Generally works with Electronics and Smart watches and Earbuds and all technology. [read more]
An academy that offers specialized training courses in the fields of (Marketing/Sales/Management/Projects Management) with locally and internationally accredited certificates. [read more]
تأسست "عالم لار سا" في 2015، وهي شركة متخصصة في قطاع التجارة العامة والنقل وخدمات الشحن ضمن مجموعة شركات "عالم لار سا"، Larsa World Established in 2015. [read more]
We are providing Environmental services to worldwide oil&gas companies in Iraq. Our core services are Air Quality, Waste Management and Environmental Studies. [read more]
In response to Iraq's expanding energy sector, Larsa Ltd hasestablished a comprehensive base, Larsa Business Center, inNorth Rumaila, Basra which is strategically positioned, coversan area.. [read more]
Libittu for construction and real estate development company. Our company specializes in design, implementation, and supervision of all engineering and contracting projects and housing and.. [read more]
شركة شبكة اللقاء لخدمات الانترنيت في محافظة كركوك والموصل وصلاح الدين وديالى وبابل. [read more]
Laveen Air Co. Ltd. is a company, located at شارع القرية الانكليزية, Erbil, Kurdistan Region. [read more]
Lift World is one of the biggest companies for elevator and escalators in Iraq. As a leading company, we aim to deliver quality and fast service to our customers. [read more]
Leemo | لیمۆ is a company, located at Erbil, Erbil Governorate. [read more]
Lgon هي شركة عراقية، تأسست بهدف تلبية الطلب المتزايد والمتسارع في قطاع الانارة في العراق. تأسست الشركة.. [read more]
سڵاوئێمە وەک تیمی 'لینک پیپڵ' هەستاوین بە درووستکردنی سۆشیاڵ میدیایەک هەتا بەڕێزانی وەک ئێوە سوودمەند بن لێی و گرفتی فرە لینکی چارەبکات بۆتان. لەwww. linkp. [read more]
Our company has launched recently in 2017 after years of work and research to provide what is useful to the community and worker in particular, one of the priorities of this company is match.. [read more]
Lutka Global Logistics (LGL) provides logistics services for Oil&Gas Companies, NGOs, Commercial Companies in world wide in general, especilly in Iraq and KRG. [read more]
Ladybug company is full of services providing the most suitable travel offers (flight -visa-insurance-hotel booking-Groups)🌎 Good luck wherever you go. [read more]
Laparoscopic hands on training institute (LHTI) is a super specialty academic medical institute that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education in Laparoscopic Surgery. [read more]
Contact Us Official Emails info@larsa-iraq. comlegal@larsa-iraq. comaccounitg@larsa-iraq. [read more]
Legal Lexis: is the leading independent law firm in KRG and Iraq. Legal Lexis strives for excellence in order to achieve the best results for clients and looks for creative solutions. [read more]
An online language teaching platform based in Iraq. . [read more]
Legal Clinic Network (LCN): is an Iraqi network of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). It helps indigent and vulnerable Iraqi citizens to obtain access to legal rights and government benefits. [read more]
Lexicon is the first professional Translation solutions firm in Basra that covers all Iraq. We provide professional linguistic services to meet your requirements. [read more]
Luna is an innovative Marketing & Advertising Agency that operates in Iraq. . [read more]
Microsoft Learning's mission is to help Iraqi customers , business decision makers, information workers, IT professionals, and developers get the most out of Microsoft software. [read more]
We created a youtube channel which the goal of it is "education" and unlike lots of people at our age not "entertainment". we don't want to be an obstacle for them, but we think that there's.. [read more]
كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية جامعة كركوك من الكليات العريقة التي تهدف الى تطوير مهارات الفرد وتشجيع.. [read more]
بوابة معرفية إلكترونية (مستقلة) تقدم مجموعة من القوالب المعرفية والتطويرية للمشاريع والأعمال في مجال التخطيط العمراني، العمارة، التصميم الداخلي وعمارة البيئة. [read more]
It is an educational academy concerned with developing languages and skills for young people to enable them to enter the labor market. [read more]
La Media Production is a distinguished company working in artistic production, media, and cultural trade. It provides remarkable quality services to its partners in culture, cinema,.. [read more]
Lonestar came into existence as a result of the demand that existed locally from various industries for ahigh-tech, multi-disciplinary testing and investigation facility that delivers on-time.. [read more]
LOCAL, is a Local non-governmental organization that based in Dohuk Governorate, Iraq. We are registered in Directorates of NGOs in Erbil (Kurdistan regional government) and working in.. [read more]
لامدا هي أول جريدة عراقيةً مطبوعة تختص بالاتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات، تصدر دورياً بشكل شهري. أما.. [read more]
Levelini focuses on providing professional interior design and lifestyle solutions to all our sophisticated clients. The company and its shareholders have over 18 years of experience in the.. [read more]
Kurd Catcherrific advises, provides information, provides insight and provides recommendations to help clients reach their goals and solve problems. . [read more]
A group of medical students belonging to the University of Kufa, College of Medicine. They have the desire to develop the reality of education and health in Iraq through volunteer work and.. [read more]
KG digital Media is a digital marketing company that specializes in helping businesses reach their target audiences through various online channels. We create customized campaigns that are.. [read more]
For trading medicine, food supplement and medical equipment and devices. [read more]