An ecommerce business can have an unlimited list of challenges. Anas Chomany is an "ecommerce quarterback," a consultant with both the tactical and the strategic experience across all digital.. [read more]
(BES) is an official society at @auibaghdad powered by studentsInstagram: @auib. besFacebook: Business & Economics Society. [read more]
Aid Gate Organization (AGO) is a humanitarian organization focused on improving livelihoods, social cohesion, peace building, education, protection, climate action, and health for the most.. [read more]
marketing. . [read more]
The Company's Organizational StructureAl-Anwar Communications Services Limited Company owns a better organizational structure within the standards and standards applicable in global.. [read more]
AHC as a local entity is directed towards the fundamental challenges of humanitarian and development work facing our long-suffering communities; those include economic poverty, education,.. [read more]
Feel Home. [read more]
متجر الكتروني عراقي مختص في توفير ستائر السحب وديكورات الستائر بمختلف الالوان والقياسات، وكذلك الطباعة.. [read more]
مؤسسة أكاديمية خاصة للتعليم العالي ذات نفع عام. تأسست في محافظة الانبار - مدينة الرمادي بموجب الأمر الصادر.. [read more]
AlMeshkat for preserving cultural and intellectual heritage and everything that belongs to civilization of Mesopotamia. [read more]
A travel agency based in Iraq / Basra province, to deliver a trustworthy services for travel and tourism for both individuals and companies. Our services include but not limited to Ticketing ,.. [read more]
ABATEX is active in designing producing selling and application of new building roofs including UBOOT and WAFFLE slab. . [read more]
Accepting Others Organization (AOO) is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization, founded in May 2014 and operates in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region to achieve human rights and.. [read more]
في شركة النصراوي للاجهزة الصوتيه ، هدفنا واضح: أن نصبح أفضل شركة إلكترونيات في العراق. للقيام بذلك ،.. [read more]
Afkar Society is a company, located at Erbil, Kurdistan Region. [read more]
"Amtego" is interested in technology and digital solutions. We believe that technology is a powerful tool found to assist enterprises and individuals businesses to be easier and more flexible. [read more]
ADAD Engineering Services is leading Iraq's energy industry as the principal service and supply company for oil, gas, power, water, and petrochemical. [read more]
Training & Recruiting Services. [read more]
AL - Ezz International for General Trade, Communications LTD is an Iraqi Company established in Baghdad with a dedicated and qualified Iraqi principal, staff, and workforce. [read more]
حصلت الموافقة على تاسيس الكلية بموجب كتاب وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي المرقم (8249) في 23/4/1990 لغرض.. [read more]
After many years of experience in various industries, ranging from tea, gold, re neries, to hotels, and because of our unique position in theIraqi and Iranian markets as sales agents, we.. [read more]
Learn from experienced local and foreign teachers! Our teachers have been in the academic field for over 10 years, traveled and studied abroad, and bring their knowledge and experiences into.. [read more]
Usofts is a software development company specializing in creating custom software applications tailored to meet the unique needs of its clients. With a team of experienced developers, designers,.. [read more]
اكاديمية للتدريب والتطوير العملي واضافة الخبرات العملية الحقيقية للطلبة والخريجين في مجالات هندسة النفط والسلامة المهنية والتخصصات كافة. . [read more]
Unique Era Co , Founded at late 2010 , It's an international medical project to enhance understanding of medical facts and enhancing medical practices , Using smart linking logic maps with.. [read more]
العراق. [read more]
AL- Biruni For GIS and Auto CAD Solutions is an employee owned independent firm that provides GIS services and satellite imagery for many different GIS disciplines, including government,.. [read more]
A YouTube Channel discussing English language and Literature. [read more]
نبذة عن جامعة النهريناسست جامعة النهرين في عام 1987, وهي تضم مجمعين احدهما في الجادرية الذي يشمل كليات.. [read more]
Al Iraqia University. [read more]
AUIB is an American-style, nonprofit university located next to the Baghdad International Airport in Baghdad. This large-scale, multi-million dollar project is funded by Iraqi and U. [read more]
Alif is B2B e-commerce marketplace connecting small retailers to suppliers in Iraq. We are re-engineering the conventional retail business with empowering technologies and innovative.. [read more]
Asti Jilamo, Fine Dining Restaurant. Opened on December 22. We offers you private rooms while enjoying your dining experience and opportunity to reserve for private parties. [read more]
Alfaf- registered 2016 as a non-profit - non-governmental humanitarian organization. [read more]
Aswar Albinaa For General Contracting L. L. C. is a company, located at Baghdad, Baghdad Governorate. They can be contacted via phone at +96407801125551 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regarding to the rapid growth in Economy of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and increasing amount of businesses firms (international or local) in the region to supply its increasing market.. [read more]