Masjid E Barrak is a mosque, located at Hyderguda Road, Agarwal Chambers, Hyderguda, King Koti, Hyderabad 500029, Telangana. [read more]
Masjid Gandhi Nagara is a mosque, located at Suryapet Road, Near Police Station, Gandhi Nagar, Suryapet Mandal 508213, Telangana. [read more]
Minhaj ul Quran is a Non-Profit Organisation founded by Shaykh Ul Islam Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri. . [read more]
مسجد مكة هو واحد من أقدم المساجد في مدينة حيدر أباد في الهند وأيضا يعد واحد من أكبر المساجد في الهند, يقع.. [read more]
lembaga amil zakat resmi nasional dengan program utama Dakwah, Pendidikan, Sosial Kemanusiaan dan Ekonomi yang berkhidmad dalam pengiriman dai ke seluruh pelosok Nusantara serta membangun.. [read more]
Die Mekka-Moschee von Hyderabad ist eine der bedeutsamsten Moscheen im 2014 neugeschaffenen indischen Bundesstaat Telangana. GeschichteSultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, der sechste Sultan von.. [read more]
Moscheea Mecca este o moschee din orașul Hyderabad, India. Aceasta este una dintre cele mai importante moschei din țară, fiind monument istoric. Istorie și arhitecturăConstrucția moscheii.. [read more]
Чарминар — один из самых важных памятников в городе Хайдарабаде, административном центре.. [read more]
السلام علیکم المنار ایجوکیشنل ٹریننگ اینڈویلفیر سوسائٹی ایک تعلیمی اور رفاہی آرگنائزیشن ہے جو ۳۵ برس سے محتلف شعبہ جات میں کام کررہی ہے. [read more]
SDI MEDIA A. P. [read more]
Masjid-e-Abdullah, Pocharam, Hyderabad, India Masjid is in Sanskruti Township, Also known as Singapore Township. Next to Infosys Pocharam SEZ & Raheja Mind. [read more]
Jama Masjid Al Haj Maryam Begum was built by OMER BIN AHMED BALALA in the year 2005 in the locality of Falaknuma. [read more]
Hazrat Syed Shah Moosa Quadri Bagdadi R. A is a Great Grand Son Peerane Peer Hazart Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani Shai al lillah R. H) (Gouse ul Azam Dastagir. [read more]
Alhamdulillah, we established IHYA-US-USUNNAH for educational and welfare activities and up on all to propagate authentic Islamic education up on the understanding of Salaf (pious predecessors).. [read more]
islamic books and islamic related items available. [read more]
We arrange HAJJ, UMRAH, ZIYARAT. Asghar Razvi : 9966111749 , 040-24525354. [read more]
Help for Poor People. . Work for Only ALLAH Hafiz Hakeem Sahab - 9247339373 Hafiz Khaleel Sahab - 9440852758 Hafiz Ismail Sahab - 9700711787. [read more]
چهار منار هو مسجد جامع يقع في حيدر آباد بالهند. أحد معالم مدينة حيدر آباد بالهند ويعنى مسجد الأربع مآذن.. [read more]
This page is about Islamic organisation Dawat us sunnah Islamic Center based in Hyderabad. [read more]
Come! Join Hands with us to Support the Poor. . . . [read more]
Al Mahadul Al Aali Al Islami established in 2000 to promote research on islamic science. . [read more]
Mahboobia welfare society. . [read more]
UppalHub - A Company which helps you to Promote your Business in Uppal Market. . [read more]
islamic short and full videos. [read more]
share the facts of islam and bound muslim under tawheed, caution muslims from anti islamic elements who are misguideing muslims and spreading violence. [read more]
This page has been created to help the community track the construction of Ibadath Khana-e-Hussaini. Updates will be posted on the construction progress. [read more]
查米纳塔门(Charminar),建成于公元1591年,是位于印度泰倫加納邦首府海德拉巴的一个清真寺,也是印度著名的文化古迹。這座清真寺已成为印度海德拉巴市的標誌。查米纳塔门位于穆西河的东岸 ,在西北方有一个拉德市场,而在其正西方有一座用花岗岩搭建的雕梁画栋的麦加清真寺。而塔内的每一层也是一个大广场。查米纳塔门的英文名稱Charminar是由两个乌尔都语单词“Chār”和“Minar”结合、翻译而成的,乃“四座塔”的意思,而“四”在伊斯兰教有很重要的意义。这四座同等高度的塔都拥有着华丽的塔尖,并且与寺庙是连为一体的,由下方的四个巨大的拱门支撑起来。传闻对于寺庙的文献记载,现负责该寺庙的印度考古调查局表示:“现在有很多种研究和学说,在探讨查米纳塔门被建造的原因。然而,查米纳塔门修建在当时的市中心这一点是人们所公认的,之所以被建在市中心,是因为人们要庆祝当时肆虐的瘟疫被彻底消灭。”16世紀末,当时统治该地的邦王-库塔沙,为吞噬城市的瘟疫的消灭,深深地祷告,并起誓要在他做祷告的地方修建一座清真寺。但根据17世纪一位叫Jean de Thévenot的法国人以波斯语文献记载和补充的陈述,查米纳塔门修建于公元1591年,修建的目的是庆祝第二个伊斯兰千禧年的到来(伊斯兰历1000年),當年伊斯兰世界普天同庆,库塔沙认为海德拉巴这座城是個庆祝节日的好地方,于是在1591年修建了查米纳塔门 。统治者库塔沙在为查米纳塔门奠基时,用空行母骈文做祷告,念诵经文,内容如下:外部链接Photos of Charminar on HyderabadPlanet. [read more]
The center which helps students get islamic morals and proper recitation of holy Quran and good communicative speaker in Arabic and English languages,. [read more]
And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims. " (Al-Qur'an, 41:33). [read more]
Al-salah. info helps you navigate to the masjid for scheduled salah and its location. http://al-salah. info/. [read more]
Providing Information About Islam in English Inshahallah. [read more]
Even though the religious work is being done on the land of India, either the construction of mosques or installation of borewells, establishment of schools, or foundation of school or publication.. [read more]
The Ashurkhana Nawab Sayyid Jamshed Ali Khan, also known as the Lohe Ki Kamaan, is an ashurkhana in Hyderabad ,Telengana, India. It was Founded in 1650. [read more]