#Awarded #BestRestroPageOfBhopal #MyfmSocialMediaAward #ThanksMyrjpihu #ThanksMyFm #ThanksFriends @ Raw the Restrobar by Chef AJ
#thirtytwodegreenortheast #Inheadlines #DbPost #WorldFoodFestival #EnoyAmazing #Continental #Food
#HappyRakshabandhan #PamperYourSister with #AmazingFood #OnlyAt32DegrerNorthEast #familygoals #EnjoyAwesomeAmbience. #Call9893005666 #ForReservation
#Celebrated #IndependenceDay
#Thanksforcoming !! #Superbdayitwas #SomeWhereBetweenTheEarthAndSky #AmazingAmbience #Awesomefood #AppretiationbyCustomers Thanks for Making the Event Successful #Thanks RJ Anamika for Coming !
32° makes the #Headlines in todays DB Post on #WorldMangoDay #MangoFestival
#Try #Amazing #MangoDishes #Italian #Moroccan #Shakes & Many More #SpecialMangodishes
#WorldMangoDay , world celebrate 22NdJuly as #MangoDay #Try #Amazing #MangoDishes #Itallain #Moroccan #Shakes & Many More #specailMangodishes #SpecialMenu #Call9893005666 for #Reservation.
#GoodNewsForCoffeeLovers #CCD now #Opens @ #32DegreeNorthEast
#Enjoy all CCD wali Tea & Coffee at 32°NE
#ChaiPakoda #Monsoon #BestplaceIntown #EnjoyAmazing#pakoda #thirtytwodegreenortheast
#fifaworldcup2018 #LiveOnBigScreen #EnjoyAmazingFood #aweosmeweather #AtYourFavPlace
#Mandotry 😜😜❤️❤️
#Atmosphere that #Detox & #Rejuvenates you
#Ambiance that makes you #Fall in love with #Nature
#Food that makes you indulge in your Cravings
#Spoil Yourself at Bhopal"s #Biggest #EcoFriendly Restro-Launge & #Treat yourself the best Gourmet at the sitting 20Feets above, surrounded by the Lush #Green Fruit #Orchid.
#Somewhere #Between the #Earth & the #Sky #Machaan20FeetAbove #SuperbFood