Name:شعيب أبو خمساتNote:At This Location Should Be A Tag Waterway=streamIs In:Iraq , جمهورية العراقPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. [read more]
Name:الدكتورة يسرى صاحب العبايجي ( السونار )Phone:0781 851 4687Amenity:ClinicName En:Ok AliName Ku:عليAddr Street:شارع الاسكان - الاشتراكيOpening Hours:Mo-Su 15:30-22:00. [read more]
Name:ستار العيساوي للسونارPhone:07831969974Amenity:ClinicAddr Street:تقاطع السكة. [read more]
Al-Murtad Primary School, located at Najaf, Najaf. [read more]
Name:المركز الالماني للاورامPhone:07822787676Amenity:ClinicName En:GOC. [read more]
Name:مدرسه ضيوف الرحمنAmenity:School. [read more]
Name:محل دهين ابو عليHistoric:CastleUsed for various kinds of castles, palaces, fortresses, manors, stately homes, kremlins, shiros and other. . [read more]
Name:عيادة الدكتورة وفاء العواديAmenity:Dentist. [read more]
Name:حلاقة رعدShop:Hairdresser. [read more]
Name:جامع وحسينية الغديرAmenity:Place Of Worship. [read more]
Name:مفاتيح صفاء ابمحنهShop:Copyshop. [read more]
Name:مكتب نور المصطفى لطباعة الخرائطShop:ElectronicsEmail:Mmuu331@gmail. comPhone:07812206167Name Ar:مكتب نور المصطفى للاستنساخ وطباعة الخرائطAddr Street:شارع الكوفة. [read more]
Name:منزل سيد نعمان. الشجيري ابو منذرTourism:Guest HouseAccommodation smaller than a hotel and typically owner-operated, such as bed&breakfasts etc. . [read more]
Name:حسن مولShop:SupermarketOperator:عميل نشط. عليه ديون. [read more]
Name:ف اسواق مصطفىShop:SupermarketPhone:07821071932Operator:مصطفى عميل يشتري من الشركه. [read more]
Name:ثانوية الاصيل المركزية للبناتAmenity:SchoolName En:Al - Aseel Central School For GirlsAddr Street:شارع الجمعية. [read more]
Amenity:Pub. [read more]
ناحية الحيرة, located at ناحية الحيرة, Al-Manathera District, Al-Hira Subdistrict. [read more]
ناحية مرکز قضاء المناذرة, located at ناحية مرکز قضاء المناذرة, Al-Manathera District, Al-Najaf Governorate, 1977. [read more]
ناحية القادسية, located at ناحية القادسية, Al-Manathera District, Al-Qadissiya Subdistrict. [read more]
Hindiyah 2 Market is an art gallery, located at Najaf, Najaf. [read more]
Taif Company, located at Najaf, Najaf. [read more]
Dalta, located at Airport Road Najaf, Najaf. [read more]
ناحية مرکز قضاء النجف, located at ناحية مرکز قضاء النجف, Al-Najaf District, Al-Najaf Central Subdsitrict. [read more]
ناحية الرضوية, located at ناحية الرضوية, Al-Kufah District, Al-Radhwiyah Subdsitrict. [read more]
ناحية مرکز قضاء المشخاب, located at ناحية مرکز قضاء المشخاب, Al-Meshkhab District, Al-Meshkhab Central Subdsitrict. [read more]
ناحية مرکز قضاء الکوفة, located at ناحية مرکز قضاء الکوفة, Al-Kufah District, Al-Kufah Central Subdsitrict. [read more]
ناحية الحرية, located at ناحية الحرية, Al-Kufah District, Al-Hurriya Subdsitrict. [read more]
ناحية الحيدرية, located at ناحية الحيدرية, Al-Najaf District, Al-Najaf Governorate, 00000. [read more]
قضاء النجف, located at قضاء النجف, Al-Najaf District. [read more]
محافظة النجف, located at محافظة النجف, Al-Najaf Governorate. [read more]
ناحية الشبكة, located at ناحية الشبكة, Al-Najaf District, Al-Shabaka Subdsitrict. [read more]
كراج الامير متعدد الطوابق لوقوف ومبيت السيارات is a parking, located at Al ameer multi stories garage for parking, شارع السور, Najaf, 31001/118. [read more]
كلية القانون جامعة الكوفة, located at كلية القانون جامعة الكوفة, جسر الكوفة, Al Kufa, 54003. [read more]
كلية الادارة والاقتصاد, located at كلية الادارة والاقتصاد, جسر الكوفة, Al Kufa, 54003. [read more]
كلية الادارة والاقتصاد/جامعة الكوفة, located at كلية الادارة والاقتصاد/جامعة الكوفة, Al-Ghadeer - Al-Furat Street, Najaf, 0096433. [read more]