This is the idea of a few students, and ex, in order to make our territory more international. We offer support to Erasmus and international people from and to here.
ATTENTION: the formal group is not operative anymore.
No plans for Haloween? 🎃 ESN Catania - Erasmus Student Network has organized a special party for you! 👻
17:00 Catania guided tour by ESN Catania 21:00 Erasmus Dinner 23:00 Pre-party 01:30 Night club
For more info and how to get there feel free to get in touch with us! 🤙😎
The Trapani city game was fun! These are few photos of the guided tour that took place yesterday, organized by Erasmus Student Network Trapani - Sezione Candidata for the Erasmus currently residing in Trapani.
Don't miss our future events, follow us on our social and get in touch if you want to get involved!
// #erasmus #erasmustrapani #erasmussicily #erasmuslife #erasmustrip #erasmusnight #nightlife #beer #beerlovers #beers #beerpong #trip #erice #trapani #sicily #guidedtour #igerstrapani #vivotrapani #esntrapani #esnpalermo #erasmusstudent #erasmusplus #erasmusfriends
What a lovely place Erice is! ❤️ These are few photos of the guided tour that took place yesterday, organized by Erasmus Student Network Trapani - Sezione Candidata for the Erasmus currently residing in Trapani.
Don't miss this Saturday the guided tour of Trapani historic centre!
// #erasmus #erasmustrapani #erasmussicily #erasmuslife #erasmustrip #erasmusnight #nightlife #beer #beerlovers #beers #beerpong #trip #erice #trapani #sicily #guidedtour #igerstrapani #vivotrapani #esntrapani #esnpalermo #erasmusstudent #erasmusplus #erasmusfriends #myerasmus #tourism #sicilytourism #visitsicily
#welcomedays This Saturday we meet at Villa Margherita at 15:30 to start the Trapani City Game, a guided tour of the historic centre of Trapani in a friendly and gaming way. Is going to be fun, don't miss it!
👉 Saturday 5th October - 15:30 - Villa Margherita, Trapani
// #erasmus #erasmustrapani #erasmussicily #erasmuslife #erasmustrip #erasmusnight #nightlife #beer #beerlovers #beers #beerpong #trip #erice #trapani #sicily #guidedtour #igerstrapani #vivotrapani #esntrapani #esnpalermo #erasmusstudent #erasmusplus #erasmusfriends #myerasmus #tourism #sicilytourism #visitsicily
Last night at #alibibeershop the International Beer Night organized by @esntrapani to get to know some of the Erasmus peeps in Trapani.
Don't miss today the guided trip to Erice!
// #erasmus #erasmustrapani #erasmussicily #erasmuslife #erasmustrip #erasmusnight #nightlife #beer #beerlovers #beers #beerpong #trip #erice #trapani #sicily #guidedtour #igerstrapani #vivotrapani #esntrapani #esnpalermo #erasmusstudent #erasmusplus #erasmusfriends #myerasmus #tourism #sicilytourism #visitsicily
#welcomedays Tomorrow Welcome Days begin, the first two meetings are:
👉 1st of October - International Beer Night - From 19:00 at Alibi beer shop🍺
👉 2nd of October - Erice trip - meeting at 17:20 at Funivia di Erice (Trapani-Erice cableway station)
We're looking forward to meet each one of you! ✌️
// #erasmus #erasmustrapani #erasmussicily #erasmuslife #erasmustrip #erasmusnight #nightlife #beer #beerlovers #beers #beerpong #trip #erice #trapani #sicily #guidedtour #igerstrapani #vivotrapani #esntrapani #esnpalermo #erasmusstudent #erasmusplus #erasmusfriends #myerasmus #tourism #sicilytourism #visitsicily
#welcomedays Got plans for Tuesday night? If you're an #erasmus in #trapani, a #foregneir visiting by or a student @unipa.it @unitrapani we're looking forward to meet you in person Tuesday at 19:00 👈 to have some drinks together at Alibi beer shop in Via della Cuba, 23, Trapani! 🍻
🎼 Public concert for environmental awareness 🌳
Got plans for Friday? 🗓 Our Business supporter #excapetrapani is hosting a special #horror night. 😱
Lavoriamo per rendere Trapani città #erasmus, unisciti a noi!
Immagina se Trapani entrasse nella Top 10 delle città ambite dagli studenti Erasmus di tutta Europa, cosa succederebbe?
Un breve video per spiegare cos'è l'Erasmus Student Network e perché arricchisce l'offerta culturale delle Università e delle Città in cui è presente. #esn #esnitalia #trapani
L'intervento ad ArricriArti della Presidente di ESN Trapani (sez. Candidata) Olga Grignano
#englishbelow Stai cercando un lavoretto a partire da Settembre? Vuoi vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile? ESN Thessaloniki sta cercando una persona che sappia fare foto, video e gestire i social network. 📣📷🎥 Per candidarti: 👇 esnthessaloniki.gr/internship-opportunity
Are you looking for an internship starting from September? Would you like to live an unforgettable experience? ESN Thessaloniki is looking for a person skilled in photography, cinematography and social media communication. 📣📷🎥 To apply: 👇 esnthessaloniki.gr/internship-opportunity
Ieri sera a Piazza Saturno, ESN Trapani - sezione candidata ha lasciato, nella scatola dei desideri, delle proposte al fine di fornire attività e servizi per gli studenti internazionali e promuovere la mobilità studentesca. Ringraziamo l'associazione Trapani per il futuro per averci dato l'opportunità di partecipare all' evento #Arricriarti
Yesterday, in Piazza Saturno, ESN Trapani sez. cand. had the chance to leave ours proposal in order to help the student's community, support and create a better status for the international student. Thanks to Trapani per il futuro for this amazing opportunity.
Hello everybody!!! Save the date! Tomorrow it will take place an event organiced by Trapani per il futuro , where all the young associations' presidents going to share their ideas and problems related to the city. Our president @Olga Grignano , will be involved during the speech. Fell free to come and share your own opinion and idea if you have any! The location is in Piazzetta Saturno at 19:00.
#Englishbelow Si è appena concluso l'incontro con il Magnifico rettore Fabrizio Micari dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo e ESN Trapani (sez. Candidata). Il Rettore rinnova il supporto alla sezione, garantendo maggiore attenzione all'internazionalizzazione di Trapani.
Just finished the meeting between the head of Palermo University and ESN Trapani (sez. Candidata). The rector has renewed its support to our group and has guaranteed higher consideration to help Trapani become an international hub.
#englishbelow Eletto il direttivo di ESN Trapani (sez. candidata). Congratulazioni a Olga Grignano Presidente, Elisabetta Gianquinto Vicepresidente, Federico MC Segretario, Gianni Fontana Tesoriere e Joseph Boccino Rappresentante Locale.
Grazie a Martina Emanuela Palermo e alla Redazione de Il Locale News.
Elected the new administrative board of ESN Trapani (sez. Candidata).
#englishbelow Realizzazione di repliche digitali in 3D di questi gioielli siciliani misconosciuti per consentire visite virtuali immersive, incuriosire gli appassionati e gli studiosi spingendoli a venire a visitare di persona i luoghi descritti.
Digital 3D reproduction of Levanzo's Grotta del Genovese to allow visitors have a VR tour of this special place.
Discutendo riguardo l'importanza di avviare e mantenere un network strutturato nel trapanese con Trapani per il futuro, Se Volo Voto #sevolovoto, Confcooperative Nazionale, Drepanensis, Brigantes, Pro Loco e La Salernitana
#englishbelow II Piattaforma Nazionale del 2019 di Erasmus Student Network Italy - ESN Italia organizzato a Senigallia da ESN ESAN Ancona - Erasmus Student Network
II National Assembly 2019 of ESN Italy hosted in Senigallia by ESN Ancona.
La nostra Olga Grignano invitata dalla redazione de Il Locale News per commentare le attività internazionali che stiamo sviluppando a Trapani 🌍📢
Grazie alla redazione de Il Locale News ed in particolare a Martina Emanuela Palermo per l'articolo dedicatoci #thetrailblazers #esntrapani #erasmustrapani #erasmus #trapani #illocalenews
And that’s why we are here 😀