
The guesthouse has two double rooms and one room that sleeps 3-5 people. There is a washroom with a shower and a fully equipped kitchen.

Tags : #Hotel

Location :
Oddabraut 17, 815 Þorlákshöfn
Contacts :

10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    29 January 2018

    Gullfoss and Strokkur (Geysir) yesterday. We went the Golden Circle.

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  • Anynomous
    20 January 2018

    Who doesnt want to try this food? :)

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  • Anynomous
    03 October 2017

    Close to Óseyrarbrú in Ölfus. Mountain Ingólfsfjall.

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2017


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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2017

    It takes 40 min to drive from Þorlákshöfn to Seltún, Fúlipollur Grænavatn and Reykjanesfólkvangur.

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2017

    It takes 40 min to drive from Þorlákshöfn to Seltún, Fúlipollur og Reykjanesfólkvangur. This is Seltún.

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2017

    It takes 40 min to drive from Þorlákshöfn to Seltún, Fúlipollur og Reykjanesfólkvangur. This is Fúlipollur.

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  • Anynomous
    30 July 2017

    Þessi skemmtilegi en óvænti gestur kom í heimsókn börnunum til mikillar gleði. Hann fékk epli.

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  • Anynomous
    07 July 2017

    Það koma ýmsir gestir í gistingu m.a. einn bóndi að norðan.

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  • Anynomous
    07 July 2017

    Garðurinn og pallurinn.

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