon Laganda, Verena Malfertheiner, Harald Punter, Franziska Schink, Andy Tappeiner, Kunigunde Weissenegger.
GAP founding members: Julia Frank, Andy Tappeiner, Simon Troger, Harald Punter, Angelika Ziernheld.
TIEFKOLLEKTIV/PROFONDOCOLLETTIVO 2. the second edition of the project opened today in Bolzano. Have a look at the programm:
{Glurns} WOHNUNGS <-> TAUSCH {Bozen} Tiefkollektiv geht in die nächste Runde! 🤩
Michele Fucich was with us last summer as curator in residence and realised the first part of the project TiefKollektiv-ProfondoColletivo. GREAT JOB Michele Fucich!!!
GO FOR IT!!! RättBuss came to visit us last Summer in Glurns. Very thrilling meeting!
"The Dream of the Moving Sculpture", the side project by Zohar Gotesman, curated by Kathrin Oberrauch & in collaboration with Bagnara, is in continuous change đź’« Have a look at 1+1=3 AKT III exhibition inside Museion Bozen-Bolzano atelier haus and then try to give the Moving Sculpture a twist!
#gapatelier #glurnsartpoint #movingsculpture #bolzano #bozen #contemporaryart #museion #igmuseion #glorenza #glurns #southtyrol @ Museion Bozen-Bolzano
For 1+1=3 AKT III @museion_bz transforms itself to host artworks by the artists of GAP Glurns Art Point. On view until 24.10.2018!
Here's part of the work by Mara Lea Hohn, Body of Rituals, 2017.
...#gapglurnsatelier #gapglurnsartpoint #atelier #glurns #glorenza #bolzano #bozen #fabrics #textures #contemporaryart #deconstruction #space @ Bolzano, Italy
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Domenica / Sonntag 16.09.2018
11.00... Camminata dialogica attraverso la città / Dialogischer Spaziergang durch die Stadt und die Ausstellungsräume
Talk Glorenza, l’architettura e lo spazio urbano. Sguardi incrociati e domande aperte / Glurns, die Architektur und der urbane Raum. Gekreuzte Blicke und offene Fragen. Con/Mit: Vincenzo Pagliuca (Fotografo/Fotograf), Pasquale Autiero (Fotografo/Fotograf), Daniele Capra (Architetto/Architekt), Daniele Capra (Architetto/Architekt) una guida della città /eine StadtführerIn e tutti gli abitanti che desiderano intervenire/und alle interessierten EinwohnerInnen.
17.00 Vita ai confini nell’Europa di oggi. Testimonianze da ricerche fotografiche e filmiche – con proiezioni / Leben an den Grenzen im heutigen Europa. Berichte aus fotografischen und filmischen Recherchen – mit Projektionen. Con/mit: Nuno Escudeiro (regista, autore di “Chronicles of wind and stillnes” “Moon Europa”, “The curse”, “The valley”*), Nikolaus von Schlebrügge (Cameraman/Kameramann per i film di/für die Filme von Nuno Escudeiro), Francesco Ippolito (Fotografo/Fotograf, autore di/Autor von “T’immagini Brennero). *Il film è in via di realizzazione (eine Produktion von Miramonte Film und Point du Jour International)
20.00 Cena aperta, musica e saluti / Offenes Abendessen, Musik und Aufwiedersehen
See Morenach dem dialogischen Spaziergang durch die Ausstellungsräume erwarten wir dich im 3. Stock des Gemeindehauses (Palazzo Comunale, 3 Piano) 20h00 Conferenza: l’opera e la prassi di Bernhard Scholl (nell’ambito di/im Rahmen von Festa della Pera Pala di Glorenza) / Vortrag: Werk und Praxis von Bernhard Scholl (im Rahmen der Palabiratage Glurns)
Thanks to everyone who stopped by at Museion Bozen-Bolzano Atelier Haus last Saturday for GAP Glurns Art Point last AKT: AKT III ich / io / me (exhib: 09.09–24.10.2018) It is part of the project 1+1=3 or how to (de)construct a space in three acts, curated by Elisa Barison + Davide Bevilacqua.
ARTISTS: Michael Dlugosch... Mara Lea Hohn Janina Lange Bianca Mann Celeste Rojas Mugica Zoya Sardashti Zohar Gotesman
Performance by Zoya Sardashti & Side Project “The Dream of the Moving Sculpture“ by Zohar Gotesman, curated by Kathrin Oberrauch, Eau & Gaz.
The play is coming to an end. The farsightedness of the first act has faded and the human has realized step by step that a space, its space, every space, ultimately begins with himself. In a group of people, however, one person makes the difference. AKT III presents the final (de)construction of a space and thIs simultaneously catapults the viewer back to the beginning. A vicious circle. The beginning was the end. Michael Dlugosch, Celeste Rojas Mugica, Bianca Mann, Mara Lea Hohn, Janina Lange, Zoya Sardashti and Zohar Gotesman examine the Self. Themselves. Like in a chamber of curiosities, the atelier house opens its door one last time to give curious viewers an insight into the innermost part of mankind. Unprocessed events, encounters, curiosities and the search for one's own identity. All this makes us who we are. This is the material from which we construct our spaces. But we don’t inhabit them alone. An attempt for living together. An insight into the souls of others. A view at the end of the play.
Photos by Asia De Lorenzi
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