We Volunteer, is an independent volunteer group founded in Kirkuk on June 16th 2016 by passionate individuals who believe in civil society activities to promote peace and build an engaged.. [read more]
the biggest collection of FREE books and movies about oil and natural gas industry,more than 2000 books & more than 700 movies,all in one place:http://www. [read more]
Technical College Kirkuk is one of the Iraqi colleges affiliated with the former technical education in Iraq. After the Technical Education Commission was divided into four universities that.. [read more]
تأسست كلية القلم الجامعة سنة 2009 بموجب قرار مجلس الوزراء المرقم 427 في 22-12-2009. وانطلقت الدراسة فيها في.. [read more]
Noor Feed is domestic animal nutrition factory. Our productions are in accordance with international standards terms of production and packaging. . [read more]
Welcome to Moderntech. We are engineers, technical specialists providing professional consultation and support on a wide range of project-specific issues for both the private and public sectors. [read more]
Mobile Application Development. [read more]
We are a cross-functional team, skilled in fields involving the production and marketing of visual digital and non-digital content. We are committed to presenting creative & marketing solutions.. [read more]
شركة شبكة اللقاء لخدمات الانترنيت في محافظة كركوك والموصل وصلاح الدين وديالى وبابل. [read more]
كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية جامعة كركوك من الكليات العريقة التي تهدف الى تطوير مهارات الفرد وتشجيع.. [read more]
find job opportunities in Kirkuk. [read more]
We are a unique academy that provide online services, our services include: Resume/CV Writing. Cover Letter Review. Graduate studies applications in the UK/Turkey. [read more]
Is an Iraqi company specializing in designing, implementing, operating and managing industrial and oil EPC projects. Our company uses the software in designing, modeling and simulating.. [read more]
A YouTube Channel discussing English language and Literature. [read more]
Sidal Company 2005 yilinda kurulup, gunumuzde zahodan basraya kadar endustri alaninda hizmetlerini basari ile surdurmektedir. . [read more]
At Take One, we work to grow brands through research, creative production, and strategic marketing. . [read more]
أول تكسي عراقي في مدينة كركوك. [read more]
Our company's origin dates back to the establishment of Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) in 1929 in Kirkuk, Iraq. . [read more]
The office is one of the logistic suppliers in Iraq, who provides solutions for the consumer who wantto ship online orders to Iraq. . [read more]
MARS COFFEE HOUSE was established in 2020 as the first place in Kirkuk specialized in serving all kinds of coffee,cold and hot drinks. Provide Packed original and innovative drinks. [read more]
Modern Building is a local engineering and construction office headquartered in Kirkuk, Iraq. It is founded and run by a group of young engineers from different majors. [read more]
The Professional Development Institute (PDI) at the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani supports individuals, organizations, and professional groups with courses and programs covering a wide.. [read more]
Kerkük Giyim Irak'ta kurulan ve Türk malı ürünleri Iraklılarla birleştiren bir işletmedir. Kerkük Giyim olarak çeşitli ürünlerimizi hem kendimiz üreterek hem de diğer.. [read more]
Irak Türkmen Cephesi ya da kısaca ITC, Irak Milli Türkmen Partisi, Türkmeneli Partisi, Türkmen Bağımsızlar Hareketi, Türkmen Kardeşlik Ocağı, Türkmeneli İşbirliği ve Kültür.. [read more]
Iraq Electronic Business is a company, located at Kirkuk, Kirkuk Governorate. [read more]
Iraq acid factory for sulfuric acid and hydrochloride acid production in Iraq. . [read more]
تأسست كولدن سكواد في عام 2014 وكان جل اهتمامها هو التيم سبيك واخذ الموقع طرق ثانويه وهي كانت بدايه لمشوارنا.. [read more]
Founded in 2011, ENGINEER ELITE for engineering services and as a leader in construction's Special Materials sector. ENGINEERS ELITE founded to full fill the IRAQ market for a special.. [read more]
شركة الرحلة الذهبية للسياحة والسفر المحدودة مسجلة في حكومة العراقية و حكومة اقليم كوردستان على نفس الاسم التجلري. [read more]
High-Tech Garage Equipment & Tools SupplierKirkuk – Iraq, Al-Awkaf StreetZalka – Lebanon, Rafael Bou Jaoude Street. [read more]
We are creating the right voice for Iraqi brands. . [read more]
Bunian Aliraq is a company, located at Kirkuk, Kirkuk Governorate. [read more]
Al-Quds Complex is a company, located at Kirkuk. [read more]
Al Kitab University is a company, located at Kirkuk, Kirkuk Governorate. [read more]
branding and digital marketing agency. [read more]
Marketing and international relations. [read more]