Name:JeliPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:DarmaniPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:SimailaPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:PatgaliyaPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:BudhmanyaPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:MaichunPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:BanthokPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:RikhanPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:DhungnePlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ChalnichhinaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:PunauliPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Sangar KawarwiPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:BughanPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:DharigadPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:MirauliPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:VibhanchaikPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:SyalsunaPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ArchaliPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:KhinaPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:MailkandePlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Gurara BanjPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:PunahaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:JawagiPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:BangeuPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:BharkotiPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:ChunautPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:KushauntaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:BaironthaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:ManuwaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:GangasPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:JaliyaraPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:BinugadPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:BudhanhPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:SyauniyaPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:BisrakhetPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:RuroliPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]