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Sama alfayhaa phramaceutical company

Basrah, Basra Governorate


Sama alfayhaa phramaceutical company is a company, located at Basrah, Basra Governorate, Iraq. They can be contacted via phone at +964(780) 444-4007, visit their website www.alfayhaaco.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Sama Al Fayhaa is the first pharmaceutical manufacturing company in the entire southern region of Iraq, established in 2012. Situated in Basra, the second biggest city and far south of Iraq. Basra is considered as the biggest supporter of the Iraqi economy with the biggest share of oil export and being the only port in the country.

Tags : #Pharmaceuticals

Location :
Basrah, Basra Governorate
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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