Who We Are
VYASA Health Care (VHC) Pvt. Ltd. is establishing wellness and holistic centers globally with the brand name, Vivekananda Yoga Global (VYG)™, and Vivekananda Health Global (VHG)™. VHC serves to promote the outreach activities of Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (VYASA), Bangalore, and to act as an industry partner for Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anuasandhana Samsthana (S-VYASA) University.
What We Do
One of VHC’s fundamental tasks is to provide franchisees with all the essential supports. These supports, ranging from administration to marketing, are provided to ensure that all our instructors and franchisees are fully equipped with the resources they need to function most effectively and efficiently, regardless of what regions they serve.
How We Can Help You
Starting in 2014, instructors and graduates of our courses can look forward to enhancing their career paths by becoming our Member Instructors or Franchisees. This new initiative aims to encourage certified personnel as they serve the cause of yoga by demonstrating the highest standard of teaching. In return, we provide the Member Instructors and Franchisees with ongoing support, promotion, and other benefits. Our franchise program extends to all yoga instructors and centers, whether or not you are currently teaching our programs or in direct association with us.
What Sets Us Apart
We are confident that 2014 will be recognized as one of the most significant years in S-VYASA history as we officially label the range of yoga programs developed by our partner, S-VYASA University, as the Vivekananda Yoga Program™. Our goal is to create a more visible, recognizable identity that people around the world will associate with the exceptional services we offer. We are also in the process of obtaining patents for our various yoga programs. Simply put, our programs are unique, and the patents and trademarks highlight their distinctiveness.
These major initiatives will be accomplished under our Vivekananda Yoga Global (VYG)™ brand name. We warmly welcome each and every one of you to join our global network and to continue the journey to learn, practice, teach and own our yoga programs.
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